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Q&A for How to Convert PDF to JPEG
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QuestionHow do I make an image in a PDF file from a JPG file?Community AnswerIf you have Photoshop, go to File>Automate>PDF Presentation. Then you can browse for your JPG's, or use any already open in Photoshop.
QuestionCan I just make a screenshot instead?Community AnswerYes, but taking a screenshot will reduce the quality of the image. It's better to convert the file from PDF to JPEG.
QuestionIs the conversion program free?Community AnswerNo. It is a promotional copy that only allows you to convert odd pages. For one-page docs, this is fine, but for anything else, you'll have to buy the full copy (price unknown).
QuestionWhat should I do if I cannot save the PDF as a JPEG in Adobe or open it in Word?Marry.M.ChenCommunity AnswerFirst, check that the owner has not set any document restrictions. If they have, there is no way to save the PDF as a JPEG. If there is no such restriction, you can try Convert PDF to Word tools. After the conversion, you can open the final output word file in Word.
QuestionHow do I keep a good resolution on the jpeg?Marry.M.ChenCommunity AnswerYou can visit, there is PDF to Image tool. You can set the output JPEG resolution as 300 dpi or 600 dpi.
QuestionIf I change all my files from PDF to JPG, will I be able to store them on Drive without using phone storage?Community AnswerYou can store PDF on Google Drive or Dropbox for free with an internet connection.
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