Q&A for How to Do a Flip Turn (Freestyle)

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    After the flip I end up in deep water and have to swim up, using too much air. What do I do?
    Isabella Jiwon Moreno
    Community Answer
    Try to angle yourself up and do your break out (three dolphin kicks and two strokes) before you breathe so you don't use as much air. Also, try humming, that make the air last a bit longer.
  • Question
    What happens if water gets in your nose, and you suck all the water in, which makes it feel really weird?
    Community Answer
    You'll be just fine. Try blowing out when you flip so this doesn't happen.
  • Question
    For 50 meters, do I need to do a flip turn?
    Community Answer
    Olympic-length pools are 50 meters, so you would not need to do a flip turn in a pool of that length. However, most pools are only 25 meters/yards, and in such a pool, you would need to do a flip turn.
  • Question
    Should I use the flip turn in long distance events?
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    Where do I keep my arms?
    Community Answer
    In a race, it is a good idea to have your hands at your side. But while you start off, use your arms to help you. When you feel ready put more power in your legs and less in your arms.
  • Question
    What is the butterfly kick?
    Community Answer
    The butterfly kick is where your legs go up and down in a wave motion. It's also known as the dolphin kick.
  • Question
    I'm really scared about trying this. What can I do to boost my confidence?
    Community Answer
    Tell yourself that you can do it. It might help to have a friend watch you and encourage you. Before you perform the flip turn, target the place where you want to flip with your eyes. Just be confident!
  • Question
    Do I get disqualified if I start a stroke too early? Is there a certain distance I have to go after the flip turn?
    Community Answer
    No, there is no specific regulation for this.
  • Question
    How do I do a flip turn in swimming?
    Community Answer
    This move is very complicated but can be learned very quickly with proper training. First when you reach about 2 yards before the wall start getting mentally prepared. Strengthen your body and push your stroke harder. Next when your about a foot away from the wall arch your back in a flipping position. Now only do half of a flip and when your almost finished, push off the wall with your feet. Push really hard and quickly go into streamline.
  • Question
    Is it absolutely mandatory to do a flip turn for a 50 yd swim in a 25 yd pool? Will I get disqualified if I don't?
    Rey Starchaser
    Top Answerer
    It depends. If you're at practice or just swimming recreationally, then no. However, most competitions prefer it if you do a flip turn. Not only will it make you a better swimmer, it will decrease your overall time as well. Ask your coach or instructor to be sure.
  • Question
    When I do my flip turn I'm on my back, but I end up going sideways. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    That's fine. It is supposed to be that way. You can either push off the wall, and then with every dolphin kick, rotate until you are on your stomach, or you can continue doing dolphin kicks on your side. That is called a "fish kick," and it can be faster than dolphin kicking on your stomach.
  • Question
    Should I swim naked in a public pool and then do the flip turn?
    Community Answer
    Do not swim naked in a public pool. Flip turns are for fast transitions between lengths in races, and unnecessary for casual swimming.
  • Question
    Should I put my feet over the bold marks in the vertical wall of my pool and push off?
    Community Answer
    You could. You should make sure you don't push too low or too high, though, seeing as pushing too low you'll hit the floor and too high you'll surface to fast. The marks are kind of slippery though, so you might want to put your feet next to them.
  • Question
    What if the pool doesn't have a T to mark when doing a flip turn?
    Community Answer
    Try doing a stationary flip turn close enough to touch the pool wall. Once you hit the wall and think you can do a flip turn successfully, try to keep a mental "T" or "mark" when you come near the pool edge. Once you know your boundaries for those situations, it's fairly easy to get your T/mark on your first try in any pool.
  • Question
    If the water is stuck up my nose, is there a possibility I might have a nosebleed?
    Top Answerer
    No. These two things are unrelated. Water won't get stuck in your nose - there's nothing for it to be stuck behind. You can gasp and gurgle and generally have breathing mishaps under water where water enters your nose and the like, but none of these are really harmful. And unless you have a prior condition, I don't see any way a little water in your nose could result in a nosebleed.
  • Question
    How many strokes should I do before taking a breath?
    Community Answer
    You should normally be taking one breath per stroke - left arm, breath on right in arch, repeat.
  • Question
    What happens if I'm underwater and I start losing control? What do I do?
    Community Answer
    First, try not to touch the bottom, as you can get disqualified for that. Just touch the wall, and continue your stroke.
  • Question
    I don't touch the wall when I do my flip turn. How do I locate the wall?
    Community Answer
    Count your strokes from five meters to the end, then take one stroke off. Swim from five meters and do your flip turn when you reach the second number of strokes that you counted.
  • Question
    What if I can't swim?
    Ann Wilson
    Community Answer
    Try and find yourself some swim lessons so that you can learn. Then, you can learn this skill along with swimming.
  • Question
    Can I get disqualified if I miss the wall in a meet/relay?
    Community Answer
    Yes, otherwise you are cutting the swim short. You must always touch the wall and use the correct rules per stroke you are swimming.
  • Question
    Is there a way to keep water from rushing into my ears?
    Community Answer
    You can wear a swim cap over your ears, which will prevent the rush of water. There are also some water earplugs you can get that are designed for people with swimmer's ear.
  • Question
    Would I get disqualified if I did dolphin kicks underwater after a freestyle flip turn?
    Community Answer
    You're actually supposed to do that! Right after a flip turn, do dolphin kicks to propel you back up to the surface. You will get disqualified though if you keep doing dolphin kicks after the 15 metre mark, it's usually shown using a red line.
  • Question
    Why do I keep choking on water when I do my flip turn?
    Community Answer
    Because you are not breathing out as you do your flip turn. When you are performing your flip turn, be sure to blow bubbles so that you don't get water in your nose or choke.
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