Q&A for How to Fool Your Opponent in Chess

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    If the pawn reaches the opponent's end, can I take any piece that has been defeated by the opponent?
    Top Answerer
    If your pawn reaches the last rank (row), it is immediately "promoted" to a piece of your choice (except a king). The piece you choose does not have to be one that was previously captured. That means you could then have more than one queen, more than two rooks, etc.
  • Question
    What if I play against a very strong player?
    Top Answerer
    Consider it your opportunity to learn more about the game and to improve your skill level.
  • Question
    What is a stalemate?
    Community Answer
    This is a position counting as a draw, in which a player is not in check but cannot move except into check.
  • Question
    Is there any way to make sure your opponent is forced into your traps?
    Community Answer
    Like with most strategic games, making someone fall into your trap is achieved by distracting the opponent. Make the opponent pay attention to another place, as he falls into the trap where he didn't expect it.
  • Question
    What is the meaning of a hanging piece?
    Community Answer
    A pawn or a piece which is isolated from the other pieces and is difficult to support is called a hanging piece.
  • Question
    How many moves will the king need to draw the game if it is left alone?
    Community Answer
    If no capture and no pawn move have occurred in the last 50 moves (for each player), the game can be called a draw if either player so desires.
  • Question
    What is a chess variant?
    Top Answerer
    A chess variant is any game that is similar to chess and derived from or inspired by chess.
  • Question
    Can I interchange the positions of king and rook?
    Top Answerer
    You are probably referring to "castling." When you castle, you move your king two squares toward either rook and move that rook to the other side of and right next to the king. There are special rules regarding this move.
  • Question
    Does same-side castling work or not?
    Top Answerer
    Castling to either side is often considered a good defensive move.
  • Question
    Can the pawn move diagonally?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it can move diagonally forward if in doing so it captures a piece.
  • Question
    Can a white king and black king kill?
    Community Answer
    If you're asking whether one king can capture the other, the answer is no. If you're asking if a king can capture other pieces, the answer is yes, under certain conditions: a king can capture a pinned queen, and he can capture other pieces if in attacking or capturing he does not place himself in check.
  • Question
    In the time of castling, how many steps and how can I change?
    Top Answerer
    Castling is one move consisting of two steps: position the king two squares closer to either rook, and move that rook to the other side of and right next to the king. Special rules apply to castling.
  • Question
    Can a pawn move backward?
    Top Answerer
  • Question
    Can I break the chess board in anger if I lose?
    Top Answerer
    It may be tempting to do so, and it may briefly feel good, but you'll be left with a feeling of embarrassment and regret, not to mention a broken chess board. Don't do it.
  • Question
    Can I move a rook without moving a pawn first?
    Top Answerer
    No. Rooks begin a game blocked from all moves. You must move the adjacent pawn and/or knight before you can move a rook.
  • Question
    When the king is in check, can it move diagonally?
    Community Answer
    Yes, assuming such a move is available and it allows the king to get out of check.
  • Question
    What are the best pieces for making an attack?
    Top Answerer
    The queen is your best attacker. Rooks, knights and bishops are also very good at attacking.
  • Question
    Is it really possible to win a game of chess in 3 moves?
    Community Answer
    Yes! The 3-Move checkmate is most effective against inexperienced opponents, and requires you to advance a pawn two squares as you opening move, then use two diagonal moves to position your queen on the edge of the board where it has an unobstructed path to the opponent's king. If your opponent attempts to block the queen's first move using one of their pawn's, the second diagonal move will bypass their defense and leave the king with no place to go.
  • Question
    Can a king moves like the knight, only for 1 move?
    Top Answerer
    No, a king never moves like a knight, and neither does any other piece (except a knight). A king normally moves only one square at a time in any direction.
  • Question
    Can chess pieces jump?
    Community Answer
    The knight is the only piece which may jump over other pieces (of either color). The knight moves three squares in an "L" shape and may not finish its move on a square already occupied by a piece of its own color. If it finishes on a square occupied by an opponent's piece, it captures that piece.
  • Question
    What is "en passant?"
    Top Answerer
    "En passant" is a little-used move that allows a pawn to capture an opponent's pawn located in an adjacent square in the same rank. Normally your pawn may capture an opposing pawn only if it is forward-diagonally adjacent to your pawn. However, in a situation where your pawn is located in your fifth rank, and your opponent moves a pawn two squares into his/her fourth rank so that it stands beside your pawn, on the next move you may capture that pawn by moving diagonally forward into the square passed over by the other pawn. You would then remove the opponent's pawn. You may perform this capture only in the move immediately after your opponent has made the two-square move with his/her pawn.
  • Question
    Can the queen move like a knight?
    Top Answerer
    The queen moves in a straight line only. The knight is the one piece that the queen cannot emulate.
  • Question
    Can a pawn move diagonally?
    Top Answerer
    A pawn may move one square diagonally forward if it is capturing an opponent's piece in that square. Otherwise, a pawn may move only straight ahead and only into an unoccupied square.
  • Question
    Can the king move two squares?
    Top Answerer
    The king can move only one square at a time, except when castling, when he can move two squares.
  • Question
    After castling is done on the right side, can I do castling with the left side?
    Top Answerer
    No. The king can castle just once in a game and only if he has not yet made any move at all.
  • Question
    How can I kill my opponent's queen?
    Top Answerer
    It often takes a complicated and well thought out strategy to capture your opponent's queen. This article can provide some pointers: how to checkmate in three moves in chess .
  • Question
    Which is best, white or black?
    Top Answerer
    There is no difference between the two, except that white always has the first move in a game, which is an advantage for an aggressive player.
  • Question
    How can I get nine queens?
    Top Answerer
    This is theoretically possible by promoting all eight of your pawns. However, this would never happen in a real game.
  • Question
    Is it possible to beat a computer?
    Top Answerer
    Typically it would take the skills of a grandmaster to (occasionally) defeat a computer. Some chess computers, however, can be intentionally set to a lower skill level, thus enabling a human player (occasionally) to win.
  • Question
    What happens if we've made 75 moves with no captures and no pawns moved?
    Top Answerer
    You are referring to the "50-move" rule. A stalemate ("tie" or "draw") can be declared if (typically during the endgame) no capture occurs and no pawn is moved during a period of 50 consecutive moves by each opponent (meaning a total of 100 moves by the two opponents together). This is simply to avoid a never-ending game.
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