Q&A for How to Date a Mormon Guy

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    Can Mormons date Catholics?
    Community Answer
    Yes, unless your family is very religious and has a specific problem with it. You can talk to them about your feelings if this is the case.
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    Can Mormons marry non-Mormons?
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    Can a black Mormon get married to a white Mormon?
    Community Answer
    Yes, race does not play a role in who can marry each other in the Mormon traditions.
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    How long must a widower wait to remarry?
    Community Answer
    You do not have to wait at all.
  • Question
    Are there female missionaries?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there are female missionaries.
  • Question
    If I am Mormon, how can I date a non-Mormon?
    Community Answer
    Prioritize communication. Explain to your partner why your faith is important to you. If being from different spiritual backgrounds becomes an issue, discuss which aspects of your faith you will always follow and if there are any you might be willing to alter or compromise on. Respect your partner's religion if they have one, or their standpoint as an atheist or agnostic if they don't, and expect them to respect you and your beliefs. Never try to convert your partner as you wouldn't want them to do this to you, but invite them to ask questions about your church if they want to.
  • Question
    Can Christians date/marry Mormons?
    Community Answer
    There are some key differences between the Mormon and Christian faiths, which could present as obstacles if both partners believe fervently. Also, most Mormons get married at the Mormon temple, where unbelievers can't attend.
  • Question
    Can I date a missionary?
    Community Answer
    Missionaries have jobs while they are in the mission field. Missionaries are not allowed to have relationships during their missions. Once a missionary is finished with his/her service, he/she is encouraged to have a relationship.
  • Question
    Can Mormon guys have multiple wives?
    Community Answer
    The official church banned multiple wives a long time ago. There are splinter churches which still allow it, though.
  • Question
    How long does it take to become a missionary?
    Community Answer
    This is different for everyone. Some people need to take extra time to be financially ready, and spiritually ready. It depends on your relationship with God.
  • Question
    Can a Wiccan female date/marry a Mormon male?
    Community Answer
    Most likely no. The Bible forbids witchcraft. No true Mormon would consider having anything to do with those involved in Wicca and would shun them.
  • Question
    Do Mormons try to convert Catholics?
    Community Answer
    Every religion has had someone try to convert others into theirs. That's why that religion had people worshipping it. So yes, but you don't need to worry; not every Mormon will try to convert you, like how not every Christian will convert them.
  • Question
    Can a Mormon guy date a guy?
    Community Answer
    Unfortunately, Mormons are against gay marriage and homosexuality in general. For a more affirming but undeniably Christian religion, check out Episcopalianism, Quakerism, and other LGBTQ+-affirming churches in your area.
  • Question
    What kinds of missions do Mormons go on?
    Community Answer
    Mormons go on missions all over the world, preaching the Gospel, and bringing souls to Jesus Christ.
  • Question
    Do guys have to get circumcised before getting baptised?
    Community Answer
    No. Circumcision is a cultural thing of preference (usually the parent's decision), and has no benefits medically or spiritually.
  • Question
    Is it required for new members of the church to become a missionaries?
    Tyler D
    Community Answer
    No, you don't have to, although the church is wanting people to do missions and strongly agrees with you going on a mission, as it will help you physically and mentally.
  • Question
    Can Mormon women can have more than one lover before choosing the one?
    Community Answer
    Seek what your religious book says. To obey the law, you need to read the law first. Ask your church father if that's okay.
  • Question
    I am a non-Mormon and like this guy who is, (over 16) and he likes me too but his dad only allows him to date me if he goes on dates with other girls too, I am clearly not comfortable. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    See if the guy agrees with his father's decision. If he is okay, then he is a cheater who likes being promiscuous. If he liked you, he would have made an effort to treat you as special and denied double dating. You can decide for yourself whether you want to be with this guy or not, and why.
  • Question
    Can Mormons in high school kiss their significant other?
    Community Answer
    Significant others are spouses. Kissing can be affectionate or lustful. If you condemn it because of religion, you don't do it. If you see it a human act of expressing true feelings that are free from lust, then you may ask your family and this person too if they are okay with it.
  • Question
    What if no Mormon guys like you even though you are a Mormon girl?
    Community Answer
    You can't assume all the Mormon guys in the world dislike you. Don't focus on this generalist assumption and instead pay attention to yourself. Do you follow traditions because they are followed by all or because you understand them? When you know the difference, you develop your own ideas. A woman who knows what she is doing and why is more attractive than someone who has no sense of sense, purpose or reason. Build yourself and you will see men liking you as a person.
  • Question
    Can Lutherans date Mormons?
    Community Answer
    Mormons (members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) can date whomever is willing to respect and follow their standards.
  • Question
    Can Mormons kiss their significant other before they are married?
    Community Answer
    The church does not support “ passionate kissing” or anything that makes it inappropriate, but yes, it’s fine to kiss before marriage.
  • Question
    I am concerned about my Mormon boyfriend. I think he is cheating on me he said he was going on a mission but I think he’s leaving to see another girl. Please help me, I’m scared and I love him!
    Lily Yu
    Community Answer
    Talk to him about it and tell him how you feel. He may be telling the truth and isn't seeing another girl, but he could also be lying. Ask God to give you the courage and strength to bring up your suspicions to him and pray that everything goes well.
  • Question
    Why is my partner being secretive about his new Mormon religion?
    Lily Yu
    Community Answer
    Your boyfriend may be acting like this because he is uncomfortable with talking about his religion or he may trying to hide his Mormon faith from someone (e.g. parents, friends, classmates). He may also just be getting more acquainted with the LDS. If you are religious, pray to God for revelation and advice concerning this and also pray for your boyfriend. And tell your partner you'd like to know more.
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