Q&A for How to Develop Your Reading Habit

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    Often, when I read for a course I am studying for, it is difficult to understand what iI have just read. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Before you start reading, preview what you are going to read (i.e. read headings and skim the entire article or chapter). When you don't understand meaning of word, underline it and search for the meaning in a dictionary. Then read the paragraph again with the word's meaning fresh in mind.
  • Question
    I tend to easily forget the content of what I have read. What should I do to be able to remember content for a long time?
    Community Answer
    Focus on what you're reading, one word at a time. If it helps, act as if you're taking a test at the end of each chapter and quickly check yourself on what you read, just to make sure you remember. It doesn't have to be hard, just something to toggle your memory.
  • Question
    Can I force myself to read when I don't feel like?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Set aside a time each day, maybe 30 minutes, to sit and read. Hopefully over time you won't have to "make" yourself do it any longer as it will become enjoyable.
  • Question
    Why is it sometimes impossible for me a spell a word I just read in a book? How can I improve my spelling?
    Community Answer
    It's difficult to remember a word you've newly encountered. A great way to help yourself to remember (and spell) new words is to keep a notebook where you write them down and review them. how to learn to remember spellings of words has some useful tips to help you improve your spelling.
  • Question
    What are the best books to read?
    Community Answer
    Some of the best books to read fluctuate on your age and what you like! Talk to a librarian about your interests and reading level to find the best books for you.
  • Question
    My goal is to read 100 books in a month, but my reading speed is too slow, how can I make this possible?
    Community Answer
    Choose shorter books. They might even be easier to understand than the ones you're already reading.
  • Question
    I am a teacher. How can I develop reading habits in my 9th and 10th grade students?
    Community Answer
    Encourage them to read books with light plots. Those who like a higher quality of book may enjoy Agatha Christie or Sherlock You can always ask them to read teen/young adult literature.
  • Question
    Would reading comics or novels help me develop a reading habit?
    Community Answer
    Yes, novels and comics are both forms of literature. With comics, you can get a better visual understanding of what you read. Novels gives you the opportunity to use your imagination to create your own pictures inside your head.
  • Question
    How do I encourage my fifth grade son to love reading and put away the idea that school work is done at school?
    Community Answer
    Find a good book series, like Harry Potter, and read him the first book before bed each night. When he wants to read the second one, tell him he has to read it on his own. If he doesn't like Harry Potter, there are plenty of other great books out there, you just have to find something that captures his interest.
  • Question
    How do I make it stop feeling like my head is going to explode while reading?
    Community Answer
    Before reading, relax. Try meditation. When reading, go slow at first, word after word. Gradually increase your pace. Stop reading every two paragraphs or so and think about what you've read to make sure you're actually understanding.
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    Who is author in this article?
    Top Answerer
    As is the case with all wikiHow articles, this was written and edited anonymously.
  • Question
    How can I have more interest for reading?
    Community Answer
    After reading a book, share your reviews with other readers. Ask other readers what book they found interesting, then read that book and debate your reviews with other readers. You will gradually start to read books yourself. Choose your favourite author and try to read all books written by that author.
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