Q&A for How to Find Someone You Met Once

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    I saw a girl at Disneyland multiple times, but never got the chance to say hi. I remember what she wore and looked like, but don't have anything else. Any help?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Until you meet her again by chance, you had best forget about her. Of course there are ways to find her. As in getting a robot photo made, printing it in newspapers, or hiring a private detective. But those methods are expensive, and most of all: stalkerish. The lesson here is: as soon as you see someone you think is nice, just say hi. Introduce yourself: 'Hi, my name is Tom, what's your name?' and then take it from there. Promise yourself that as soon as you meet someone you simply can't live without, you'll definitely go up to her, no matter how scared or nervous you are.
  • Question
    I met a girl in the train today. How can I find her?
    Community Answer
    That could be tricky. You could try riding the train at the same time the next day. Perhaps she's a regular.
  • Question
    How do I deal with losing someone I've only met once?
    Community Answer
    I completely understand what you're going through: sadness, disappointment and a little bit of hope that you guys will somehow meet again. And when you think about him/her you get excited but disappointed again. Try to stop being sad. You will find that excitement with someone else soon, and there won't be any disappointment. Remember: there is more than one person out there for everyone.
  • Question
    So what if I found him/her? How do I approach them and get to know them without looking like a stalker?
    Community Answer
    Just say "Hi." Remind them that you've met before and ask them how they've been. Just play it cool, don't mention any effort you put into finding them, just start a conversation and go from there.
  • Question
    I met this boy at a school event. How would I find him if all I know is his school and name?
    Community Answer
    Try to find someone from his school and ask them if they know him. If you don't know anyone that goes there, ask around, probably someone you know will.
  • Question
    How can I find a person without any details? By that I mean no name, no photos, no details at all, and we only met once but never talked.
    Community Answer
    You can try going to the place you first met over and over again. If not then maybe it just wasn't meant to be.
  • Question
    How can I find someone I met on holiday when I only know his first name and the county that he lives in?
    Community Answer
    It may be very difficult, but you can try Googling his first name and location.
  • Question
    How can I find someone with only a picture of them?
    Community Answer
    Go where you met, wait, and ask around. It would help to be there on the same day and at the same time.
  • Question
    What to do if I don't know the name?
    Community Answer
    This probably won't be enough unless you have a photo or some form of connection through friends, etc. If you have a photo, you could ask other people if they know the person. If the person was possibly known by a friend, even a distant acquaintance, then ask them.
  • Question
    How do I get an old year book from my old school?
    Community Answer
    You can ask around, and see if the office has an extras in storage.
  • Question
    How do I overcome being shy?
    Community Answer
    how to overcome shyness has some great tips.
  • Question
    I just met this girl at a university during our campus tour. She was our campus tour guide but I forgot to ask for her Facebook name and number. How do I connect with her?
    Community Answer
    You can always inquire at the university. Generally they have information regarding people entrusted with duties like these. Call the admissions office and explain that you really enjoyed the tour and you'd like to reach out to the guide to thank her.
  • Question
    How do I find someone I met if I forgot to get his phone number and we live in different cities?
    Community Answer
    Try searching for his name on Facebook, Twitter, or even LinkedIn to get in touch. You can also try searching for his name on the Whitepages website, in case he has a listed landline.
  • Question
    How do I find someone I saw in a cinema?
    Community Answer
    You could try to go there more often and hope they show up again, but without anything else to go on, it would be almost impossible to find them.
  • Question
    Recently I met a person, but I am unable to recognize him. I want to search that person's pic in my phone, but there are approximately 6000 pics in my phone. Is that possible?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Of course. But it will involve searching through all those pictures one by one, a lot of work.
  • Question
    How do I find somebody that I met at a camp about 25 years ago with just their name?
    Community Answer
    Look them up on Facebook, and any social media you can. Be prepared to sort through a lot of profiles.
  • Question
    I met someone once at a school competition, I saw him once after that, but he didn't see me. How can I find him?
    Community Answer
    Do you know anyone who goes to that school? If not, maybe you know someone who knows someone who goes there. Just put the word out and ask around, you should be able to find him.
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    I met a person in Wayanad recently. Even he seemed interested, but we couldn't exchange contact info. All I know is that he is from Mangalore. Any way to figure out who this guy is?
    Community Answer
    Did you figure out his name? If so, try searching on social media sites. Look at profile photos and see if they match up with this person. Make sure you search well, don't give up after a few minutes. If that doesn't work, then go to Mangalore, maybe he's in his hometown! Or he might still be in Wayanad.
  • Question
    How can I find someone that I met on a cruise ship and I only know his name?
    Community Answer
    Type their full name on social media sites. Make sure the profile picture matches the person and you'll be able to message them. If not, the fact they didn't give you follow-up details probably means they're not keen to connect again.
  • Question
    How can I find a friend if I know only her name?
    Community Answer
    Just ask around. Does this friend have any social media? People who know them that are near you? Just ask, "Do you know (person's name)? They have this color eyes, this color hair, about this tall..." If there is nobody that you know that knows this friend, try searching their name on social media. Check out their profile photos and see if they match the looks of this friend. I'm sure you'll find them somehow.
  • Question
    I have a blurry photo of the person and know his first name. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    There are personal ads online called "Missed Connections." You could use that.
  • Question
    How can I find someone with only a job description?
    Community Answer
    Linkedin is a good website to use if you want to find someone using a job description, but not everyone is on it.
  • Question
    I only know their first name and what school they went to, but that was years ago. And I moved house. How do I find them now?
    Community Answer
    Ask people who know this person if they know the whereabouts of this person. Your best bet is to use the links of Facebook, through friends of friends of friends, etc., as well as the old school's FB page.
  • Question
    I have met a person in train but I don't know his name. I have no other details but I have a photo of his and know the name of his city.
    Community Answer
    Your best chance is to recall if he regularly takes a certain train and if so at what time. The best thing you can do is to find him when and where you found him first, so try to keep catching the train at the time you first met him.
  • Question
    I met a guy and when I said my hands were cold, he held my hand and put his arm around me. Is this something that makes him worth trying to find again?
    Jools Tazzz
    Community Answer
    Yes, he showed he cares for you and worries about you. Having someone who wants to hold your hands even if they're cold means they are worthy. Worthy of keeping you warm. Worthy of wanting to always be next to you. Don't wait, live now and find him.
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