Q&A for How to Find People to Make Friends

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    How do you put yourself out there socially?
    Social Events Host
    Amiccio is a Social Events organization based in New York, New York. Amiccio hosts social events to help people make new connections, whether they are new to the city, or just wish to expand beyond their existing social network. Amiccio’s efforts focus on connecting singles and new friends by hosting socials, dance classes, and speed dating events.
    Social Events Host
    Expert Answer
    It's easier to engage with people when you're already doing something together, like a common activity. Yoga classes, dance classes, running clubs, book clubs, and pick-up soccer games are all great examples of these.
  • Question
    How do you know if someone wants to be your friend?
    Social Events Host
    Amiccio is a Social Events organization based in New York, New York. Amiccio hosts social events to help people make new connections, whether they are new to the city, or just wish to expand beyond their existing social network. Amiccio’s efforts focus on connecting singles and new friends by hosting socials, dance classes, and speed dating events.
    Social Events Host
    Expert Answer
    The first indication would be nonverbal cues—for example, two people who talk with lots of enthusiasm and interest obviously get along well. Try to take the initiative and suggest hanging out again or doing an activity together. If the other person seems interested, it's easy to make plans. If they express interest but don't follow up, their actions probably speak louder than words.
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    What if I can't make friends with my classmates?
    Ashley Pritchard, MA
    School Counselor
    Ashley Pritchard is an Academic and School Counselor at Delaware Valley Regional High School in Frenchtown, New Jersey. Ashley has over 3 years of high school, college, and career counseling experience. She has an MA in School Counseling with a specialization in Mental Health from Caldwell University and is certified as an Independent Education Consultant through the University of California, Irvine.
    School Counselor
    Expert Answer
    If you're struggling to find friends in your class, consider signing up for a club or student organization that's open to all students. Then, you can find friends that may be a year younger or older than you. Try to pick something you really enjoy. If you love playing sports, try out for one of your school's teams. This way, you can find other students that you have a common interest with.
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    How can I make friends in school?
    Community Answer
    Join after school clubs or take part in sports, this way you'll be sure to meet people who have similar interests as you. Otherwise, just approach someone and say hi. If you need an opening, ask about a school assignment, make a joke about a teacher, ask to borrow a pencil, etc. Try to talk to a new person every day for a week.
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    How do I approach a girl I want to be friends with?
    Community Answer
    Just walk up confidently and start a conversation. Ask her how her day has been.
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    I'm a guy and there is another guy I'd like to be friends with. He is very nice, but we don't spend a lot of time together. How can I get him to be my friend?
    Community Answer
    Ask him if he'd like to go to a movie, bowling, or to do some other activity. If it goes well, see if he'd like to hang out again, maybe at your house. If he has a cell phone, get his number and text him every once in a while just to say "hi."
  • Question
    I don't know anyone or go to places where people my age hang out. I'd like to participate in a public activity, but I'm shy and not confident in myself. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Explore. Making new friends may be hard. Be confident -- this will show others that you are a very positive person and they may even approach you. Have positive thoughts in your mind and believe in yourself.
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