How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Deal with Bossy People
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QuestionWhat if someone says I am being "rude" by saying no?Community AnswerIt doesn’t matter. As long as you're being polite when you tell them no, you're fine. Stand up for yourself and don't worry about the other person's reaction.
QuestionWhat to do when someone says "Stay!" and clicks their fingers like you're a dog?Community AnswerJust keep walking and ignore the person. If you're questioned, inform the person that you're not a pet, and you expect to be treated with the respect due a person.
QuestionThere's a girl who keeps bossing me around, but I'm older than her. What should I say to her?Community AnswerDon't say anything negative, as that will just make her angry. If she says something bossy, either ignore her or try to gently redirect the conversation. Say something like, "I don't really want to do it that way, maybe we could do it this way instead?" Be the more mature person and try to teach her about compromise.
QuestionHow do I answer someone who addresses me as "hey" all the time?Community AnswerJust say, "In case you were wondering, my name is [your name]." This will help them to learn your name if they don't know it, or it will serve as a passive aggressive comment informing them that you'd prefer to be called by your name.
QuestionI'm thinking of proposing to my girlfriend, but find she is so bossy! Can we deal with this?Community AnswerDon't propose if you're not completely sure about it. If you haven't discussed the problem with her yet, make sure you do so. Sit down and talk with her calmly about your relationship and the things you're happy with, but explain that her bossiness really bothers you and that you would appreciate it if she could be more respectful and willing to compromise. You can even tell her that you were thinking of proposing, but this is the one thing that makes you hesitant about making such a commitment. If she does it again, try to follow the guidelines in the article for how to respond when someone is being bossy.
QuestionI'm in a dance group with 4 other girls, and one of them is super bossy. She doesn't accept our ideas, but expects us to do her ideas. If we stand up to her, she gets sensitive and starts crying.Community AnswerHave you tried standing up to her in a nice way? As in just say something like, "We like your ideas, but the rest of us have ideas too, and it's not fair for one person to dominate everything. We're a team and we need to work together and all have an equal say." Try to reason with her and make her see your perspective. If she cries even over that, then it's really her problem. Just insist on doing things fairly and make clear to her that it's nothing personal. She'll probably get over it.
QuestionHow do I deal with a co-worker who always bosses me around?Community AnswerAvoid them when possible. You can also be honest with them and tell them that you do not appreciate how they interact with you.
QuestionWhat do I do if someone's using force to take me somewhere I don't want to go?Community AnswerIf you're under 18 and the person is your parent/guardian and the place you don't want to go is someplace like school or a doctor appointment, there's not much you can do. However, in any other situation you should contact the police, as this is kidnapping, a felony offense.
QuestionIf dealing with a bossy ex, how can I tell him that it is not okay to harass or annoy me in passing?Community AnswerFind help. Nobody has the right to harass or annoy others. You could also try to avoid him, and delete all communications to him.
QuestionHow can I manage a controlling/bossy housemate?Community AnswerTalk to them about how you feel. If doing chores is the issue, consider building a plan together for who will do what. This way there won't be a need for the other person to be bossy or controlling, because the plan is laid out and getting done.
QuestionI have a friend who is super cranky and bossy. He expects everyone to listen to him, but doesn't allow others to express their opinions. What should I do?Community AnswerYou may want to rethink that friendship if his attitude bothers you. Try to ignore him and distance yourself from him in a polite way. If he asks you why you are distant, you can tell him your reason, and if he doesn't bother to apologize and/or change, then it's better to walk away from that friendship.
QuestionI am doing a major project in school in a group of four, and the other girls are extremely rude and bossy. What is best for this scenario?Community AnswerHave you tried being kind and talking to them? Maybe you need to be more firm. If you tell the teacher, do it alone. Voicing too many opinions may only make things more difficult.
QuestionWhat do I do if I am a child and another child is bossing me around?Community AnswerJust say politely, "Nobody said that you were in charge. We all have equal rights," or, "You are not the boss of me, the teachers are." Keep in mind that some people are bossy because they're going through a hard time in their life. If he/she doesn't stop, let a teacher or another adult authority figure know.
QuestionMy classmate keeps asking me information about my family, and she also tells me that if I don't do what she says, she'll tell. We are in sixth grade. Please help?Community AnswerThis classmate is trying to blackmail you. Don't do what she says, and tell an adult what's going on, even if she's going to "tell" on you for something. If you show her that she can manipulate you, she'll never stop doing it.
QuestionHow do I deal with a friend that guilt trips me into doing things?Community AnswerStop falling for it. If you know they're trying to manipulate you into doing something, just tell them no and stand firm. Once they see that the guilt trips aren't working anymore, they'll probably stop trying.
QuestionA girl on my team in gym keeps bossing everyone around, and I feel that she's being rude. For instance, I asked to play defense and she wouldn't let me. I want to stand up to her, but I fear she'll take it wrong. Can you give me advice?Community AnswerJust say something like, "Can you please take other people's thoughts and preferences into consideration? You're not the leader of the team, everyone should have equal input." If talking to her doesn't work, ask the coach/gym teacher to intervene.
QuestionI have just started an end of the year project and the teacher chose the groups. One of my group members is extremely bossy. If she doesn't get her way, she whines. How do I deal with this person?Community AnswerLet her know that you all have the right to a point of view, and that if you are going to succeed as a group, then one person cannot be in complete control. If this isn't working, inform the teacher your group needs assistance in working through the project.
QuestionThere are a bunch of girls in my school who are bossy, and every time I step up to one she tells the teacher. I give my backstory, but she still doesn't trust me. What should I do?Community AnswerInstead of having to defend yourself, try telling the teacher first. If there is anyone around who witnessed what happened compel them to tell the teacher with you.
QuestionHow can you deal with people meddling on Facebook?Community AnswerYou can either message them on Facebook, or meet up in person, to talk to them and explain what's bothering you. Listen to their side too. And offer options on how you guys compromise.
QuestionHow do I deal with a bossy kid in my school? Every time I stand up to him, he tries to beat me up, so I beat him up too. What do I do?Community AnswerIt sounds like this is an ongoing issue that needs an adult's intervention. Talk to a teacher or counselor about what's going on and ask for help. They should be able to help. In the meantime, just avoid this kid as much as you can.
QuestionHow can I be less reactive and let things slide?Community AnswerMeditation is a wonderful way to find your center, and thus be less reactive.
QuestionHow do I deal with someone who is super bossy, but has a lot of friends who can protect him?Community AnswerJust kindly ask him not to boss you around so much. If this doesn't work, ignore him or try to avoid him.
QuestionHow do I deal with a friend who refuses to share anything?Community AnswerTell her (politely) that she is being selfish. When she asks you to share something with her, tell her, “You don’t share anything with me, so why should I share this with you?” If it continues, ask an adult to talk to her.
QuestionHow do I take orders from someone who isn't as qualified as I am in my job?Tom De BackerTop AnswererIn a professional environment, you have to take orders from everyone who is your superior. It is not up to you to judge their qualifications. If they are your equal or subordinate, you are perfectly within your right to not accept their ordering you around. Professional environments have legal systems in place to deal with harassment, use those rules if necessary.
QuestionHow do I deal with a parent that's bossy towards me?Community AnswerIf you're talking about your own parent, it's basically their job to be bossy towards you. They're looking out for your best interests. If you feel like you need a little more independence to make your own choices, try having a calm, respectful conversation with them about this.
QuestionI am on a soccer team as a defender. And this one girl who is super bossy is telling me what to do, even though I already know what I am doing, and most of the times she is incorrect. What do I do or say?Community AnswerSay to her "I think we should ask the person in charge before we go along with this." If she is very bad, say "I don't like you telling me what to do all the time, because you're not in charge and it just comes across as a little disrespectful. Also, I think we should ask someone with a higher position before we move this on. I'm not sure it's right."
QuestionMy younger sister has been bossy ever since we were children. We are both in our late 20's now and we live far away from our parents. How should I confront her about her behavior?Community AnswerTell her in a nice way that you don’t like it when she acts this bossy. She has no right to boss you around, and she needs to understand that. If she keeps bossing you around, ignore her and make sure you are always in control of your life, no matter what.
QuestionHow do I deal with a bossy person in my business group?Community AnswerIf he is your boss, it’s fine unless he is pushing you out of your boundaries. If he is a coworker, show him how to compromise and explain how he is making you feel.
QuestionHow do I get my spouse to ask instead of tell if they're being bossy?Community AnswerLet them know in a nice way that you like/understand their ideas, but you don’t want them to be forceful/bossy. Tell them that you would prefer that they accept your ideas, and that you are willing to compromise. Remember to let them know in a nice way or they might think that you are being rude or unnecessary.
QuestionWhat do I do if a coworker keeps saying that he wishes I worked like someone else?Community AnswerWork hard and show him that. Impress your boss by always being kind and responsible. Work hard for your boss and you might be promoted to a higher position. But make sure you don’t change to much, or your boss might become suspicious. As for your coworker, he will be jealous. But if that doesn’t work, just ignore him.
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