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Q&A for How to Cut Tile Around a Toilet
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QuestionHow do you make sure the tile around your toilet looks good?Agustin Renoj is a Home Improvement Specialist with Renoj Handyman based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over 18 years of construction experience, Agustin specializes in carpentry, painting, and exterior, interior, kitchen, and bathroom renovations. Renoj Handyman is a family-owned business that consists of craftsmen trained in all areas of construction.Don't rush through the cutting process. You want to avoid breaking your tile, so you need to take your time. You should also invest in a good quality diamond blade, which is a blade specifically for cutting tile. Also, when you're laying the tile, make sure you don't put too much pressure on it, as it can be very fragile.
QuestionHow do you cut peel and stick tile around a toilet?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerLay the sheet of peel-and-stick tile around the toilet. Use a pencil to mark the areas you need to trim in order to make it fit. Use a utility knife or a pair of sturdy scissors to cut along the line that you marked. Fit the tile around the toilet to make sure it's properly trimmed before you try to stick it in place. If it needs to be trimmed a little more, use your pencil to mark a line and then cut along the line. Once the tile is trimmed to fit, you can remove the paper backing to expose the adhesive underneath. Then, carefully press the sticky side down and smooth out the surface with your hands so there aren't any trapped bubbles.
QuestionHow do you install tile around a toilet?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerGo ahead and install the full tiles surrounding the toilet first, leaving the space around the toilet open. Plan out your pattern so that at there is at least 2 in (5.1 cm) of space between the base of the toilet and the edges of any of the tiles you'll be laying around it. Cut pieces of paper to match the size of your tile and place the paper against your toilet so you can see where you need to cut it order to make it fit. Mark on the paper with a pencil where you need to cut. Then, transfer the marking to a tile and use tile nippers to trim the tile to fit the markings on the paper. Trim as many tiles as you need using the paper method so they fit exactly.
QuestionHow do I lay tile before I install a toilet?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerStart by tiling the areas away from the toilet flange (the circular piece that connects to the drain pipe and upon which the toilet itself will rest) first. Mark out your desired grid pattern on the floor, and lay tile over the unobstructed areas. Then, cut a few sheets of paper that match the size of your tile so you can use them to make your measurements. If you need to cut 1 tile to go around the flange, cut 1 sheet of paper; if you need 4 tiles, cut 4 sheets of paper. Place the sheets of paper exactly where the tiles will go and trace the outline of the flange. Cut out the circle and trace the pattern onto the tile you plan to install. Use tile nippers to trim the tiles so they fit the markings and they'll fit perfectly into place around your toilet when you install it.
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