How to Dance: Smooth and Simple Moves for Any Occasion
Q&A for How to Dance at a Rave
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QuestionWhat is the rave dance called?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThere are several popular styles of rave dancing, and they vary from one country to another. A few well-known styles in the U.S. include glowsticking (dancing with glowsticks or other lights), liquid, or candywalking.
QuestionHow do you rave dance with your hands?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThere are a lot of things you can do with your hands, but one popular option is arm liquid. This involves putting your fingertips together and moving your arms in a wavelike motion in time with the music, moving from one side of your body to the other and back again. Let the waves of motion travel from your shoulder down your arm and through your fingertips, then through the fingertips and up the opposite arm to the shoulder.
QuestionWhat do you do at a rave party?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerRaves are dance parties, so most people hang out with their friends and dance. Just be aware that some people also drink or do drugs at raves, so be cautious and be ready to deal with people who might be intoxicated or acting a bit more uninhibited than they normally would.
QuestionIs 21 too old for a rave?Community AnswerNo. Anybody is young enough to rave. Just ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.
QuestionWhat age do you have to be to attend a rave?Community AnswerUsually, the age limit for attending a rave is 18, but check in advance.
QuestionWhat if someone punches or knocks out a person during the rave?Community AnswerCall the emergency number of your country and ask for police and ambulance to come. The paramedics will treat the injured person and the police will arrest or remove the assailant if needed.
QuestionWhat should I do if the rave catches fire?PearlbelleTop AnswererTry to get yourself out as quickly and as calmly as possible. Then call your country's emergency number and ask for the fire department. Inform them of the situation and the rave's location.
QuestionHow do I go about starting a rave?Community AnswerStart by finding a large, preferably abandoned building. Install lights and a sound system, them plan a night and invite everyone you know, including children and family members. The more people, the better. Make sure to get a good DJ.
QuestionWhat if someone touches you inappropriately or harasses you at a rave party?DunkinDemetriaCommunity AnswerTell them firmly to stop and if they don't, get away as quickly as possible and get the appropriate help for the situation.
QuestionShould I consider removing my pants as a viable option?Community AnswerNo. People will be creeped out if you're taking off your pants in public. Leave your pants on.
QuestionHow can I avoid embarrassment at a rave if people don't like my dancing?Psycho ManCommunity AnswerDon't worry about what other people will think. A rave is to have fun, not a reality dance show where people are there to judge. Just be in your own space and enjoy.
QuestionWhat if someone tries to steal my shoes?Community AnswerTry to keep your shoes on you at a rave, so this won't happen. If it still does, buy some new shoes.
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