Q&A for How to Fold Clothes

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    How do I fold shorts?
    Nikola Pawlina
    Community Answer
    Fold in half from side to side, then bottom to top, it's just like folding trousers.
  • Question
    How do I fold a swimsuit?
    Community Answer
    I would look through the storage information in wikiHow's article about caring for swimwear .
  • Question
    How would I fold men's t-shirts?
    Isabella Rongo
    Community Answer
    Fold the shirt from side to side. After you have done that, fold the shirt from bottom to top.
  • Question
    How do I fold a jacket with a hood?
    Community Answer
    You can fold it like you would fold a jacket without a hood, but tuck the hood in beforehand.
  • Question
    How do I fold towels?
    Community Answer
    Fold it the same way you you would with blankets, sheets, comforters, etc. The bigger the towel, the more folds you will need. Just keep folding it in half.
  • Question
    How would I fold a scarf?
    Community Answer
    You can either fold it in half, or try hanging it up on a hook or a hanger.
  • Question
    How do I fold underwear?
    Community Answer
    For women's underwear, start by folding in the crotch so it touches the waistline, then fold in the two sides, one on top of the other. For men's underwear fold in half horizontally, and then fold it again vertically.
  • Question
    How do I fold a sweater?
    Community Answer
    The same way you fold a long sleeve shirt - from side to side. After you have done that, fold the sweater from bottom to top.
  • Question
    How do I fold sweaters?
    Isabella Ginther
    Community Answer
    The same way you fold a long sleeve shirt - from side to side. After you have done that, fold the sweater from bottom to top.
  • Question
    How do I fold a hoodie?
    Community Answer
    Lay the hoodie out flat on a surface. Bring the arms in and cross them. Fold the hoodie in half, and then fold it upward starting from the bottom. Leave the hood to wrap around the folded hoodie at the end. For more help, see How to Fold a Hoodie .
  • Question
    How do you fold hoodies?
    Community Answer
    Lay it flat and put one arm on top of the torso, and fold it halfway, then fold it again, or you can fold it once and tuck it into the hood.
  • Question
    How do I roll jeans?
    Ava Tucker
    Community Answer
    Set your jeans on a clean surface with one pant leg on top of the other. Then roll from the ankle up.
  • Question
    How do you fold dance leotards?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the leotard. If it’s short sleeved, generally fold the straps down until the top is flat and the bottom up until it forms a rectangle. Then just fold or roll as you usually would.
  • Question
    How can I fold a hoodie?
    Community Answer
    Fold a hoodie the same way you would fold a shirt with long sleeves, the only difference is that you would tuck the hood part in, to make it more rectangular.
  • Question
    How do I fold overalls?
    Da genius
    Community Answer
    Lay the overalls upside down on a flat surface and fold longways. Then fold down the upper portion of the garment so it is in the shape of a pant leg. Then, bring the cuffs of the legs up to the top.
  • Question
    How do you fold sweatpants?
    Community Answer
    Fold them in half, horizontally, so one leg covers the other. Then fold them in half vertically so the two legs are folded down the middle. If you need to, fold again on, same way as the second fold.
  • Question
    Can clothes be folded in the laundry basket?
    Joyce Chen
    Community Answer
    You could fold them on your lap, and once done, put them into the laundry basket to save space.
  • Question
    How do I fold a t-shirt?
    Community Answer
    There are multiple ways to fold a t-shirt. One good method: Lay the t-shirt flat, fold in the arms so it is a rectangle, and then fold one third in. Then, fold the other third in to meet the first. Once done, take the side of the t-shirt and fold over.
  • Question
    How do I fold a mini skirt?
    Community Answer
    A mini skirt should be neatly folded in quarters. If it's too large, fold it in eighths or smaller portions.
  • Question
    How do I fold men's jeans?
    Community Answer
    Start by spreading them out flat. Then take one half of the jeans and fold the entire leg all the way up to the waistline over the other leg. Then you can: 1. fold from the ankle cuffs up to the waistline until you have a little square or 2. roll from the ankles up to the waistline until you have a denim burrito.
  • Question
    How do I fold button-down shirts?
    Community Answer
    First, lay it down flat so that the buttons are face down on the table. Smooth it out so that there aren't any wrinkles. Take the sleeve and pull it over to the middle, do the same with the other side. Bring the bottom up about half way and then fold it in half again. Flip it over and voila! It's all folded.
  • Question
    How do I fold a set of pajamas?
    Claire Compton
    Community Answer
    If they are a shirt and pants, you fold them like you would do any other shirt and pants. And if it is a nightgown, fold the sleeves in and then fold in half vertically, then fold twice horizontally. Refer to the article up above for more help!
  • Question
    How do I fold a skirt correctly?
    Community Answer
    Fold in half lengthwise then in half/thirds again. Smooth between folds to avoid creases.
  • Question
    How can I fold clothes without getting them wrinkled?
    Community Answer
    Smooth the clothing down in between folds. Also, make sure the folds are careful and precise. Avoid piling too may clothes on top of each other.
  • Question
    How do I fold kid's gymnastic clothing?
    Community Answer
    Fold it the same way you'd fold swimwear, as gym clothing is fairly similar in fabric types and size.
  • Question
    How do I fold socks and underwear?
    Community Answer
    For socks, simply folding them in half, rolling them, or leaving them as-is all work. For men's boxers, fold up the legs and fold the underwear in half or roll it. For women's panties, simply fold them in half or roll them.
  • Question
    How do I fold a hoodie?
    Community Answer
    Fold down the hood and fold in the arms. Then fold it in half, and in half again.
  • Question
    How do I fold a dress?
    Community Answer
    Set your dress on a flat, smooth surface and brush out any obvious wrinkles from the garment. Fold the dress in half lengthwise and tuck a third of the skirt into the dress, making the garment look like a rectangle. Repeat this process on the opposite side of the skirt before folding it in half or in thirds.
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