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Q&A for How to Get HM Cut in Pokémon Red
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QuestionHow do I use cut in Rokemon Red?Community AnswerPause the game, go to items, scroll down to the hm, and select it. You will be asked if you want to teach it to a Pokemon. Select the Pokemon you want to teach it to, and confirm. Then make your way to a bush you can cut, open up your menu, select "Pokemon"; select the Pokemon that learned cut, and select cut.
QuestionHow do I get Cut in Pokemon Red?Community AnswerAcquire the SS Anne ticket from Bill, then go to the ship in Vermilion City. Go to the top end of the ship, or navigate through trainers until you run into your rival. After you beat him, go to the captain's booth and obtain Cut.
QuestionWhere do I get HM if I already defeated Misty?Community AnswerThe S.S. Anne is still open after you defeat Misty. Just go back to Cerulean City and board the ship and follow the instructions above
QuestionIs this the same as fire red?Community AnswerYes, Pokemon Fire Red is the same, apart from exclusive Pokemon in the game. The gameplay is the same.
QuestionHow do I exit Cerulean City in Pokemon Red?Community AnswerWhen you exit Cerulean City through its north exit, you find yourself on Route 24, which connects to Route 25.
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