Q&A for How to Deal With a Younger Brother

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    My brother is being bullied. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Let your brother know you are on his side. Give him some good advice about how to deal with the bully when you're not around, like ignoring the bully or asking for a teacher's help. If you see the bully, tell the bully you know what is going on and to leave your brother alone.
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    What if your parents are always on his side?
    Community Answer
    Many older siblings feel like their parents always take the younger sibling's side, and it might be true; he's littler and has less experience, so they might feel more protective of him and treat him like a baby. Try not to get mad and yell at him or your parents. Calmly explain the situation and move on. If your parents see you acting nice to your brother all the time, they will be less likely to believe him when he says you did something mean.
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    How can I make him do his homework without whining?
    Community Answer
    Try promising him that you will play a fun game or go outside with him as soon as he finishes his homework. Then keep your promise and go play together, so next time he will do it again.
  • Question
    If my brother is so young he can't understand what I'm trying to say, how can we communicate?
    Community Answer
    Babies and toddlers communicate through play and loving interactions. You can play peek a boo, do simple puzzles, or read simple books to your brother. Just being with him and being kind to him will let him know you love him.
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    What do you do if you really hate your younger brother?
    Community Answer
    It is normal for little kids, especially siblings, to get on each other's nerves a bit. One day, you will be able to look back on your feelings towards your little brother and laugh about them with him. Since Mom and Dad won't always be there, one day all you will have is your brother and he will only have you. You should value each other during this time in your lives. Your little brother just needs to learn from you and how you treat him will directly reflect the way he treats you.
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    What should I do when he does not sit and talk to me about the things bothering him and comes and hits, punches or pinches?
    Community Answer
    Lots of little brothers get aggressive if they feel like they are being ignored. Try to remember that aggression is usually a sign of fear, sadness, or loneliness. He might be trying to get your attention but doesn't know how to talk about how he's feeling. Instead of sitting down for a long conversation, get out a board game and invite him to play with you. Talk to him about his day. Ask him how school is going. Interact when you two are both calm. Make this a regular thing for the two of you and he will learn to connect with you without getting aggressive.
  • Question
    What if he deliberately bothers me?
    Community Answer
    It's pretty normal for little brothers to deliberately annoy their older siblings. You should still try the approaches in this article and see if they help you. Showing him attention can really help, so he won't feel like he has to bother you to get your attention.
  • Question
    I feel like my brother actually wants to hurt me, and I'm scared. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you are worried that your brother will actually harm you, tell your parent or a teacher. If you are in danger right now, call 911 or your local emergency services immediately.
  • Question
    I hurt my brother by hitting him, and now he's so mad at me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell him you are really sorry, and never hit your brother again. If you have trouble controlling your anger, ask your parents or a counselor at school for help.
  • Question
    How do I get my brother to do his homework without moaning?
    Community Answer
    Like the article says, promise him you will do something fun afterwards, and then do said thing so he will trust your promises in the future.
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    How come my brother always seems to be everywhere I am? It's super annoying and I want to tell him that I don't appreciate his peskiness.
    Community Answer
    He probably just wants to hang out with you. Also, if you live in the same house, of course it's going to seem like he's everywhere you are. Try to compromise so you can get some alone time - maybe agree that you'll play with him for a half hour if he leaves you alone for an hour after that.
  • Question
    Is it okay to have a little boy that spends most of his time with me and I love him like a brother?
    Community Answer
    Of course! That's adorable! You can totally be his "sister," he probably loves that!
  • Question
    My brother seems to get everything he wants. My parents make me do all his chores and force me to play with him. I want to do my own things! What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell your parents you need to talk to them about something important, then have a calm, reasonable discussion about this. Tell them how you feel and what you want to change, and realistic with your expectations. They should be willing to hear you out and compromise.
  • Question
    What if the people he's hanging around are a bad influence on him? What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell your brother about your concerns first, and suggest he find some more suitable friends. If he refuses, tell your parents about it.
  • Question
    How do I stop my brother from biting me?
    Community Answer
    Calmly ask him to stop. Say something like, "Please don't bite me. How would you feel if I did that to you?" If it continues, tell a parent.
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