Q&A for How to Create a Burn Book

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    Can I make a miniature Burn Book?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Of course! Simply start with a smaller composition notebook and glue on smaller letters.
  • Question
    Does it have to be blank paper?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Nope! You can make a Burn Book with a composition notebook full of lined paper, graph paper, or any other paper you'd like.
  • Question
    Could you use the Burn Book as a notebook?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Yes, of course! A Burn Book can be used as a notebook to take notes in during class or to simply jot down quick memos or thoughts.
  • Question
    Can I add stuff about crushes and teachers?
    Community Answer
    Well, it's your burn book and you can put whatever you want in it, but usually you'd only include people if you had something negative to say about them.
  • Question
    Should the Burn Book have a lock on it?
    Community Answer
    Since you could get in big trouble for the things you wrote in it, it would probably be a good idea. Consider getting a diary or journal with a lock already on it.
  • Question
    Where can buy a book with blank pages?
    Community Answer
    You can usually buy a blank book at a craft store or book store. They typically have nice diary/journal type books with all blank pages.
  • Question
    Why would you even recommend this? It's mean.
    Community Answer
    Because some people don't know how to express their feelings, and this could be a good way to do so.
  • Question
    What happens if I do one about an ex or something and then we get back together?
    Community Answer
    Just throw that page away to make sure they never see it and no one else can get their hands on it.
  • Question
    Can you use a spiral notebook to make this?
    Community Answer
    Yes, for sure. Any book with sufficient space to write will work.
  • Question
    Can I make a nice version of the Burn Book?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can, only it won't be a Burn Book, more like a Love Book or a Shine Bright Book. Write nice things instead. One neat idea is to write all the nice things you can possibly glean from people you hate and don't like. It might only be one single thing per person but what a fantastic way to force yourself to see the good in other people even though you can't abide them normally. Imagine if that were found, how surprised they'd all be!
  • Question
    Can I frame someone to make it seem like they wrote it?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't recommend it because then you are pinning your punishment on someone who doesn't deserve it.
  • Question
    My mum won't buy me a book. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Go to an office supplies stationery store and buy a standard school exercise book. It should be less than $2. Cover it with spare paper from home. Or, get a book for next-to-nothing at your local thrift store.
  • Question
    What is the best way to keep my Burn Book hidden and where should I hide it?
    Community Answer
    You can make a book that has a cutout inside and put your Burn Book in there.
  • Question
    What if the person you've wrote about finds it?
    Community Answer
    Confess that you wrote it. Explain how you were feeling negative about the person one day and felt as if this was the only way to express it.
  • Question
    Do you have to use a journal or can you make like a scrapbook type thing?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't have to be a journal. You can use any book, as long as you can write in it.
  • Question
    Can I use a math book (squared)?
    Community Answer
    There's no reason why not. It doesn't have to be a specific type of book, just as long as you can write in it and add anything you wish to paste in.
  • Question
    How is saying mean things good?
    Community Answer
    Writing down your negative thoughts is the healthiest way to express yourself. It can release a lot of negative feelings or thoughts. Of course, if you don't want to write down mean stuff, you can make your burn book have nice things in it! If someone finds the nice things, they will feel pretty darn good afterwards!
  • Question
    Can I just decorate it as the Burn Book and use it as a planner or a school notebook as a joke?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You could also have other Mean Girls style school supplies, too. Just make sure people don't think you're actually writing mean things in there if you plan on using it for school.
  • Question
    What happens if I need to dispose of the book?
    Community Answer
    Be very careful that no one will find it. It is best to make sure it goes in the trash on trash day so that it will get picked up and taken to the dump right away.
  • Question
    How can I keep my best friend after she found out she was in my Burn Book?
    Community Answer
    She is likely furious with you right now, so give her time to calm down before you attempt to apologize. When you do apologize, don't make excuses for yourself; just recognize that you hurt her, apologize sincerely, and ask how you can make things right. If she continually refuses you, then let the friendship go.
  • Question
    How big can it be? Also could I write it about my exes instead?
    Community Answer
    It can be as big as you want it to be, and you can write about whomever you want.
  • Question
    What do I do if a tattle teller from my school finds it?
    Community Answer
    Explain to them it's a journal and it's your way of expressing negative thoughts.
  • Question
    Is it compulsory to add pictures?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to add pictures. Plus if you get caught, it's easier to find who you're bitching about, but it depends on you as it's your book.
  • Question
    How do I explain to someone if they find themselves in the book?
    Haley Banks
    Community Answer
    Make sure to also have some bad stuff about yourself in it. If you are in it, no one should suspect a thing.
  • Question
    Are pictures necessary, or can I just add mean things without pictures?
    Community Answer
    You don't need pictures if you don't want them. You could always draw something if you wanted, or just write descriptions of people.
  • Question
    Can famous people I don't like be listed, since I don't dislike anyone at my school?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they can be listed in your burn book. Just make sure that your friends don't like the celebrity, or they might get offended.
  • Question
    Can it be on a phone using an app like notes?
    Community Answer
    Sure, but you might want to use an app where you can include drawings, pictures, etc., as that's half the fun!
  • Question
    How do I get their photos?
    Community Answer
    You can probably find pictures on their social media accounts. If not, you could always draw pictures of them.
  • Question
    What do I do if my teacher finds it and he is in it?
    Community Answer
    Then you're going to have to face the consequences.
  • Question
    The Burn Book in the film has photos of the people Regina wrote about. Where would I get photos of classmates from, or should I just skip that part?
    Community Answer
    You could check their social media accounts, they probably have photos posted there and you could just print them out, or you could try to subtly take pictures of them yourself and then print them out. But don't get caught!
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