Q&A for How to Catch a Grasshopper

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    What time of day is best for me to look for grasshoppers?
    Community Answer
    The early part of the day is best, as they tend to sleep during the night. Also, they can be easily spotted in the daylight.
  • Question
    Can I make my own cages for grasshoppers?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can use a large jar or plastic container for a cage.
  • Question
    What if there is no tall grass?
    Community Answer
    You do not have to have tall grass. Grasshoppers can hide in shorter grass too, and you might have some luck finding them in your lawn.
  • Question
    The bottle trap isn't working and I really want a pet grasshopper. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Check dry, grassy areas. They like edges of forests, roadsides, and urban areas. Walk through the grass staring at your feet and you are sure to see something.
  • Question
    Can I catch grasshoppers with my bare hands?
    Top Answerer
    It's possible, but really difficult to catch them and not crush them.
  • Question
    Can I find grasshoppers at pet shops?
    Community Answer
    Yes, some pet shops sell grasshoppers or locusts as live feed for pets, and they are usually cheap to buy.
  • Question
    How do I make the water bottle trap without attracting spiders?
    Community Answer
    There's no way you can do it for sure, but you could try spreading some Vaseline along the inside of the bottle, which might discourage spiders from climbing inside.
  • Question
    What do grasshoppers not like? Can I put or plant anything around my lilies and hibiscus to keep grasshoppers away?
    Community Answer
    You can try dusting your plants with all-purpose flour, as this will cause their mouths to gum up and they will most likely die. Try planting a cilantro border around your plants, as grasshoppers cannot stand the smell. Grasshoppers also hate the smell and taste of garlic.
  • Question
    How much grass should I keep for the grasshopper?
    Community Answer
    Around one fistful of grass per week will keep it alive and well. If you have multiple grasshoppers, triple the amount.
  • Question
    How much grass should I keep for a grasshopper?
    Community Answer
    Grasshoppers will eat pretty much anything green. They also love tomatoes and bell peppers. How much you give them depends on the size and quantity of grasshoppers, but they eat a lot, so if it’s big enough for them to climb on and it’s a little larger than they are, it should be enough. If they run out of food, put a little more in.
  • Question
    Where can I buy a grasshopper trap?
    Community Answer
    Some stores like Walmart have bug traps, including those made for grasshoppers and crickets, but usually these traps are for getting rid of them, meaning they won't survive the trap. If you want to keep a grasshopper, make the bottle trap in Method 2.
  • Question
    Are leafy bushes a place where grasshoppers live?
    Community Answer
    Grasshoppers live on the edges of forests and in tall grass along roadsides and weeds. Some may be found in leafy bushes too.
  • Question
    How can I bring in grasshoppers to my pond as a source of food for the fish?
    Community Answer
    If they don't need to be alive, use the molasses trap or soapy water trap, which is likely to kill them. If they need to be alive, the fuzzy blanket method is better.
  • Question
    How many grasshoppers can the bottle trap hold?
    Community Answer
    1- 5 grasshoppers can fit, but the grasshoppers won't appreciate it and will probably not go in if there are more than 2 already in there.
  • Question
    How do I catch a grasshopper if they're hard to catch?
    Community Answer
    Creep up on them slowly, with your hands out. They might see you, but in one quick swipe, cup your hand over it.
  • Question
    Where can I find a grasshopper if I have no grass?
    Community Answer
    Go to a park or to somewhere where there is grass. Or even go to a friend or family’s house where there is grass.
  • Question
    Why do we need grasshoppers?
    Community Answer
    Grasshoppers are the major, above ground, insect consumer of vegetation on grasslands. They have an important role in the ecosystem as prey for other animals and in nutrient cycling. When grasshoppers damage crops or threaten to consume too much forage, insecticides are now used to control their populations.
  • Question
    What is a bug that looks like a cockroach, with a thick butt and small antennae? Do they make armies like cockroaches do?
    Community Answer
    Here are some possibilities: They might be crickets, June bugs or Asian longhorn beetles.
  • Question
    Will grasshoppers come even if I don't have dense vegetation in my garden?
    Tim C
    Community Answer
    Yes, they should. You should probably use a trap to catch them though. If you want them live, use a bottle trap. If not, use a molasses trap or soapy water trap.
  • Question
    Are grasshoppers useful to the Earth?
    Community Answer
    Grasshoppers provide a balance. If you have too many, their excess could be problematic. They serve as food for bigger insects and prey, while they may damage some crops.
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