Q&A for How to Carry a Girl

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    How do I carry a girl who is heavy than me?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The fireman's carry is great for picking up someone heavier than you! Thread your arm around the crook of their right knee, and rest their torso across your shoulders. Then, lift with your legs!
  • Question
    How can I pick her up without it being awkward?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Ask her permission first, so she knows what to expect. Then, keep your hands on her legs and back to avoid any awkward touching.
  • Question
    How can I give a girl a piggyback ride?
    Community Answer
    Bend down in a squat, have her jump onto your back or shoulders, and hold her legs. Lean forward for support. Be cautious when straightening up with her weight on your back so you don't hurt yourself.
  • Question
    How to lift/carry a pregnant woman safely?
    Natalie Walters
    Community Answer
    The fireman style would probably not be the best. I suggest bridal style instead, which is the first lift shown, as it would perhaps be easier on her tummy.
  • Question
    What if other people show disapproval or try to stop me from carrying her?
    Community Answer
    If she's okay with it, tell the other people to mind their own business. If anything is making her uncomfortable, put her down right away. Keep in mind that it is inappropriate to carry someone around in certain situations, like church, school, etc. Don't try this anywhere you're supposed to be serious and focused on something else.
  • Question
    How can I carry a girl and run?
    Community Answer
    A fireman's carry is best when running since her weight is distributed over your shoulders and you can have a hand free to balance yourself if you pick her up correctly. Since the weight is on your shoulders you are more balanced overall since you aren't front heavy (carrying her in front of you) or unbalanced on either side as badly as just throwing her over your one shoulder. A fireman carry is a carry used by various armed forces to get people out of conflict quickly if they cannot walk.
  • Question
    How much weight can I hold?
    Community Answer
    This varies from person to person. It depends on your own body weight and how strong you are.
  • Question
    What is the first method called?
    Community Answer
    This way of carrying a girl is usually called "bridal style." It is the most common way for a man to carry a woman.
  • Question
    How do I pick up a girl bridal style?
    Community Answer
    The method referred to as "bridal style"is the first method presented in this tutorial.
  • Question
    How do I carry a child when they're getting too heavy?
    Community Answer
    If the child is able to walk, you should insist that they walk. If the child is disabled you should use a stroller or carrier.
  • Question
    How do I carry a girl who is asleep?
    Community Answer
    If she is okay with you doing it, or if it is a medical emergency, simply follow the steps in this article.
  • Question
    How do I carry a person who's sleeping positioned flat?
    Community Answer
    Bridal style, like in the first method. Put one of your arms under the person's legs and your other arm behind the back.
  • Question
    What workout should I do to train for a fireman carry?
    Community Answer
    Squats and deadlifting should help a lot, because the fireman carry mostly uses your back and legs.
  • Question
    Is a fireman carry and an over the shoulder carry the same or different?
    Community Answer
    They're just two different terms for the same type of carry.
  • Question
    How can a girl pick up another girl romantically?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how strong you are, but I recommend trying the bridal carry, which is Method 1 in the article.
  • Question
    Are there some exercises that will make me better able to carry a girl?
    Community Answer
    Push-ups, pull-ups, bench dips, and triceps extensions will help - anything that works your upper arms, but also your legs, which you are using to lift her.
  • Question
    How can I communicate to my boyfriend that I want him to hold me?
    Community Answer
    If he's your boyfriend, you should feel comfortable telling him what you want. Just ask, "Will you hold me?" I'm sure he'll say yes.
  • Question
    Can I lift a girl as a kid?
    Community Answer
    That depends on how much the girl weighs and how strong you are. Make sure you have her permission before you try, and use the techniques in the article so you don't hurt yourself.
  • Question
    What muscles are used when doing the fireman carry?
    Karis Sokan
    Community Answer
    There are many, but mainly your glutes, quads, back muscles and hamstrings.
  • Question
    How can I practice carrying someone over the threshold, as in on a honeymoon? Are there any exercises that will help me get strong enough to do this?
    Community Answer
    Do squats to build leg muscle, as well as back, core, and arm exercises. Also, make sure to stretch so you won't sprain anything.
  • Question
    I'm not heavy at all, I'm really lightweight. How do I get a girl to carry me?
    Community Answer
    By asking her, of course. It is totally fine as long as both of you want it.Try using some easier carrying styles, like piggyback.
  • Question
    Why specifically a girl? I don't see how a boy would be injured in any way.
    Community Answer
    Anybody can lift another person with their consent. This article was made by someone keeping lifting a girl in mind. These steps apply to lifting a boy too, if need be.
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