Q&A for How to Do a Maypole Dance

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    If a pole is 7 feet tall, how long does the ribbon have to be to wrap it around the pole?
    Community Answer
    It should be about 13 feet to get it to go all the way around to cover the pole fully, otherwise, about 8 feet long so you can leave some space in between the different ribbons.
  • Question
    How many ribbons are there traditionally on a maypole?
    Community Answer
    There should at least be about 6-8.
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    How do I construct/make a revolving maypole?
    Community Answer
    It is not necessary to make a "revolving" maypole. Any tall, sturdy post is potentially suitable as a maypole. Just attach some ribbons at the top that are somewhat longer than the pole is tall. The maypole should remain motionless during the dance as the dancers wrap it up in both directions simultaneously. A "revolving maypole" would either unwind the ribbons of dancers going the same direction as the direction of revolution, or pull the ribbons out of the dancers' hands going the opposite direction, either way spoiling the dance. No need to overcomplicate -- you just need a regular, sturdy, non-revolving pole and some ribbon. That's all there is to it.
  • Question
    Does this dance has an impact on physical fitness? How?
    Chloe Palmer
    Community Answer
    Not particularly. Depending on your fitness, maypole dancing is just skipping around the pole with a ribbon, which is not high impact exercise. However, these dances can go on for up to 10 minutes depending on how tall the maypole is, so there is exercise involved that can help improve fitness.
  • Question
    How many ribbons are on a maypole?
    Community Answer
    There are usually 6-8 ribbons on a maypole. You can really use as many as you want, as long as you have an equal number of them.
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