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Q&A for How to Draw a Map of an Imaginary Place
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QuestionHow can I make my map look older?Community AnswerTry drawing it on a sheet of crumpled up parchment paper. If you can't find any, you can always use brown craft paper, like from a paper bag. Draw the map using black ink, then tear the edges slightly. You can stain them using tea or charcoal to make them look older and worn.
QuestionHow can you draw landforms in the sky above the island/imaginary earth, such as cloud palaces or sky islands?BlackcatsCommunity AnswerYou just follow the instructions for a mainland or island. Make it floating above the main part of land, and add some shadows on it. Then, on the bottom of the landform in the sky, you can draw clouds or jagged, broken rock and earth to show it came out of the ground.
QuestionWhat if I cannot draw the outline?Lily WolfeTop AnswererJust close your eyes and draw a random shape on a piece of paper.
QuestionIf my map is accompanying a story, how do I make sure it corresponds well with the storyline?Community AnswerSpecify which points are important and make sure they're accessible when you get to the details in the story.
QuestionHow do I draw a map of an imaginary city digitally?Community AnswerGet Photoshop or image-making software, even Paint works! Try to draw it as if it was paper and use the line/shape tools.
QuestionHow do I make 3D mountains on my map?Community AnswerShadow them. Think of the direction the sun is going and add shading accordingly.
QuestionWhat are some tips on drawing rivers?Community AnswerFor a natural look, drop your pen about 5-10 times onto the paper from about eight inches above. Then join the dots and widen it to make a river.
QuestionHow do I make a magical elemental world?Community AnswerUse your imagination to imagine the land itself and just be creative.
QuestionHow do I draw a 2D map?Community AnswerBe inspired by things like Google Maps. Draw out roads, areas with different ecosystems and biomes, and cities.
QuestionHow do I draw the sun reflecting on the ocean?Community AnswerYou can do this with a few simple strokes: just draw blue horizontal lines about halfway up the paper, and a yellow semicircle for the sun. Then, draw yellow, wiggly lines in the water to show the sun reflecting across the water. You can also use other colors here (like purple, pink, etc.) to show different times of day.
QuestionHow can I draw overlapping houses with a ballpoint pen?Community AnswerDraw the houses in the front first, then add pieces of other houses showing behind the front line, such as roofs.
QuestionHow do I draw a map if my drawing skills are not great?Community AnswerYour drawing skills don't have to be great to draw a map. Try and draw a very natural looking place with no buildings, like it hasn't been touched by human society and modern things. For things to look natural, you want them to look a bit messy and uneven. Most importantly, just have fun with it.
QuestionWhat if my island turns out too small/too big?DonaganTop AnswererIt's your imagination. You can make any changes you want.
QuestionHow would I make names for this place?TITANFROGCommunity AnswerYou could combine names of things and places. Take the first syllable of one country and the last syllable of another.
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