Q&A for How to Choose a Name when Changing It

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    My name's Emma but I really wanna go by a different name. I was of Milan and I was using online for quite a while but I also really like Lewis. I'm German, should I pick a more traditional one?
    Community Answer
    It’s all up to you. If you like the name Lewis, you can use that name, but if you want to go more traditional, that’s fine too. It all depends on what you want.
  • Question
    I am deciding between the names Hailey and Laura. Which one is better?
    Community Answer
    In my opinion, Hailey. But it depends on what you want your name to sound like, Laura seems more 'normal' and Hailey more unusual to me. Or you could also go for both. Use one as your first and one as your middle name, like Laura Hailey.
  • Question
    I'm trans -- my name is Lea, and I want to change it to Levi or Lee, but I can't find a name that really fits. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Remember that you don't have to make it close to your real name. You could go from Lea all the way to Roger if you wanted to. Lea backwards is Ael, which is close to Earl, so you could do that, too. Or you could ask some of your friends for suggestions.
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    I'm a boy. My name is Ashley. I want to choose a new name for a new personality. Can I name myself Jessica and still be a boy?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can be a boy named Jessica if you want to, but traditionally speaking, it is a girl's name, unlike Ashley which is a name common to both genders.
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    My name is Beth, but I really hate that name. I prefer to go by Frisk but I am nervous to say it. How can I get people to call me that?
    Community Answer
    Ask people if they can see you ask Frisk. Or, as this article says, just introduce yourself to someone that you will probably never see again as Frisk.
  • Question
    What would the gender neutral, or masculine version of Stacey be?
    Community Answer
    Eustace might be a good idea. Dropping the 'e' in Stacy also results in a more neutral/masculine version.
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    I am a 12-year-old girl, and have wanted to change my name for years, but I have no ideas. My parents want me to decide myself. What are some ideas for names, or ways to find names?
    Community Answer
    You can look in books of names with their meanings, ask your friends if they have any suggestions, and even just pick something from the world around you! I changed my name to Scarlett since it's a feminine name similar to scarlet, my favorite shade of red. Don't worry if nothing sticks out to you at first, and try on a few names to see what you like. You're young so you still have plenty of time to decide.
  • Question
    How do I pick a name that suits my style and personality?
    Community Answer
    Think about how you see yourself. Are you more traditional? Wild? Quiet? Find a website or a book that gives lists of baby names, and then look for names in whichever category you think fits you.
  • Question
    My name is Mason and I'm a girl. I hated my name and when I was little I went by Macy, but it doesn't seem to fit. What other name would be good for me?
    Top Answerer
    You can try out different M names. Here are some ideas: Marcy, Marley, McKayla, McKenzie, Madeline, Madison, Maddie, Mimi, Martha, Millie, Mary. If none of those seem to fit, try looking at names that start with other letters of the alphabet.
  • Question
    I'm a trans (male-to-female) and I can't decide between Rose, Raine and Elizabeth.
    Community Answer
    "Rose" is classic, romantic, elegant and international. It hints poetically of radiant flowers. It's also easy to spell.
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    My name is Riley and I'm genderfluid, I've used it all my life so I associate it with masculinity. Any suggestions for a name?
    Top Answerer
    These are some examples: Ryan, Rae, Robin, Remi, Raine, Rainy, Reid, Red, Rowan, Raven, Ridley, Reagan, River, Reese
  • Question
    I have started to go by he/him pronouns. I want to change my name to Scot, but I'm afraid others will not like it. Should I go ahead and use Scot as my name?
    Top Answerer
    Hi Scot! The hard truth is that no matter what name you choose, there will always be people who don't like it. it's a super cool name though, so go for it.
  • Question
    What would a gender neutral name for Katherine/Katie be?
    Top Answerer
    These are some examples: Kat, Kit, Kade, Rynn, Ryan, Raine, Rina, Taryn, Kay, Kane, Kai, Kitty, Cal, Lorin
  • Question
    I’m trying to find a good gender neutral name because feminine or masculine ones seem too forward for me. Any help or advice?
    Top Answerer
    Look up unisex baby names, or make up your own! Some people like to name themselves after nouns, such as Raven, Leaf, or Cloud.
  • Question
    My name is ‘Elisa’ (e-lisa), how can I make a name similar to this, that is either more masculine or gender neutral?
    Top Answerer
    Eli, Elijah, El, Elliot, Elm, Elmer, Eric, Ed, Eddy, Elon, Leo, Lee, Leisel, Leaf, Leonel, Leroy, Layton, Lenny. Maybe try searching "names similar to Elisa" on Google!
  • Question
    I am a straight male, and I want to go by Winter, but I feel like that name sounds more feminine and I'm also kinda scared that I will be made fun of at school. What can I do?
    Top Answerer
    To me personally, that name sounds super masculine and tough. It's totally okay to pick a different name though. And people are going to make fun of you no matter what you do in life, so you might as well enjoy what you do.
  • Question
    I'm a trans guy (16 y.o) and I go by Kai at the moment. However, I'm thinking I want the name 'Agony'. I'm German and was wondering if I could have this as a name once I am able to legally change it.
    Top Answerer
    If you like the name Agony, then go for it! But do keep in mind that it means "pain and suffering" in English, and you may not want to be associated with that meaning.
  • Question
    I haven’t transitioned yet but I hate my birth name. I am trying to decide between Jacob, Asher, and Aren. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Only you can decide which name fits you best. I personally like Asher the most out of those three options, but it's up to you. :)
  • Question
    Is Ino a good name? I’m thinking of changing it and not sure if this is a bit weird…
    Top Answerer
    It's uncommon, but I wouldn't call it weird. If that's the name you feel comfortable with then that's all that matters.
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    I'm trans and I'm trying to find a good masculine name, but I can't find any names that actually suit me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Visit these sites: BehindtheName and Nameberry. You can ask for advice on the Nameberry forum.
  • Question
    My name is Marissa but it doesn't fit me at all! I've been thinking of changing my name for years but could never think of anything. (I'm an ISTJ if that helps with personality.)
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    Ask your best friends for suggestions. Baby name books are a good place to look, too.
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    My name is Liina but I want it to be more gender neutral/masculine without a major change. I've thought of Ilja but it's a bit odd. Any better ideas?
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    Lee, Elliott / Eliott, Elio, Eli, Levi, Linus are some names that come to mind.
  • Question
    I've wanted to be called Skylar for a few years now, but I'm not sure how to go about this, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    When I changed my name, I started out with baby steps; just telling one or two people at a time so I could test it out. If you're not ready, that's okay too. You can test out your name on video games, diary entries, or other things that most people won't see.
  • Question
    Is there a certain way a name will feel when it's right for you?
    Top Answerer
    It's different for everyone, but a name that feels "right" will probably make you feel more happy or confident. It might even make you a little nervous at first, which is perfectly normal.
  • Question
    Is it legall to change my full?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it is legal to change your full name. It doesn't have to be the same length either; for example, Kanye West changed his name to Ye.
  • Question
    My name is Charlene. I am trans ftm and I want to change my name. But I want to find something similar to it but more masculine.
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    Charlie would probably be the most common option for your situation, being a widely-known unisex name. It’s up to you to decide, of course.
  • Question
    How do you choose between 3 names? I don't have a favourite, and they all fit nicely...
    Community Answer
    Try asking someone (friends, family, etc.) to call you one of the names for a while and listening to how each one sounds for you. This way you could test these names in an average-day environment.
  • Question
    I have a specific name that I want, but the name I chose is actually the same name as a character I made. Is this weird? I feel like I'm choosing this name just because I want to be that character.
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    As long as you feel comfortable being called that name, it should be okay. I’d advise having others refer to you as the name for a while to make sure you like it on its own, without having the context of your character.
  • Question
    I hate my name and I want to change it to Zoe should I go for it? It could be awful and everyone hate it!
    Breathe Johnson
    Community Answer
    If you really love the name Zoe and think it matches your personality, then you should definitely go for it! If your nervous about people's reactions, just explain to them that you think the name Zoe suits you better than your birth name.
  • Question
    What if I named myself Moss? Would that be too weird?
    Breathe Johnson
    Community Answer
    Moss is a unique name, and if you love it, then go for it! You could also do something like Mossi, Ross, Rossi, Messi, etc.
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