Q&A for How to Find Iron in Minecraft

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  • Question
    Why do I have to make an iron tool? Why can't I make armor instead?
    Community Answer
    Armor is usually made when you have a good amount of iron to spend, as armor needs a lot of Iron. Also, certain ores (such as the valuable diamond) need an Iron tool in order to be mined.
  • Question
    Can iron be found near lava with diamonds?
    Community Answer
    Yes, iron can be found at Levels 1-63. It can therefore be found near lava with diamonds.
  • Question
    How do I make a compass in Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    Craft it by placing a piece of redstone in the middle of your crafting table and iron at the sides, top and bottom (but not the corners).
  • Question
    What if you don't have any caves?
    Community Answer
    Then you must make a mine. Dig down to a suitable level and begin branch mining. You will probably mine into a cave at some point. Continue from there.
  • Question
    Can I enter a village and kill an iron golem?
    Community Answer
    You can, but this may result in the golem trying to kill you. If you hurt just one villager, all the iron golems (even the ones that just spawned) will try to kill you. Bring armor and weapons. Killing the golem might be useful if you're short on iron.
  • Question
    How long does it take to dig down to find iron?
    Community Answer
    There is no definite answer for this; it depends on how deep the ore is. You can also get iron from killing Zombies, but its very rare.
  • Question
    Is some iron near diamonds?
    Banana Head
    Top Answerer
    Not usually. Minecraft tries to space out the ores.
  • Question
    What if I don't find caves if I dig down to find iron?
    Community Answer
    As the author says, don't waste your time digging straight down. Most of the time the only thing you will find that way is cobblestone. Instead, look around your area for any caves or natural entrances into cobblestone,
  • Question
    If I am mining in a two block space, what are the chances of finding iron ore?
    Community Answer
    This varies on the world generated, but iron is fairly common. You will find some after searching hard enough.
  • Question
    Where is the best place to find iron ore besides caves or mines?
    Glass Programming
    Community Answer
    You may find iron ingots in mineshafts, but they are extremely rare.
  • Question
    If I find two to three blocks of iron ore, which direction should I dig?
    Banana Head
    Top Answerer
    Dig up and down; usually, iron ore is in a 2x2x3 cube.
  • Question
    How do I get iron ore in super flat world?
    Banana Head
    Top Answerer
    If you are not using any presets, iron ore does not spawn underground, but you can find it in villages. Village blacksmiths' chests have a chance to spawn iron ingots in them, or you could trade with villagers for iron. But you cannot get iron ore, just iron.
  • Question
    How do I check out the Y axis?
    Community Answer
    You can easily check your Y axis by going into the debug mode. You can check the debug mode by pressing F3, then find XYZ and then look for your Y axis, as shown in the picture.
  • Question
    Why haven't I found any after mining a lot?
    Community Answer
    You just got really unlucky with the cave or mine you found or made. Iron usually is pretty easy to find when one is mining.
  • Question
    When the cave is full of monsters, what do I do?
    Hogan the best
    Community Answer
    You can set to peaceful so all mobs de-spawn.
  • Question
    How do I find diamonds without mining?
    Banana Head
    Top Answerer
    They can be traded for with villagers, found it blacksmith chests, found in desert and jungle temples, or found in dungeons and strongholds.
  • Question
    Are there certain biomes that iron typically spawns in?
    Glass Programming
    Community Answer
    Iron ore spawns in all biomes. It is usually found in caves.
  • Question
    When I find iron, is it best to save it up for armor or immediately craft weapons/tools?
    Community Answer
    Craft weapons and tools. Armor is hard to make and is a waste.
  • Question
    How do I know where to find a cave?
    Community Answer
    There isn't really a single place where you can find caves. Just try and look around for dark holes that look like they might be caves.
  • Question
    What if I go to a really big cave and I see lots of gold, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how much stuff you have. If you have an iron or diamond pickaxe, mine some up. If you have one of those but they have low durability, or if you have a wood, stone, or gold sword, don't do it. Keep in mind, you might not need gold for anything besides crafting it into gold blocks and building with it.
  • Question
    How do I find diamonds easily?
    Community Answer
    You go to Y-10 (the debug screen, found by pressing F3) and either find a cave or do strip mining, where you dig a 2 block tall, 1 block wide hole until you find diamonds.
  • Question
    What if I can't find anything?
    Hogan the best
    Community Answer
    You could go deeper or uncover vast areas by using TNT.
  • Question
    What if I'm in Survival mode and I don't want to get attacked by monsters in a cave?
    Banana Head
    Top Answerer
    Bring torches and light up the cave so mobs can't spawn.
  • Question
    What if I found metal in Minecraft that was not yet discovered?
    Community Answer
    Dig it up.
  • Question
    How do I bring up debug mode in Minecraft PE?
    Community Answer
    There is no debug mode. Instead, get to the bedrock layer, the bottom one, and dig up from there. One block = 1 layer.
  • Question
    Where can I find a cave?
    Community Answer
    Caves naturally spawn in random places across the game. They are typically found near mountains, though some are straight down in the earth. Some are even found while mining.
  • Question
    What should I do if I touch lava?
    Community Answer
    You can either try to use whatever blocks you have (don't use flammable blocks) to build from the bottom of the lava pit/pool, or you can try to swim to the edge of the lava pit/pool.
  • Question
    What is the best Y-position for lots of iron in Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    The best place is about Y40. It is fairly safe. If you are using an artificial mine, then you should dig one block at a time to avoid caves.
  • Question
    How much iron can usually be found in ravines?
    Community Answer
    It depends. Worlds are generated randomly, some have plenty, while others are bare.
  • Question
    I try to dig it, but when I check my inventory, it isn't there. What happened?
    Community Answer
    You were probably using a stone pickaxe instead of an iron pickaxe to cultivate ores.
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