Q&A for How to Deal With Bad Neighbours

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    What can I do if a neighbor continues to trespass onto my property and parks his junk cars and plants on my property? He refuses to move them and calls my husband and I offensive names.
    Community Answer
    Call the non-emergency police number and ask the police to help.
  • Question
    If I have a neighbor who has been arrested for assault and is now harassing our new neighbors, can I tell the new neighbors about the this neighbor's arrest record?
    Community Answer
    Not only can you tell them, you should. If this person already has a record, they have a right to know that they could potentially be in danger.
  • Question
    What can I do if my neighbor's children pick on my disabled son?
    Community Answer
    Have you approached your neighbors about this yet? That would be the first logical step. If they are uncooperative, you may want to consider involving the police, if the harassment is bad enough. Document and video any bullying so you have the evidence on hand if needed.
  • Question
    What if a neighbor keeps trespassing in my garden? I put a padlock on, but they want to keep the gate open so they can come and go at any time. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If the garden is your property and not communal property, tell them next time you see them in your garden you're reporting them for trespassing, and then do so. If it's a shared garden/gate, they have every right to go in and out whenever they please.
  • Question
    What If my neighbor tries to run me over?
    Community Answer
    Assault with a deadly weapon is considered a serious offense. If you have a witness to the event, make sure to have that witness's statement documented. If no one saw this attack by vehicle, it's a case of "he said, she said." However, most law enforcement agencies takes such a case seriously and will have a talk with your neighbor.
  • Question
    How do I deal with bad neighbors who are threatening me?
    Community Answer
    If you're being threatened, call the police and file a report.
  • Question
    What should I do if the landlord defends the neighbor?
    Community Answer
    Document problem behavior and confront your landlord regarding your issues. See if there is a tenant's association that can help mediate the problem. Call the police if your neighbors are threatening or you are afraid for your safety.
  • Question
    How do I deal with a criminal lawyer who has employed thugs to break into our home and steal our personal documents, threatening to kill us?
    Community Answer
    Call 911 and inform the police of the situation, document the threats and take video of these people, and buy a security system.
  • Question
    How do I deal with a problem if my neighbor's only reaction to any overture is "stay away from my home"?
    Community Answer
    Stay away and leave them alone. If the situation demands a confrontation, call the police and let them take care of it.
  • Question
    What can I do if the neighbor threatens to make my life miserable before I even moved in?
    Community Answer
    Tell your landlord about the threats. He/she should not stand for a new tenant being harassed. If the landlord doesn't help, then you consider somewhere else - since an unhelpful landlord can be a whole new problem.
  • Question
    My neighbor yells vulgarities at me through my window late at night (11:30–1:00) on multiple nights. She is unreceptive to speaking to me directly. How can I stop the verbal harassment?
    Community Answer
    Inform your/her landlord. If that does not help, notify your local police department.
  • Question
    I have neighbors who have trash and old cars in their yard. The house looks abandoned. They also have two dogs that run free, which are very aggressive towards my dog whenever I try to walk him. How do I deal with them?
    Community Answer
    You may have to call dog control to get their dogs removed and call town hall for the appropriate department to deal with the condition of their yard.
  • Question
    The neighbors are hammering, running and jumping on the stairs, and using loud voices between 10:30 and 11.30 PM. I called the police, but they will only take action after midnight. Any advice for me?
    Community Answer
    Have a word with the landlord, and document what is happening. Consider involving a lawyer, who could serve a noise abatement order if your neighbors will not listen to your "last chance" mediation on this matter.
  • Question
    How do I deal with a suspected peeping Tom neighbor?
    Community Answer
    If you're worried someone is spying on you, buy an infrared camera for the outside of your home. Make sure the resolution is high enough to capture the suspect's face, and mount it where it can't be reached.
  • Question
    What if they are shooting a rifle on the street?
    Community Answer
    Stay inside your house with all the doors locked, and if they approach your house with the rifle in their hands, call 911 or your local police.
  • Question
    What do I do if my neighbor is unfriendly?
    Community Answer
    If they're just unfriendly, leave them alone. Some people are just shy or don't like a lot of human contact.
  • Question
    I have a neighbor who has 9 kids, and from 3 in the morning until 10 at night footballs are kicked and hit my house. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them first. Ask them to ask their kids to stop kicking footballs at your house. If you've already done that, or if it doesn't work, call the police. Tell them there is a noise disturbance and your property is being damaged by the footballs.
  • Question
    My neighbors are okay, but sometimes their daughter throws parties and the next day we end up with cigarette butts and beer cans in our yard. How can I resolve this?
    Community Answer
    Knock on their door and tell them that you are generally okay with the parties but are bothered by the cigarette butts and beer cans in your yard. Ask them to tell their daughter to please clean up after herself. If it continues to happen, threaten to call the police.
  • Question
    How can I deal with my neighbor who called animal control on me instead of speaking to me first?
    Community Answer
    Knock on his door and apologize for whatever made him call animal control in the first place. Then ask him that if there are any further problems in the future, that he talks to you before calling them, so you can sort out the problem yourself.
  • Question
    What do I do if my neighbor keeps throwing rubbish over my fence?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them about the issue. If that doesn't work, contact the police in your city.
  • Question
    What can I do if my neighbor's teenager damages my property and uses racial slurs?
    Community Answer
    Talk to the parents first. Keep the conversation calm and rational, and provide whatever evidence you have proving that their child did these things. If they refuse to do anything about the situation (have their child apologize, offer to fix your property, etc.), go to the police the next time it happens.
  • Question
    How can I deal with my neighbor that is rude and uses bad language about a dispute we have?
    Community Answer
    When you can't have a civil and polite discussion with a neighbor, you need to understand that talking one-on-one isn't working. Enlist some help. I suggest you contact your local City Hall and ask about mediation services. Typically, most cities offer free mediation. If the dispute is serious enough, hire an attorney. Rudeness and use of profanity is just another form of bullying and needs to be dealt with accordingly.
  • Question
    What do I do if my neighbors are loud and I can't sleep?
    Community Answer
    Have you let them know their noise is keeping you awake nights? That would be the first step: a friendly conversation. If their response is defensive or negative response, contact their landlord (if renters) or the police (if homeowners). Continue to contact the police if the problem recurs.
  • Question
    What do I do if my neighbor is causing me problems?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them first, if you feel you can, or ask for help if you are too anxious or fed up with their actions. See if your local municipality has mediation sessions for neighbors, as this can be a great neutral way to bring you all together and keep things calm. It also depends on what the problems are, as some things are regulated and can be controlled, like too much noise or leaving garbage everywhere, while other things are harder to deal with, like peeping through curtains or painting their front door hideous colors.
  • Question
    What do I do if my neighbor is trying to flirt with my spouse?
    Community Answer
    It's up to your spouse to make it clear he/she is not interested. If your spouse makes that clear (or is for some reason unable to speak up), you can let the neighbor know (gently, at first) that his or her comments are making you and your spouse uncomfortable.
  • Question
    My neighbor keeps looking at me from her backyard. What should I do if I don't want to cover my window?
    Community Answer
    Just give a smile or wave, because that will leave your neighbor with a good impression of you.
  • Question
    What do I do if my neighbor knocks on my door and harasses me because I have 2 preschoolers that are sometimes noisy?
    Community Answer
    Inform your/their landlord. If that does not help, notify your local police department.
  • Question
    If a neighbor keeps walking on my lawn after being requested not to, can I spray pepper gas in the neighbor's air conditioner at 2:00 or 3:00 AM?
    Community Answer
    No, as that will land you in legal trouble. If building a fence isn't financially feasible, you can place "no trespassing" signs and report further incidents to law enforcement. Let the police know you've already spoken to the neighbor about this and placed signs, but the behavior continues.
  • Question
    How do I deal with my neighbors slamming the door at 4:30 AM
    Community Answer
    You could talk to them during daylight hours, saying something like, “Excuse me, Mr. Arthur, would you please close the door a little quieter if it is very late or very early? I would appreciate it very much.”
  • Question
    Is the solution for having a bad neighbor moving away?
    Community Answer
    Not exactly. If you have a bad neighbor, the best thing to do is to discuss it in person. Yes, it might be scary, but would you rather spend the rest of your life dealing with the same problem(s)?
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