Q&A for How to Cosplay as Harley Quinn

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    How can I copy her way of speaking and laughing?
    Emily Matzke
    Community Answer
    Try watching videos of Harley talking and laughing, and try to imitate what you hear. Maybe watch some videos on the basics of voice-acting as well. Ask friends or family members to help you by listening to your voice and hers, and giving you tips on how you can improve.
  • Question
    What if I can't find her clothes or weapons?
    Community Answer
    Skip the weapons, and just wear a white long-sleeved shirt and some red or blue shorts!
  • Question
    What type of psychologist was Harley Quinn?
    Emily Matzke
    Community Answer
    Harley Quinn was a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, meaning she helped diagnose, prevent, study, and treat mental disorders of the patients.
  • Question
    What does Harley Quinn usually wear?
    Community Answer
    The classic version wears the red and black jester's outfit. The Suicide Squad version wears a baseball tee and hot pants. Most are red and black.
  • Question
    Could there be a boy Harley Quinn?
    Emily Matzke
    Community Answer
    People do gender bend cosplays all the time! Just modify her costume to fit your body, and maybe use a short blonde wig instead of her long one.
  • Question
    How can I make my personality more like Harley Quinn?
    Community Answer
    Just act daffy and bubbly and a little but crazy, but not in a bad way.
  • Question
    How can I cosplay as Harley Quinn if I am black?
    Community Answer
    You would follow the steps the same way. If you want, you can add a peach/white-ish foundation when you are doing your makeup.
  • Question
    When can I throw in jokes?
    Community Answer
    Whenever you want! Harley jokes all the time, even if the joking is inappropriate, but try not to hurt anybody's feelings!
  • Question
    I have brown hair and I don't want to dye it. What do I do?
    Emily Matzke
    Community Answer
    You could either get a wig or temporary hair dye, or just go with it! Cosplaying is about having fun being a character, it doesn't have to be perfect down to the tiniest details. Having brown hair won't necessarily make your costume any less effective.
  • Question
    Will this work for guys?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just follow the same steps. Anybody can cosplay as any character.
  • Question
    How can I copy Harley Quinn's attitude?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend watching various incarnations of Harley Quinn (in various animated series, movies, etc.) to get the best idea of how to portray her sassy, wild attitude.
  • Question
    How can I be flexible like Harley Quinn?
    Community Answer
    Start with basic gymnastics. Begin by working on splits, cartwheels and handstands. and keep practicing.
  • Question
    Is Harley Quinn a psychopath and does she care?
    Community Answer
    Yes, she is a psychopath, and no, she does not care. This does not mean you should use cosplaying as an excuse to get away with psychopathic behavior, though.
  • Question
    What about her laugh and voice?
    Community Answer
    Harley Quinn speaks in a New Jersey/New York accent. Watch videos online of Harley talking or laughing, and try to imitate what you hear.
  • Question
    How does Harley Quinn look like?
    Community Answer
    The Animated Series version is when she looks like a red-and-black jester. In the Suicide Squad version, she is a demented cheerleader who wears a baseball tee, a baseball bat, and hot pants.
  • Question
    How can I cosplay as Harley Quinn without being nervous?
    Community Answer
    Harley is very bubbly, and she is never afraid to say what she wants. Just get into the character and literally BE Harley. A study has shown that if you act confident, you will feel confident, and then you'll BECOME confident!
  • Question
    Do I need a jacket?
    Community Answer
    No, you don't need a jacket!
  • Question
    Any advice on if I should go blond?
    Community Answer
    That's really up to you, but if you decide to do it, get it done by a professional so you're less likely to damage your hair. Also, get one of those purple shampoos that rinses out the brassy tones after bleaching.
  • Question
    How do I make someone think my name is different if they already know me?
    Community Answer
    You could try to convince them that the name they know you by (your real name) is really just a nickname that people call you, or you could just ask them to call you by the name you want to go by from now on.
  • Question
    Can I make a Harley Quinn costume without dyeing my hair?
    Community Answer
    Of course! You could use a pre-dyed wig, color a wig yourself, or just put your hair in pigtails as it is. Cosplaying doesn't have to be 100% authentic, just enough so that people recognize the character whom you're cosplaying.
  • Question
    None of the videos I have watched are about the original Harley Quinn, they are only about the Suicide Squad version of Harley Quinn. Which one should I use to voice act?
    Community Answer
    I have this problem too. There is a voice actor on YouTube who specializes in comic Harley. Search up for "Brizzy Voices." She has done a video on her voice. You could also watch videos of the Harley you want to copy and just imitate the voice repeatedly.
  • Question
    How can I find my Puddin' when cosplaying as Harley Quinn?
    Community Answer
    Find someone who likes to cosplay as much as you do and then ask them if they would like to do a cosplay with you.
  • Question
    How can I look like Harley Quinn if I have a pixie cut?
    Community Answer
    You can still look like Harley Quinn if you dye your hair blonde. Just get the costume right and it won’t matter how long or short your hair is. Alternatively, buy a Harley Quinn wig, or a wig that is blonde.
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