Q&A for How to Do a Straddle Press Handstand

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    How do I get better at handstands?
    Rosalind Lutsky
    Former Gymnastics Coach
    Rosalind Lutsky worked as a gymnastics coach at SB Gymnastics at Stanford University, coaching children from ages 5-12 years old during her time as a Stanford student. She was a competitive gymnast growing up, and competed for her local gymnastics team in Minnesota.
    Former Gymnastics Coach
    Expert Answer
    Practice and work on your core strength. That’s the main muscle you need to engage in a press handstand. It especially helps to practice this type of handstand against a wall to make sure you don’t fall forwards as you practice the skill. If you're struggling to get the form down, have somebody hold your back and waist, and help pull you up for practice.
  • Question
    How can I hold my handstands longer?
    Community Answer
    Keep your stomach tight. If it is not tight, then you will topple over. Also, if you are falling, try pressing your fingers really hard to maintain balance. You also want to keep yourself as straight as possible.
  • Question
    How can I stop my legs from burning while doing this?
    Community Answer
    To some extent you can't, but they will burn less the more you practice, the more you exercise your legs in general, and the stronger you get.
  • Question
    Why can't I get my feet off the ground?
    Community Answer
    Your upper body strength probably is not as strong as you need it to be. Do handstands, holding them as long as you can. That should build your upper-body strength and get your arms used to holding and supporting all your weight.
  • Question
    Why does it hurt near my thigh sockets when I'm holding my straddle?
    Community Answer
    It's most likely your pelvis and thighs aren't as flexible when holding a straddle. This is very easily overcome by some stretching throughout the day.
  • Question
    Do I need a mat to do this?
    Community Answer
    Not if you feel confident enough. If you have not had lots of practice, I would suggest using a mat to be safe.
  • Question
    How am I supposed to get my feet off the ground?
    Community Answer
    Getting your feet off the ground is a slow process if you're not a trained gymnast, but I suggest you use a wall to speed up the process.
  • Question
    Can I do this on a yoga mat against a wall?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but surround the area with pillows in case you fall.
  • Question
    How do I press and then get up?
    Community Answer
    You need to have a lot of core strength to do this. Try controlling yourself, and make sure you line up your hands with your hips.
  • Question
    Do I have to do middle splits to do this?
    Community Answer
    No, you don't. But if you can't do your middle splits at all, practice some straddle handstands.
  • Question
    How do I lift myself from straddle to handstand for the press handstand without bending my arms and legs?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend that you use a wall to start. Just stop thinking about it so much and focus on getting your legs up and together. Push your arms really straight and maybe do arm conditioning to increase the strength of your arm muscles.
  • Question
    I can never get my hips to go up much. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Before you go up, make sure you have been stretching a lot before you can even do the straddle handstand, or else your hips will continue to down. Just keep practicing.
  • Question
    How do I not get leg cramps when doing a straddle press handstand?
    Community Answer
    To get rid of them, just keep on practicing the straddle press handstand and hold it for as long as you can. If you fall, try it again. Don't push yourself too hard though.
  • Question
    How do I put my feet up in the air?
    Community Answer
    You need a lot a strength in your core to be able to do it. If you don't, try stretching every day and try doing it against a wall, too.
  • Question
    How come when I go up against a wall I can go into straddle and come down easily, but I can't go up like that?
    Community Answer
    That is because you are leaning your weight against the wall which makes it easier for you to press up, but without the wall, you need a lot of body strength. All of that strength has to be used to push yourself up.
  • Question
    How long do you hold a straddle for?
    Community Answer
    You want to hold the straddle as you go up and then you want to close your legs when you reach your full handstand. When you want to come down you just open up your legs into your straddle and slowly make your way back down. You can hold your straddle as long as you want just make sure you go all the way up into the handstand or it is not considered a full-press handstand.
  • Question
    Why can't I lift my hips high?
    Community Answer
    This is usually because the line of your hands is too far away from the line of your legs/feet to have the right leverage. The closer they are to a straight line, the higher your hips are at the beginning of your press and the less distance you have to go to get your hips up.
  • Question
    How do I not get my feet to touch the ground?
    Community Answer
    Develop your arm and core strength.
  • Question
    How do I get my feet off the ground and still keep balanced?
    Community Answer
    Stand next to a wall with your back to it, then bend over and put your hands on the ground and walk up the wall with your feet. All you have to do is kick off the wall just a little bit and you're doing a handstand.
  • Question
    I used to be able to do this, but I can't anymore!
    Community Answer
    It might be because you are out of practice! You should be able to develop the skill again with practice. If your arms are too weak, do arm-strengthening exercises like pushups and lifting weights.
  • Question
    Why can't I get my feet over my head?
    Community Answer
    Your upper body strength is probably not as strong as you need it to be.
  • Question
    How do I get onto my hands when doing a handstand?
    Community Answer
    When doing a regular handstand, you put your hands on the ground and push up, and your body weight is on your hands. To do this, you need to be able to hold yourself up. When doing a straddle press handstand, you lift up your legs in a small straddle, and put your hands in between your legs and push up, just like with a regular handstand.
  • Question
    How do I do one from sitting?
    Community Answer
    You go in a straddle on the floor with your hands firmly on the ground and then you swing your legs up push and your chest forwards and you should be in a press handstand which was done from the floor.
  • Question
    Why can't I do it from the ground when I can do it from standing?
    Community Answer
    You need to have a lot of arm and core strength to do it, because you are pushing all of your body weight up while standing on your hands, so it's harder. Focus on arms and core during workouts.
  • Question
    How do I keep my stomach tight when doing a handstand?
    Community Answer
    Hold your stomach in, but make sure you can still breathe at the same time. Keep your stomach tucked in and hold your body up.
  • Question
    How far apart should my hands be?
    Community Answer
    Your hands should be parallel with your shoulders. This is so you can balance longer.
  • Question
    How can I keep my wrists from hurting so bad?
    Community Answer
    Press hard into your fingers to take some of the stress off your wrists.
  • Question
    What if I am not able to do this?
    Riley Next
    Community Answer
    You CAN do this! You just may not be able to get it on your first couple of tries. Get a spotter or teacher to spot you and keep practicing. You will be able to get it soon!
  • Question
    How do I keep my legs straight in a handstand?
    Community Answer
    Make sure that you point your toes and look straight toward the ground. This will help you keep balanced and keep the strength in your legs to keep them from bending.
  • Question
    How long will it take to be able to do a straddle?
    Community Answer
    Like any other gymnastic trick, it takes practice and really depends on the person. It could possible take months, or could be as little as a week.
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