Q&A for How to Fall Out of Love

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    If I get blocked on social media, does that mean a relationship is over?
    Community Answer
    Almost certainly, yes. But if you see them in person, ask them about it. If they don't want to talk to you, then just leave them alone.
  • Question
    How do I fall out of love with someone I see daily when they're ignoring me?
    Community Answer
    Ignore them back! If this person doesn't see how great you are, that's their loss. If you just continue to ignore them, your feelings for them will fade over time.
  • Question
    How do I move on from someone whom I fell in love with, but they were in a relationship with another person?
    Community Answer
    This happened to me as well, I promise you're not alone. Stay focused on other things, I often remember him more when I am alone, or bored, or have nothing to think about. Stay busy, stay positive, and remember, things will get better. I promise you.
  • Question
    He was the one who got me into my hobby, which is surfing, and I really love it, but it reminds me of him. What other hobbies could I pick up instead?
    Community Answer
    You could just try swimming or bodyboarding or something like that, but you shouldn't have to give up your hobby just because you're no longer with this person. If you really like surfing, stick with it. It may remind you of him now, but those painful feelings will fade eventually, and you'll even think of him fondly.
  • Question
    What do I do if I got blocked by my crush on Messenger?
    Community Answer
    When you see them in person, ask them why they blocked you. Maybe it was an accident. If not, then they don't want to talk to you and you will just have to move on.
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    What do I do if I'm married and fall in love with someone else?
    Community Answer
    Avoid that person entirely. You took a vow to stay with your spouse no matter what. If you don't love your spouse anymore, leave them, but don't leave just because you've fallen for someone else. You'll regret it.
  • Question
    Why does my heart hurt so much?
    Tara Burke
    Top Answerer
    Often strong, unpleasant feelings can cause physical discomfort. When I’m lovesick myself, I often get an aching chest and heavy stomach. This is very normal, and an unfortunate part of losing love.
  • Question
    What can someone do if they have proposed marriage but changed their mind?
    Community Answer
    Tell the person you proposed to immediately that you've changed your mind. Don't waste any more of their time. However, think it over carefully first. Are you just nervous/getting cold feet? Or do you truly not want to marry this person? If you're sure it's the latter, again, tell them right away.
  • Question
    What should I do if I am in love with my best friend, but they don't feel the same way?
    Community Answer
    Accept it and respect it. Not everyone is meant to be a couple.
  • Question
    What do I do if i still love someone, but he's always busy?
    Tara Burke
    Top Answerer
    If the feeling is mutual, consider how much you like each other and what you’d be willing to compromise to be together (such as only seeing each other in person once every week or two). Consider the viability of the relationship. If you're not willing to compromise, the process of getting over the crush should be easier - simply follow the article's steps!
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    How do I distance myself from an abusive relationship?
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    The woman I love is committed to another person. She is hiding this, but I know everything. What should I do?
    Catherine Noggle
    Community Answer
    If the one you love is in a relationship with two of you, it's better to let them go (especially if they are or were hiding it from you). You'd probably be best cutting ties with her.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone breaks up with me due to people making fun of them for going out with me?
    Community Answer
    You avoid and ignore the person that broke up with you, and follow the steps above. If they don't stand up for you, themselves and your relationship, they are not worth your time nor your love.
  • Question
    How do I move on from a crush that ended up blocking me for no reason?
    Anaya Woods
    Community Answer
    We all experience crushes at some point in life of course. What I had to do was accept that I lost someone who I had feelings for, but I loss someone who would not have treated me right. Once you accept the loss and grieve the loss, a start can be removing his name from your contact list so that it’s not a constant reminder if you’re trying to forget him. After that, just find time to take care of yourself. Do things you love, treat yourself correctly and love yourself ! There is nothing wrong with self love. And remember that you can make it. This is all coming from a minor and I know. It sucks. It sucks a lot but remember that you still have many years to come.
  • Question
    How can I fall out of love with someone who is constantly trying to contact me?
    Community Answer
    Explain that you need some space and ask them politely to stop contacting you. If they continue after that, block their phone number/social media so they can't get in touch. It's for your own good.
  • Question
    How do I know if this person is the one or not?
    Community Answer
    It's different for everybody, only you can figure that out for yourself. Most likely, you won't know until you've been with the person for awhile, like a few years. Then you'll gradually start to realize you can't imagine your life without them, and want to make sure they're in it forever. You'll feel like the person is your other half, like you're perfectly suited for each other, even when you fight. Remember, sometimes we can learn a lot about our relationships from how you handle conflict together.
  • Question
    How do I fall out of love with someone who cheated on me?
    Community Answer
    Follow the steps in the article. Remember that anyone who cheats on you does not deserve your time or your love. Allow yourself to grieve this relationship, and avoid contact with the person.
  • Question
    My boyfriend recently told me we should not spent too much time together, which is weird because he was the one who wanted us to see each other all the time. What could have made him change his mind? Could he be cheating?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. He could just need more space and personal time. He could be going through issues that require his focus. However, it would be best to talk with him about his reasons rather than speculating.
  • Question
    What if I love them but I know the relationship is toxic?
    Alivia Tompkins
    Community Answer
    Simply move on. If you see someone will end up being bad for you, don't waste your time with them. You will only get hurt. Love hurts sometimes, it does. There will be arguments, fights, and disagreements, but if you're seeing from the very beginning things will most likely turn out bad, you can save yourself a heartbreak by moving on.
  • Question
    What do I do, when he says he doesn’t like me like that and doesn’t want a relationship?
    Community Answer
    Respect that person's decision and try to move on. Some people just don't like some people back, and you can do nothing about it. Eventually, someone deserving of you will come your way.
  • Question
    What do I do, when he says he doesn’t like me like that and doesn’t want relationship, but acts like he wants to date me?
    Community Answer
    Stay as far away from such people as possible. They are never sure what they want, whether a serious relationship or just a casual fling. They might trick you into believing that they like you by their actions, but will always deny whenever confronted. It is better to sever all ties with such people, they can be harmful for your mental health if you grow strong feelings for them at some point.
  • Question
    How am I supposed to act around that person when I have to interact with them everyday, yet they are not aware of the fact that I'm trying to get over my feelings for them?
    Community Answer
    Try to avoid them. If you interact with them every day, try not to. It also helps (if you’re bold enough) to literally tell them that you need to get over them. Say something like, “Can I talk to you for a second?” Then explain your feelings.
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