Q&A for How to Get Over a Scary Movie You Saw

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    How do I relax after a horror movie?
    Community Answer
    Watch funny movies or TV shows, or read a funny book. You want to replace the dark scary sights in your head with light harmless pictures.
  • Question
    How do I go into another room for an important reason right after a horror film without getting freaked out?
    Community Answer
    Light your pathway to the other room as quickly as possible. Your brain sees the darkness and thinks there might be something in there. Just remind yourself the fear of the dark is a mental construct devised to keep us safe in the stone age. There are no lions in your living room.
  • Question
    What if it was animated and was something that could actually happen?
    Community Answer
    Remember, bad things happen everyday. But living in fear will only make you miserable. The only thing you have to fight is fear itself. Acknowledge that you are afraid, take necessary steps to protect yourself, and remember that no matter what could happen, being afraid doesn't ever help. So relax, get some rest, and talk to someone if it gets to be too much
  • Question
    If the scary movie was based in real life, how do I get over it?
    Community Answer
    Think about how often that sort of stuff happens. You most likely don't hear about it often.
  • Question
    I will usually talk to myself to cope with being afraid. How can I get over a scary movie without talking to myself?
    Community Answer
    If talking to yourself works, try talking to yourself but in your mind. Having a chat with yourself can help you, just don't talk out loud, because if someone walks in its going to be awkward. You can also write out your thoughts.
  • Question
    What if the footage is real and they die in a horrible way?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry, it is just a movie. Real snuff films are illegal and very difficult to find. The footage you saw is not real, but if such things disturb you, stop watching them. Your fear will fade within a week or so.
  • Question
    How do I relax after a supernatural movie?
    Community Answer
    Think of the chance that what happened in the movie could happen to you in real life. You will find that it is probably none. Distract yourself from the movie by going out with friends or doing something else fun.
  • Question
    How do I stop thinking that I will be killed in the bathroom by somebody?
    Community Answer
    Remember that all the doors and windows are locked, and it is impossible to get in.
  • Question
    What if youtube keeps recommending scary stuff that's real, like suicide caught on camera?
    Community Answer
    Stop clicking on them and start searching for less morbid stuff. It's suggesting things based on your viewing history.
  • Question
    What if I'm having nightmares for a week?
    Community Answer
    Remember it is only a dream. Try to distract yourself as you fall asleep at night.
  • Question
    What if I'm trying to get over a scary image from a video game?
    Community Answer
    You can probably use the same tactics as for movies: look for glitches or goofs. For almost every game out there you can find a couple videos of technical glitches. Also, try imagining what would happen if the scary thing had a lag, freeze, or other technical difficulties.
  • Question
    Will watching the movie with a friend who is very jumpy help?
    Community Answer
    If your friend is very jumpy, then it's possible that the movie might scare them too. Their fear might be funny for you, but terrifying for them. Instead, watch the horror movie with a supportive friend who will keep you calm.
  • Question
    How do I get over my fear of going into dark rooms?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps you can keeps some lights on or use a flashlight, or even bring someone with you into the dark room. If this is a regular problem you're having, I suggest avoiding scary movies for a while.
  • Question
    How do I concentrate after seeing a scary movie?
    Community Answer
    Do something boring. It may seem awkward, but it does work. You could listen to relaxing or upbeat music. A little talk with yourself might work, too. You can do something you enjoy. You can also write a journal, from that point on. Tell yourself its not real, and that all the windows and doors are locked, so it is impossible for anyone to hurt you.
  • Question
    How do I calm down after watching a tragic movie? What do I do if it's stuck in my head?
    Community Answer
    It is best to talk to a family member or close friend about things that make you feel good. You can also watch funny things on YouTube to get the horrible images out of your mınd. Hug a pet or stuffed toy and leave a night light on.
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