Q&A for How to Dress Modestly As a Muslim Girl

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    How do I transition into wearing a hijab?
    Community Answer
    If your niyaah (intentions) are pure to wanting the hijab then just do it. The fact that you're thinking about it is already a good sign. Start simple.
  • Question
    People make fun of me because I'm not allowed to wear shorts. My parents say it is not modest. What do I say to the people who make fun of me?
    Community Answer
    Most Muslim parents are more strict about the length of clothes than non-Muslims. You are not alone in this! If someone is making fun of you, ignore them and be confident: a hijab does not have to restrict your confidence. While you may not be allowed to wear shorts, you can still dress nicely and put effort into your appearance.
  • Question
    Do I have to wear makeup before leaving the house?
    Community Answer
    It depends on you. If you want to, then you can wear makeup but if you don't wish to do so, then there is no harm done.
  • Question
    Is it haram to wear clothes I like in my home? My dad asks us to wear hijab at home as well.
    Ala Salah
    Community Answer
    To close family and women there is no need to wear a hijab. I personally wear pajamas and have my hair out if I am with my husband at home. If guests come it is courtesy and religion to wear proper clothing.
  • Question
    Why do some Muslim girls not wear hijabs?
    Community Answer
    Not all Muslims are equally strict about all of these rules. Some Muslims don't believe that what you wear is an essential part of being a Muslim.
  • Question
    How can I encourage myself to wear the hijab without being afraid of other people's reactions?
    Community Answer
    Pray to Allah for guidance and strength.
  • Question
    I was told Muslim women shouldn't or aren't allowed to wear nail polish. What is the truth?
    Community Answer
    As a Muslim, you have to pray five times a day. To pray, you must perform the needed ablutions. However, Wudu does not happen when you are wearing nail polish. Since you are performing Wudu five times a day, it is preferred not to wear nail polish. Also, when you die, people have to wash your body so you are pure for the grave, and nail polish doesn't make the cut. So to many Muslims, nail polish is a hassle to remove and put on.
  • Question
    Can a Muslim girl wear skinny jeans?
    Community Answer
    It is best to were clothes that aren't tight against the body. If you wish to wear skinny jeans, then layer them with more clothing.
  • Question
    Is wearing a Denim shirt and jeggings okay?
    Community Answer
    They are okay as long as they don't show your body structure.
  • Question
    What if a non-Muslim girl wants to follow Islam, but her parents aren't happy about it?
    Community Answer
    She should obey Allah rather than her parents.
  • Question
    What can I do if my daughter refuses to dress like a Muslim?
    Community Answer
    Show your daughter pictures of beautiful covered women. Tell her she at least has to wear a hijab and loose clothing on International Hijab Day, and take her to a mosque. Some mosques have IHD celebrations, and being around pretty, covered, Muslim women will make her feel more included in the Muslim community.
  • Question
    How do I convince my parents that I want to wear hijab?
    Top Answerer
    Wear your hijab, whatever the consequences. Explain maturely to them why you are thinking of wearing it and if they don't agree, slowly start it so that the change isn't very noticeable. Ask Allah for helping you in your problem.
  • Question
    How loose should the clothing be?
    Community Answer
    It just shouldn't be tight enough that it shows the outline of your body. Opt for something more modest.
  • Question
    If I'm a Muslim girl and I don't wear a hijab, what is the shortest I can wear clothing on my legs and arms?
    Community Answer
    On legs, wear clothes that reach to your knee or below your knee. Shirts without sleeves should be avoided. Instead, wear shirts with sleeves that reach to the elbows, wrists or in between wrists and elbows.
  • Question
    At what age does a hijab become a wajib?
    Top Answerer
    A hijab becomes a wajib when girls reach puberty, although some parents encourage their daughters to wear it when they start learning to pray, typically around the age of seven.
  • Question
    Can I wear a long sleeved shirt with my shoulders or arms showing a bit?
    Community Answer
    The shortest shirt you can wear is a t-shirt with sleeves reaching halfway to your elbows. Your shoulders should not be showing, unless you are at home.
  • Question
    Can I wear loose shorts that reach the knee or is it forbidden?
    Community Answer
    In Islam, women should cover themselves till their ankles. But you should wear till at least below your knees.
  • Question
    Is it OK to wear shorts at home?
    Community Answer
    At home, you may dress how you like.
  • Question
    Is it okay if I wear skinny jaens, a flowy, long top, a hijab, and boots?
    Community Answer
    You will likely need to substitute the jeans for trousers.
  • Question
    I work at a sports gear store, which sells trainers and sports clothes etc. This place has a certain uniform, and it's basically just a hoodie and some jeans. However, the jeans are tight, and as I am growing older I realize this isn't right as I'm trying my best to wear modestly. Should I quit?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Try to find some other work. In the meantime, your Muslim community will give you zakat.
  • Question
    Can I wear a hijab over a long fitting blouse with long sleeves and fitting jeans?
    Community Answer
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    I like western clothing and don't want to give anyone the right to force any kind of attire on me, not even my husband. Is there any reference for my attire being only my choice as a free human?
    Community Answer
    It isn't your husband who sets the rules -- it's Allah. If you want to obey Allah, then you can still wear loose western clothing and cover your hair. But people who obey their own desires instead of the commands of the Almighty have their own desires as their God, not Allah.
  • Question
    Why should I layer when wearing skinny jeans?
    Community Answer
    You should layer because skinny jeans show the shape/outline of your legs, and with layering, you can avoid much of that outline being shown.
  • Question
    I am a 20 year old Muslim woman. I am married, and I have recently started wearing niqab. I love wearing it, but it still attracts unwanted attention from men. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Try walking with your husband till the locals get used to it. Otherwise, it's eyes down and don't answer the strange men that accost you.
  • Question
    When is World Hijab Day?
    Bat šŸ¦‡
    Top Answerer
    World Hijab Day is on September 4 of every year.
  • Question
    Are girls at the age of 11 allowed to wear shorts?
    Top Answerer
    Pair the shorts with leggings or trousers, or avoid them at all costs, especially if you have hit puberty. It isn't allowed to wear shorts at a very young age.
  • Question
    Is it true that girls are not allowed to say "asalamualiakum" to boys or men?
    Community Answer
    No, that is not true.
  • Question
    Is wearing jeans haram?
    Community Answer
    Skinny jeans are haram, but if they are not showing anything and big in size, it is not haram.
  • Question
    I thought it was haram to wear any makeup (besides surmah). Does it say in the Quran whether or not I am allowed to wear it?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it does say makeup besides surmah is haram.
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    Can I show my hair, but dress modestly?
    Community Answer
    That's up to you and your interpretation of the traditions.
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