Q&A for How to Escape from Dangerous Forest Animals

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    Why should I keep my hand below my heart?
    Community Answer
    To prevent any venom from spreading to your heart faster.
  • Question
    Can baby animals fend for themselves?
    Anaka Blackwood
    Community Answer
    It depends on its age and species. Alone, some baby animals can become easy prey for a larger predator.
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    How do I escape from a coyote?
    Community Answer
    Act as big as you can. If you have a big jacket, hold it up over your head and yell as loud as you can. Make the coyote think you are much more vicious . A coyote might attack if you're small but it will not go out of it's way to attack something that's much larger and might do more damage. Back away slowly until you know you're alone and then run. But beware, if you see a coyote, there might more near by so be wary.
  • Question
    What if a snake is chasing me?
    Community Answer
    Snakes are ambush predators they don't chase their prey. The only reason a snake would even attack you is if you provoked it or got too close to it accidently.
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    What should I do if I get attacked by a hippopotamus?
    Community Answer
    If one attacks you, there's not really anything you can do without a weapon since hippos are incredibly large, fast, and aggressive. You can try to run, but the hippo will run faster, so you would need to climb a tree or get indoors quickly.
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    How do I escape a wasp?
    Community Answer
    Move away slowly without waving about too much because you don't want to agitate the wasp.
  • Question
    How do I escape my psychotic girlfriend who dresses up as a dog?
    Community Answer
    You should consider leaving the relationship, if you believe that your girlfriend is psychotic.
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    How do I get away from a shark?
    Community Answer
    wikiHow's article on avoiding sharks would be a good place to start, but you might also want to read about surviving a shark attack.
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    What should I do if I am small so I'm unable to intimidate an animal with my size
    Community Answer
    Try lifting your arms high, and if you have a jacket, hold it over your head so you look larger.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm attacked by a wild boar?
    Community Answer
    Try climbing a tree and kicking and punching at its nose and eyes. Also try throwing rocks and sticks at its face.
  • Question
    What do I do if a baby animal comes up to me?
    Community Answer
    Do not touch it. It's best to get away, the mother is probably watching nearby and will not want you to touch her baby.
  • Question
    How I avoid a warthog if it's chasing me?
    Community Answer
    Climb a tree as soon as possible. Warthogs can’t climb but their tusks are razor sharp.
  • Question
    What should I do if I come across a lion in the desert where there are no trees or rocks?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend reading through wikiHow's article on surviving a lion attack for some tips, but in general, all you can really do is stand your ground, try to make yourself look and sound like a threat, and hope the lion backs off.
  • Question
    How do I know if the snake is dangerous if it comes into my house?
    Community Answer
    You may not know at first, but take note of any distinct shapes and markings on the snake's body and head. You can then search online for those traits to identify the snake. If you're unsure whether or not a snake is dangerous, always assume it is and act cautiously.
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    Can I translate this article into another language and use it on my blog?
    Community Answer
    You can use the information in this article as long as you provide proper credit/attribution.
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    How can I escape a lion?
    Community Answer
    Check out wikiHow articles Survive a Lion Attack and Fend off a Mountain Lion for some great tips on this situation.
  • Question
    Why should I run if a black bear is chasing me but play dead if a brown bear is chasing me?
    Community Answer
    A black bear is not likely to chase after you whereas a brown bear is, and you cannot outrun a bear. That being said, even with black bears, it's better to stand your ground, make loud noises, and fight it off if you have to.
  • Question
    Will a wild animal that perceives someone as a threat to its babies stop attacking if the baby is taken out of sight?
    Community Answer
    Not always, but it's possible. Animals have personalities like humans do though, so if an animal thinks you may have already hurt its young, it might continue to fight out of revenge.
  • Question
    What should I do if mountain lions live in my area?
    Community Answer
    Learn how to avoid them and how to fend them off in the event of an attack. Even if they live in your area, you're unlikely to encounter one if you take the proper precautions.
  • Question
    What should I do if I encounter a dangerous chimpanzee?
    Community Answer
    Chimpanzees are mostly harmless, but if one tries to attack you, use your fingers to jab at its eyes or stomach.
  • Question
    How do I escape from a hyena?
    Community Answer
    Hyenas are scavengers. They don't attack live prey.
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    What if you get stung by a lot of bees at the same time?
    Community Answer
    You should seek medical attention.
  • Question
    How do I get to a hospital if I am in the woods?
    Community Answer
    Carry a phone with you, or go with someone who has one. In case you need the hospital, call emergency services immediately.
  • Question
    How do I escape from a monkey?
    Community Answer
    Most monkeys are harmless. If it is attacking you, use your fingers to poke at its eyes or stomach.
  • Question
    What should I do if an elephant tries to attack me?
    Community Answer
    Move away from the area as quickly as possible.
  • Question
    Will shooting an animal with a handgun (or similar weapons) attract nearby forest animals?
    Community Answer
    It would not attract them, but rather it would likely scare them away.
  • Question
    What do I do if wild animals are surrounding my vehicle?
    Ashwarrea B
    Community Answer
    Do not leave your car. Wind up the windows and stay in your car. Look to see if you have anything to scare away the animals. Use your horn to frighten them and flash the headlights on and off. Play the stereo system loud. Try to drive away, especially if they try breaking into your car.
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