Q&A for How to Care for a Hoya Plant

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    What potting mix should I use for a Hoya?
    Harmony Corelitz
    Plant Specialist
    Harmony Corelitz is a Plant Specialist and the Ecommerce Manager at Crimson Horticultural Rarities, Inc, a boutiue offering rare plants, flower arragements, and handmade goods. Harmony grew up helping her parents run their family business in plant maintenance and interior plantscaping. Harmony specializes in indoor plant care and interior plant design. Prior to her workwith Crimson Horticultural Rarities, she started her pop-up plant and vintage home goods shop called Younger Child and helped her former employer, Plants and Friends, grow and expand to two locations. She holds a BA from the University of San Francisco.
    Plant Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Pot Hoyas in a well-draining potting mix. I suggest three-quarters of succulent mix with one-quarter general potting soil, though a full succulent mix is fine for them indoors, as long as the mix doesn't contain any compost.
  • Question
    How often should I water my Hoya?
    Harmony Corelitz
    Plant Specialist
    Harmony Corelitz is a Plant Specialist and the Ecommerce Manager at Crimson Horticultural Rarities, Inc, a boutiue offering rare plants, flower arragements, and handmade goods. Harmony grew up helping her parents run their family business in plant maintenance and interior plantscaping. Harmony specializes in indoor plant care and interior plant design. Prior to her workwith Crimson Horticultural Rarities, she started her pop-up plant and vintage home goods shop called Younger Child and helped her former employer, Plants and Friends, grow and expand to two locations. She holds a BA from the University of San Francisco.
    Plant Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Hoyas are semi-succulents, so you can let the soil dry out quite a bit in between watering. I suggest letting the soil dry out about three-quarters of the way before you water them again, because they hold a lot of water in the leaves themselves.
  • Question
    How much light do Hoyas need?
    Harmony Corelitz
    Plant Specialist
    Harmony Corelitz is a Plant Specialist and the Ecommerce Manager at Crimson Horticultural Rarities, Inc, a boutiue offering rare plants, flower arragements, and handmade goods. Harmony grew up helping her parents run their family business in plant maintenance and interior plantscaping. Harmony specializes in indoor plant care and interior plant design. Prior to her workwith Crimson Horticultural Rarities, she started her pop-up plant and vintage home goods shop called Younger Child and helped her former employer, Plants and Friends, grow and expand to two locations. She holds a BA from the University of San Francisco.
    Plant Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Hoyas need a lot of natural light, but too much direct sun can cause sunburn. Ideally, keep them directly in front of a northern or eastern window, or keep them within 3-5 feet from a southern or western window.
  • Question
    Should I cut the long vines that don't have any leaves?
    Community Answer
    No! Leaves (and blooms) will appear along those vines in good time.
  • Question
    My hoya has outgrown its pot, how do I trim or thin it?
    Community Answer
    Repotting it in a container just one size larger than the one it is in would be better than thinning it.
  • Question
    The blossom is exuding a drop of something clear. Could it be water, a symbolic tear from my mom, who left me the plant?
    Community Answer
    It is a nectar just like honey.
  • Question
    How do I grow a hoya plant from a cutting?
    Community Answer
    Simply cut and submerge the cutting in water. Roots will form in a month and will be ready for soil.
  • Question
    My four year old Hoya plant has never bloomed. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    It should have at least 3 to 4 hours of indirect sunlight. Fertilizer every 2 weeks during spring and summer.
  • Question
    Can I re-pot a hoya while it has flowers on it?
    Community Answer
    It's not advisable, it would likely cause the flowers to drop. The buds and flowers need time to develop. Disturbing/repotting them while they're blooming would likely cause the blooms to fall off.
  • Question
    Do I repot a hoya plant the same way if it's large and old?
    Community Answer
    You can repot it in exactly the same way, just be a little more gentle with it if it is large and old.
  • Question
    How can I save my 50 year-old Hoya that appears to be dying?
    Community Answer
    Do some pruning, make sure it's not over watered and is getting enough light (but not constant direct sunlight). They like light in spring and summer, but not constant strong light. Feed it with a regular plant food after you water it, then add a diluted solution of plant food.
  • Question
    I inherited a Hoya about 9 months ago. It is in my conservatory and looks very healthy. It has new leaves growing but no flowers yet. The leaves are dark green flecked with white, is that normal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, I believe it is normal for the leaves to have speckles. I once read an article that said that the plants like to be root bound before they will flower. I had one and it had beautiful fragrant flowers. I kept it in a small hanging planter for over a year before it started to bloom.
  • Question
    My Hoya has a semi-curled leaf. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Some Hoyas have curled leaves, but if you don't believe that this is supposed to be the case with yours, then it could possibly be due to overwatering or a lack of nutrition. Try feeding it some plant food. I usually water it half way before adding a diluted plant food to prevent burning the roots!
  • Question
    What is wrong if my Hoya only has one bloom every year?
    Community Answer
    Let it get root bound and it will flower twice a year. It is a tropical plant and does not rely on rich soil, but instead on a very intricate root system. It loves to be dry before watering. Let all water run completely out of bottom of pot. Roots do not like being wet. Opposite of clematis, which love wet feet.
  • Question
    My Hoya plant grew very well in the first few years, but suddenly the leaves just turned yellow and got very thin. What is wrong with my plant?
    Community Answer
    You are most likely watering it too often, which can cause the leaves to become yellow. Only water your plant when the soil is dry.
  • Question
    What causes the flowers to drop before they open?
    Community Answer
    This can be caused by moving or over-watering the plant. The buds take time to open, so don't move your plant when you start to see flower buds. Patience is key!
  • Question
    What do I do if my hoya plant is bending?
    Community Answer
    Put a wooden stake into the soil beside the plant and use gardening tape to tape the plant to the wooden stake.
  • Question
    I got two slips for Christmas. Do I let them root before planting them?
    Community Answer
    Start them in a small pot, let them grow a bit, then transplant them in the ground.
  • Question
    Is it okay to prune my hoya during the winter?
    Community Answer
    It is generally better to prune most any plant while it is in active growth. In most climates, this is likely to be spring when they come out of a winter rest and into the longer growing days of spring. Be aware that pruning a mature plant might reduce flowering for some time.
  • Question
    How can I tend to a hoya plant with yellowing leaves?
    Community Answer
    Remove the yellow leaves, and let the potted plant dry out completely between watering. Mine has been in this pot for ten years, and I water it no more than once a month. I get two or three blooms each year, and the last time there were more than 100 flower clusters.
  • Question
    Do they become yellowish in color when they are overwatered?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If they become yellow, leave them without water for a few days. The color should begin to return.
  • Question
    How do I prevent mold on my hoya plant?
    Community Answer
    When you water, make sure you empty the drip tray. Do not let the pot sit in water. Make sure you let the soil almost dry out before you water.
  • Question
    What do I feed my hoya plant? Do I cut off the old leaves that look sick?
    Community Answer
    Give it fertilizer, every 2 weeks or so during spring/summer and less frequently during the colder months. Also, yes, you should prune your plant so that only healthy looking leaves are left.
  • Question
    Should I trim my hoya plant if it has bare vines that are long?
    Community Answer
    No! Eventually, with the right care, leaves and blooms may grow from those vines.
  • Question
    When can I repot my hoya into a larger pot?
    Community Answer
    I’d give it 3+ years after getting it before repotting. I could tell mine was pretty pot-bound when the water seemed to just flow right through without soaking anything up.
  • Question
    Should I trim my hoya plant if the vines and stems are climbing all over?
    Community Answer
    Hoya will always grow long vines. Allow vines to get 3 feet long. If the vines are too long for you, you can cut them back. You can propagate the cut vines to produce more plants.
  • Question
    Why are the leaves on my hoya plant shriveling up?
    Community Answer
    If it is shriveling up, check the moisture. The plant being too dry will cause leaves to wrinkle, then curl and feel softer. Leaves will eventually drop off. Just water, then allow to dry out again.
  • Question
    Do I water an indoor hoya plant from the top, or water from the bottom of the container?
    Community Answer
    I have always watered from the top, as hoya does not like soggy roots. I water until water starts dripping from the bottom of pot, then let it dry out again and repeat.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of mites on my hoya plant?
    Community Answer
    Insecticidal soap is safe for them; follow the directions and use as needed.
  • Question
    My plant has long tentacles with yellow and black spots on them. Do I need to treat it?
    Community Answer
    As the fungus develops, those black spots on leaves are ringed with yellow. Leaf to leaf during watering, treating black leaf spot should be first on your agenda.
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