Q&A for How to Do Kegel Exercises for Men

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    Can it solve erectile dysfunction?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Erectile dysfunction can be caused by any number of things, so don't get your hopes up that simply doing Kegels will solve your issue. It certainly will help, but there's no guarantee that it will magically go away. See a doctor when in doubt.
  • Question
    Do Kegel exercises increase sexual stamina?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes, but only slightly. It gives you more control over your pelvic muscles, but nothing can stop the onrush of ejaculation after the point of no return.
  • Question
    I'm a man, and cant locate my pelvic floor muscles. Any help?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Next time you go to the toilet, try to stop the flow of urine, or the evacuation of feces. The muscles you use to do that are the muscles in your pelvic floor. You can also pretend to do that right now.
  • Question
    Do exercises develop the penis?
    Community Answer
    Yes, Kegel exercises can develop the performance of the penis.
  • Question
    Would Kegel exercises extend my time until ejaculation?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Kegel exercises give you a slight amount of additional control over your pelvic muscles. But when the time comes to ejaculate, nothing can stop it. This does indeed mean you can somewhat delay your ejaculation, but not for hours. Ejaculation is the result of a complex and intricate interplay of dozens of hormones, stimulation, mindset, etc. Muscle control is just one of those factors.
  • Question
    It is good doing kegel exercises for bachelors?
    Community Answer
    Yes it is, it doesn't change whether you are a bachelor or not. Keep at it.
  • Question
    How do I reduce the buttocks using floor exercises?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It is not possible to tell your body where you want it to remove fat; for example, doing push-ups does not reduce only arm fat. If you take in more calories than you burn, the body stores this energy as fat, usually first around the abdomen, then also waist, legs, arms, neck, chin, etc. If you burn more calories, the body will convert this fat back to energy, usually from all reserves more or less simultaneously, with the abdomen coming last. So, to reduce the buttocks, do cardio, eat well, sleep well, drink lots of water, burn more calories than you take in.
  • Question
    Can kids do Kegels?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Sure, why not. As with everything, do it in moderation. But the more they learn to control their muscles, the better it is.
  • Question
    I find it difficult to breathe while performing the exercise. Any advice?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Breathing is semi-automatic, so if we don't do it consciously, our body does it for us. Try doing Kegels to music, to the beat of Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees, for example. Contract, relax, contract, relax, to the beat. Next, add in your breathing. In, contract, relax, out, contract, relax, in...
  • Question
    Does Kegel exercises increase penis size?
    Community Answer
    No, they do not.
  • Question
    Would kegels be beneficial for me if I frequently have to wake up to use the bathroom at night?
    Community Answer
    They might be helpful, but it would be better to look at the factors that might be causing your nighttime urination. For example, you may want to avoid drinking anything in the two hours before you go to bed.
  • Question
    What stretches help with urine flow?
    Community Answer
    All of these exercises combined help with it. Try to do all of them as shown.
  • Question
    I can't hold for 3-5 seconds. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You need to stretch. This will make it less painful, thus making the exercise easier to hold. You should always stretch before any isometric or isotonic exercise.
  • Question
    When you tighten your pelvic floor muscles, do you feel a sensation in your penis?
    Community Answer
    If you’re referring to a tightening sensation, then yes. Similarly to when you flex a muscle, this is a contraction of your penis.
  • Question
    What exercises can I do to improve libido?
    Community Answer
    In no particular order, these can help: Jogging, jumping jacks, burpees, kegels, hip thrusts, kegels again, squats. lunges, and more kegels (really hold tight and for long intervals).
  • Question
    When I start to do kegel exercises, my erection will start. Is it correct what I am doing?
    Community Answer
    This is fine and normal. First of all, you’re contracting your penis, so it’s tightening temporarily. Second of all, you’re likely subconsciously or consciously relating the exercise directly to sexual matters, which results in an erection.
  • Question
    Can kegel exercises be done while you have an erection?
    Community Answer
    Yes, and even often times kegel exercises will result in somewhat of an erection due to the mindset you’re likely in during the exercise.
  • Question
    Do kegel exercises reduce quick ejaculation?
    Community Answer
    Yes, when you build your pelvic floor muscles, you improve ejaculatory endurance.
  • Question
    Is a kegel tightening of the penis and anus simultaneously and releasing?
    Community Answer
    Precisely. As far as personal experience goes, one cannot happen without the other.
  • Question
    I have an enlarged prostate and will be using a Foley catheter for about six months prior to laser surgery on my prostate. I am 62. Will Kegels help me retrain my bladder?
    James Kidd
    Community Answer
    Kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that control the bladder, potentially improving bladder control and reducing leakage. However, it's important to work with your healthcare provider for a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses your individual needs and medical condition, which may include other strategies such as timed voiding, bladder training, or medications. Be patient with the process of retraining your bladder, as it may take time to see improvement.
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