Q&A for How to Count up to 10 in Spanish

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    Where can I learn to speak Spanish online?
    Community Answer
    One of the most commonly used websites is Duolingo.
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    How do I say "100" in Spanish?
    Community Answer
    "Cien" is 100 in Spanish. And if you're counting from 100 up, you would use "ciento" plus the next number, such "ciento uno," etc.
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    What is 5 in Spanish?
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    The number five is called "cinco" (you pronounce it like SEEN-CO) in Spanish.
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    What is 1,000,000 in Spanish?
    Community Answer
    "Un millón" (pronounced like "OON-MIYON") is the number one million in Spanish.
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    How to say 150 in Spanish?
    Community Answer
    "Ciento cincuenta" (pronounced "SEE-N-TO SEEN-COO-ENTA") is the number 150 in Spanish.
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    How do I say "friends" in Spanish?
    Community Answer
    The word for "friend" in Spanish is "amigo" or" amiga," so "friends" would be "amigos" (boys or mixed-gender group) or "amigas" (girls).
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    How do you say "hi" in Spanish?
    Community Answer
    "¡Hola!" with a silent "h."
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