Q&A for How to Do Istikhara

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    I have heard that after performing Istikhara, a person should not talk. Is that so?
    Top Answerer
    It is not required that you not speak after performing Istikhara, but you should be in a state of remembrance and trust in Allah that He will help you in your difficulties and guide you through them.
  • Question
    Tonight I want to pray ishtikhara. It's my first time I will perform this salah and I didn't get the instruction; can you please explain how I have to pray and when? Is it Sunnah or nafal which sura?
    Community Answer
    You can recite dua of istikhara after praying 2 rakat after any obligatory prayer. There is no time specification or specific surah for it.
  • Question
    How willl I know that Allah has answered my prayer?
    Top Answerer
    Some people may have dreams; however, this is not always the case. For most people, the events that occur after the istikhara usually incline those to the path they should take.
  • Question
    When I am performing Istikhara, can it be about anything that I am worried about?
    Community Answer
    Allah has so much mercy and loves his creations. Of course, you can perform for anything that you are worried about, big or small. Just remember Allah is always there for you.
  • Question
    Is there anything Istikhara cannot be used for?
    Top Answerer
    Istikhara can be done for anything, regardless of how big or small you may think it is. You can ask Allah for guidance for anything - there's no requirement of what it can be about.
  • Question
    I'm in a relationship with someone and I'm not sure whether he's the right person for me. Can istikhara prayer be helpful for this?
    Community Answer
    Yes, absolutely. Istakhara means receiving a suggestion from Allah. You will feel the answer in your heart.
  • Question
    I have done istikhara before and it came out well. Can I do istikhara again for my struggling marriage?
    Top Answerer
    Of course. There's no limit to how often you can do istikhara. In fact, it's good to ask Allah for support and guidance during times of hardship, so you're allowed to do it multiple times.
  • Question
    I am living with my in-laws and extended family. Things are not that good. For the sake of my kids' future, my husband and I might move out. Can I do istikhara?
    Top Answerer
    Istikhara can be done for many different reasons and in several situations. In this situation, you want help or guidance, so you may perform istikhara to ask Allah to guide you in this difficult situation. The Prophet said, "If any one of you is concerned about a decision he has to make, then let him pray two rak’ahs of non-obligatory prayer."
  • Question
    My dad is confused about selling his property? Can I perform salatul istikhara instead of him?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. While salatul istikhara is a means of finding guidance for oneself, it is permissible for you to perform it on behalf of someone, or to help someone seek guidance for some sort of problem.
  • Question
    If my husband and I are going through a divorce, can I perform istikhara for the right decisions moving forward?
    Top Answerer
    Definitely! Istikhara is a way to ask Allah for guidance on any issue, no matter how big or small.
  • Question
    I'm a Shia female wanting to marry a Sunni male. Our parents have refused. Although our relationship is haraam, we have the intention to marry. Will Allah hold my sins against me? Will Istikhara work?
    Community Answer
    If your parents are against but you both want to get married, ask for help of your brother (if you have one who is supportive of you); he can take role of wali on himself in this case for purpose of getting you married or in your masjid. If your relationship became haraam because your parents preventing you from marriage - the sins are also on their hands in this case - again masjid should help, because now is in your best interest make it halal - and you hardly can have halal marriage with another men while you love someone else. Istikhara may help you if you use it as help to get married and get blessings upon your marriage.
  • Question
    Have been writing exams for the past five years, yet I don't pass. Can I do Istikhara?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can. You should do Istakhara in situations like this, i.e. before exams.
  • Question
    I want to start my business by making a supermarket. I am already working as a designer, but I want to also start a business along with it. Is it good for me?
    Top Answerer
    Of course! There's no set criteria for Salat-al-Istikhara. If you would like guidance and support in this matter, then you can perform the Istikhara.
  • Question
    How should I pray so my husband will change his life?
    Community Answer
    Just make dua to Allah. Talk to him in the best language you know and tell Him as many details as you can think of. Repeat this often.
  • Question
    Can I perform istikhara around 11:00 AM? How do I know the istikhara I performed has been answered?
    Community Answer
    It's preferably done before going to sleep, but you can do it whenever. Go with your regular life; if it is something you need to work on, work on it, and if it is good for you, Allah will Inshallah make it work for you.
  • Question
    When is the best time of day to perform Istikhara?
    Top Answerer
    It can be performed at any time during the day, except during times during which it is forbidden to pray.
  • Question
    Can I do Istikhara if I'm worried about failing in my career?
    Community Answer
    Yes. When you recite the Istikhara prayer with a specific goal in your mind, then He will guide you.
  • Question
    How do I know if my du'a has been answered after I have performed istikhara?
    Community Answer
    You may find out eventually, but istikhara is way to get blessings for something you are planning to do.
  • Question
    What if I can't memorize all the surahs for the prayers, can I still pray Salatul Istikhara?
    Top Answerer
    Of course - reciting a surah after Al-Fatiha isn't even obligatory. Rather, it's sunnah. If you do not know any surahs, you can just recite Al-Fatiha in both rak'ahs, and then pray the Dua.
  • Question
    Can I say the Ishtikhara du'a in a language other than Arabic?
    Top Answerer
    This would be against the sunnah, as the practice of the Prophet is recommended to follow. If you do not know the du'a, you can read it from a book or read the transliteration. However, du'a in another language is permissible and Allah always listens to du'a.
  • Question
    Can I ask more than one thing at the same time?
    Community Answer
    You can ask as many things as you want to, but it is better to be specific on the matter that you need guidance on from Allah.
  • Question
    I like someone, and I want to marry him. Can I do istakhara for guidance on this?
    Community Answer
    You should ask your relatives first of their view of that person, if they are Muslim. Istakhara is good thing to do anyway, but it shouldn't be used as Q&A -- it's meaning is to get blessings for action you are determined to do.
  • Question
    Do I read Istikhara after the salat?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, after two rak'ah of naafil (supererogatory) prayers, you pray the Istikhara du'a.
  • Question
    Is it true that after salah istikhara, I should not speak?
    Community Answer
    No, but it's usually performed before going to sleep, so you wouldn't speak anyway.
  • Question
    I had an affair with someone then we broke up. Now I am engaged to another one so should I tell him that I was in a relationship with someone else before him? For this can I do istikhara?
    Top Answerer
    As for the Salatul Istikhara, that is done for guidance and support in a difficult situation, which you seem to be in, so yes you can ask Allah for guidance in this matter.
  • Question
    How will I know the answer? Will there be any signs?
    Community Answer
    You will get a strong feeling of whether you should or should not do what you asked about. It's spiritual, so you just need to have faith.
  • Question
    Can I do istikhara as many times as I can?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    How many Rakats do I have to perform when doing Istikhara?
    فيصل الذهب
    Community Answer
    Two Rakats only. After the conclusion of the prayer, there is a certain duaa that must be recited.
  • Question
    I love someone and I seriously need to know if he loves me. How can I come to know while performing Istikhara?
    Community Answer
    Istikhara is not a Q&A prayer. It's mean to get blessing for action you are sure you going to do. If you need know if he loves you, you can simply ask him (after all, after being married, people have to be able talk with each other). If you're too shy ask in person, do it via message or ask your friend for help.
  • Question
    Is it necessary to sleep when I am doing istikhara?
    Community Answer
    No, it is not.
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