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Q&A for How to Clean Rust from a Pocketknife
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QuestionHow can I get mud out of the inside?Community AnswerTry opening up the knife and immersing the entire knife and handle in some warm, soapy water. Let it soak in the solution for about 30 minutes and then dunk it into a bucket of clean water or run it under a stream of warm water to get the rest of the mud out. Dry it thoroughly with a clean cloth when you are finished cleaning it.
QuestionI scratched my knife while I was cleaning it. How do I get scratches out of my knife?Community AnswerYou can't get rid of the scratches, but you can improve the appearance of your knife by keeping it clean and oiling your knife.
QuestionI washed my knife accidentally about 7 months ago, can I still get the rust out?Community AnswerYes, you should be able to get the rust out. Decay from rust is slow so you should be able to get it off after only 7 months.
QuestionCould steel wool be used as a quick and effective way to remove rust?Community AnswerYes it could, but it is an abrasive material and could make scratches in the blade you are polishing. Try a superfine grit with an oil lubricant on a test part first. If it does not leave scratch marks, you can then continue. The steel wool will clog with the rust you are removing, so you have to toss it and use clean wool as you progress. You can start with a more coarse grit and finish with a superfine. The oil lubricant will also leave a trace amount after wiping the blade off that will inhibit future rust. Deep rust that has scored the blade will require other methods, like a grinder and buffing wheel.
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