Q&A for How to Cross Multiply

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    How would I solve 30% of 65
    Community Answer
    Multiply 65 by 0.3. (You could think of it as multiplying 65 by 10% by just moving the decimal point to the left one digit to get 6.5 and then multiplying by 3 to get 30% of 65.)
  • Question
    One day 176 people visited a small art museum. The ratio of members to nonmembers that day was 5 to 11. How many people who visited the museum that day were nonmembers?
    Top Answerer
    Add together the two numbers in the ratio: 5 + 11 = 16. Divide that sum into the total number of visitors: 176 ÷ 16 = 11. Multiply that quotient by the ratio number representing the non-members (11): (11)(11) = 121 non-members. (If you wanted to find the number of members, you'd multiply 11 by the 5 in the ratio: (11)(5) = 55 members.)
  • Question
    What fractions do not work?
    Top Answerer
    The above technique works with all fractions. Some fractions are just more complicated than others, as in Method 2 above.
  • Question
    How do I multiply 8 by 3/4 ?
    Community Answer
    Multiply the whole number by the numerator, and keep the same denominator. Reduce the fraction if possible. (Another way of looking at it is to convert the 8 to the fraction 8/1, then create a new fraction by multiplying the two numerators together to get the new numerator, and multiplying the two denominators together to get the new denominator, which will be the same as the old denominator. Reduce if possible.)
  • Question
    How do I do it if there is = after the two fractions?
    Top Answerer
    Cross-multiplying works only when one fraction is set equal to the other. In other words, the "equals" sign must appear between the two fractions.
  • Question
    60% of 145 is what?
    Top Answerer
    Multiply 145 by 0.6.
  • Question
    I'm stuck so bad on x/2 - 2/3 = 2x/3. Any help?
    Top Answerer
    Multiply both sides of the equation by 6, because 6 is the lowest common denominator of the equation (because 2 times 3 is 6). That turns the equation into this: 3x - 4 = 4x. Subtract 3x from both sides of the equation, so that -4 = x.
  • Question
    What is the solution of 19/38 = x/19?
    Top Answerer
    First reduce 19/38 to 1/2. So 1/2 = x/19. Then cross-multiply: (1)(19) = (2)(x). So 19 = 2x, and x = 19/2, or 9½.
  • Question
    How do I work out 10/1 x 2500/24 x 1/60?
    Top Answerer
    Multiply the three numerators together to get the final numerator. Do the same with the denominators. Reduce if necessary.
  • Question
    How to I solve k+1 over k-12 equals 4/3?
    Top Answerer
    (k + 1) / (k - 12) = 4/3. Cross-multiply: (k + 1)(3) = (k - 12)(4). So (3k + 3) = (4k - 48). Subtract 3k from both sides, and add 48 to both sides: 51 = k.
  • Question
    If the denominator is negative and cross-multiplication is used, will the sign change?
    Top Answerer
    In cross-multiplying, the signs affect the sign of the product as they would in any multiplication.
  • Question
    How do I do it when there are fractions involved?
    Top Answerer
    Do it the same way you do with integers.
  • Question
    Gas to oil is 50:1; how much oil would I need if I had 25.5 gas?
    Top Answerer
    25.5 ÷ 50 = 0.51 oil.
  • Question
    My teacher didn't cross-multiply with this equation, why? 2 - x + 2 / 5x = 3/5. She got the LCD, but I thought that you cross-multiply when it is equal?
    Top Answerer
    Cross-multiplying is appropriate only when one fraction (or ratio) is set equal to another. If we assume that the equation is 2 - x + (2/5x) = 3/5, that's not one fraction equal to another. Instead you multiply both sides of the equation by the LCD, 5x. That will clear all fractions and make the equation fairly easy to solve.
  • Question
    Does cross multiplication only work if there are two fractions to add, or can I have three fractions to add?
    Community Answer
    Cross multiplication only works with two fractions on either side of an equals sign.
  • Question
    Does cross multiplying only work if I'm adding two fractions?
    Community Answer
    Cross multiplying doesn't work when you are adding two fractions. It only works when you have two fractions on either side of an equality (or inequality).
  • Question
    I'm stuck on 10 ounces/2$ = 2$/x. Any help?
    Top Answerer
    Cross-multiplying doesn't work when you're using units (like dollars or ounces). It applies only when you're using numbers without units.
  • Question
    How do you cross multiply with three fractions?
    Community Answer
    That couldn't be done, except for multiplying the two, then coming back and multiplying your resultant with the third fraction.
  • Question
    What is the value of [ -3 8 ] ?
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    How do you solve for x: 17 / 55 = x / 165?
    Community Answer
    Cross multiply: (17)(165) = (55)(x). 2805 = 55x. Divide both sides by 55: x = 51.
  • Question
    Why do you have to do this?
    Community Answer
    You don't. It's simply a very fast way to solve equations that involve fractions.
  • Question
    What if every number in each fraction is a variable?
    Community Answer
    You can solve for any variable in terms of the other variables. For example, if a/b = c/d, by cross-multiplying we find that ad = bc. Then a = bc / d, d = bc / a, b = ad / c, and c = ad / b.
  • Question
    How would i solve 5x/7 = 2x-4/3 with cross multiplication?
    Ali Garbacz
    Community Answer
    Start by multiplying the numerators by the opposite denominators to get the equation 15x = 14x - 28. Then, combine like terms by subtracting 14x from both sides to get x = -28. There's your answer.
  • Question
    When you multiply the right numerator by the left denominator, will you multiply the right numerator by the left denominator?
    Top Answerer
    First you multiply the right numerator by the left denominator to get one product. Then you multiply the left numerator by the right denominator to get a second product. Then you set the first product equal to the second product and solve that equation for the unknown term.
  • Question
    What is sine, cosine and tangent? Use practical examples to determine whether an angle is adjacent or opposite.
    Top Answerer
    Sine is the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse (of a right triangle). Cosine is the ratio of the adjacent side to the hypotenuse. Tangent is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side. It's not the angle that's adjacent or opposite; it's the side.
  • Question
    What in life does cross multiplication help you with?
    Top Answerer
    Some day you may need to take a particular ratio and apply it to a real-life situation (perhaps with a recipe or other formula). Cross multiplication helps you do that.
  • Question
    What is the solution to m +4/ 10 = 4/m- 2?
    Top Answerer
    First cross-multiply: (m + 4)(m - 2) = (10)(4). So m² + 2m - 8 = 40. Then m² +2m - 48 = 0 = (m + 8)(m - 6). That means m = -8 or 6. Either solution works.
  • Question
    How to solve equivalent fraction?
    Top Answerer
    If you're trying to find an equivalent fraction, cross-multiplying is helpful. For example, if you're trying to find a fraction that is equivalent to 2/3 and has a denominator of 18, set up the equation 2 / 3 = x / 18. Cross-multiply: (2)(18 = (3)(x). So 3x = (2)(18) = 36, and x = 12. Thus 2/3 = 12/18.
  • Question
    I need help with math but my parents yell at me if I get the problem wrong. Do you have any help?
    Top Answerer
    Gently remind your parents that you're not trying to upset them or make them mad. Tell them you really want to do well at math but that you find it difficult. Suggest the possibility of hiring a tutor for you, someone with experience at explaining math concepts.
  • Question
    How to factorize x2 + 3x + 2?
    Top Answerer
    The third term, 2, has only two factors, 2 and 1. The coefficient of the middle term, 3x, is the sum of 2 + 1, so the factors of x² + 3x + 2 are (x + 2) and (x + 1).
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