Q&A for How to Get People to Stop Using Your Stuff

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    How can I get my friend to stop sneaking my belongings?
    Community Answer
    First, talk with your friend about the issue and tell her that she shouldn't sneak into your personal stuff. In the meantime, you probably shouldn't leave this friend alone with your things until you trust her again. If she persists, and you don't feel you can trust her, maybe she's not a good friend to have.
  • Question
    My mother continues to disrespect me and take my glasses, hide them, and once I ask her about it, I receive an "oh sorry, I don't know where they are." As a child, I apparently have no say over it. Any ideas?
    Community Answer
    Your mother is being very immature and should not be acting this way. Glasses are an important need and not something to play around with. Talk about this to your school counselor or any other adult you trust. Be sure to tell your mother how you feel as well.
  • Question
    How do I get my roommates to stop using my stuff?
    Community Answer
    Place signs on your stuff that say "Hands off! *insert name*'s Stuff!". Or just approach your roommates and politely ask them not to use things that belong to you without asking.
  • Question
    What if they get mad?
    Community Answer
    Don't worry about it because it's their fault for using your property.
  • Question
    How can I get my neighbor to stop using my trampoline?
    Community Answer
    Ask them to please stop using your trampoline. Offer to sell it to them if they want it, but tell them it's not okay to come onto your property and use your things. Have someone else there to back you up.
  • Question
    My roommate and her son always use my Xbox without my permission, even though they have their own. Every time I get home and they're there they always play on it until they go to bed and it's so annoying. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    You may have to go to the lengths of putting it in your car (if you have one), or, if you still have the box it came in, disguise it as something else and put it in there. If you don't have the box, take a few of the vital cords and/or take the batteries out of your controllers so they can't play.
  • Question
    How can I get my sister to stop ruining and stealing my stuff?
    Community Answer
    It's unlikely you'll be able to get your sister to stop touching everything, but you could find a good hiding spot for things that are really important to you -- or perhaps ask your parents for a small locker that only you and they have the combination to.
  • Question
    My siblings won't stop and my mom won't help. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Get a safe and put your most important belongings inside of it.
  • Question
    People in my family keep stealing my iPad charger, and when I say no to my dad he says he needs it for his phone and makes me give it to him. He lost all of his chargers too. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Try speaking up for yourself. Tell them that it is yours and that you should be able to use it whenever possible. If they continue just try talking to someone else about it.
  • Question
    My dad keeps taking my nice car to work and I'm always worried about it because I pay for everything to be done. I ask him not to take it, but he "doesn't want to put more miles on his new Jeep."
    Community Answer
    Isn't that what his Jeep is for - to be driven? If someone has their own perfectly functional car, they don't get to insist on driving someone else's. Tell him this is your car and he doesn't get to take it without your permission. If he keeps taking your car, just take the keys away from him.
  • Question
    I like inviting people to my house, but I hate when they take food out of my cabinets. I have snacks and drinks out for them to eat, what can I do to help prevent this?
    Community Answer
    When you see them going into your cabinets, you could try interrupting their action and pointing out that you've "already got the snacks on the table/counter/etc." to see if they get the hint. If that doesn't work, you could also try moving anything you don't want them getting into before the event so that there is nothing for them to find. If it still isn't resolved, try talking with them openly, but politely - say that you bought specific snacks for the evening and you'd prefer that they get eaten first. If your guests don't like the menu, say you're open to ideas for next time or consider making the next event a potluck so they can bring their own.
  • Question
    How do I keep my friends from stealing my skateboard?
    Community Answer
    Keep an eye on it at all times, or hide it well when not in use. Also, you may look into getting new friends if your current ones steal from you.
  • Question
    How can I ask someone nicely to stop using my stuff?
    Community Answer
    Just say no it is that simple. Say that you don't want to lose your stuff and are not comfortable with sharing those items.
  • Question
    What do I do if they use my stuff and then give it back?
    Community Answer
    It's fine if they give it back, but you may want to tell them to ask you first. If they do what you say, then everything will be fine.
  • Question
    How can I handle the situation if it's a family member that uses my stuff?
    Community Answer
    Say to them that it hurts your feelings and that you prefer them to not to use your stuff unless you allow them too. Tell your parents as well.
  • Question
    How do I stop my roommate from laying in my bed?
    Community Answer
    Talk to him and ask him not to do it anymore.
  • Question
    How can I prevent my younger relatives from mishandling my belongings?
    Community Answer
    Try telling them, very politely, that you don't want them messing with your stuff. If this doesn't work, try putting a "do not touch" or a "private" sign on your belongings and keeping them in a harder-to-find place.
  • Question
    How do I get my sister to stop using my towel?
    Kulab Foster
    Community Answer
    If you have a smaller, younger sister, put your towel somewhere she can't reach it. Otherwise, keep the towel in your room until you need to use it.
  • Question
    How can I approach this person if I don't know them?
    Community Answer
    Just walk up and say, "Hi, excuse me, but that's my [whatever they're using]." As long as you're polite, there shouldn't be any problems.
  • Question
    What if my parents think that my sister should get to use something I own despite me saying no?
    Community Answer
    Whatever it is, they probably bought it for you, therefore they have a right to get to say who uses it.
  • Question
    My dad's girlfriend's brother is always using my stuff without telling me first. How do I get him to stop doing this without upsetting him?
    Community Answer
    Just be polite. Say something like, "I really don't mind you using my things, but I'd appreciate it if you asked first in case it's something that I'm already using or plan to use shortly."
  • Question
    How can I prevent my cousin from using my clothes, jewelry, cosmetics and footwear?
    Community Answer
    You should have an honest discussion with them, and explain why you do not want them using your things.
  • Question
    My older sister keeps taking my hairbrush, drinks, food, shampoo, conditioner and socks. My brother takes my stuff when he's at school, and my parents just say they'll talk to them about it. What can I do?
    R6S Killkor
    Community Answer
    Tell your sister those items are for personal use and she is not supposed to use them. About your brother, tell the school director and, if that doesn't work, when you and your brother are at your home, go with him to your parents and tell them the problem.
  • Question
    If an annoying girl at school keeps taking my Chromebook, it is illegal to fight her?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The only instance where it would ever be okay to fight someone would be if they attacked you first and you were defending yourself. If someone at school is stealing your stuff, tell a teacher or the principal.
  • Question
    I live with a family member that gave me a bedroom to use and keep my things in. What should I do if he comes into my room and breaks my things?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It's still his house, and so is the room you are in. Nonetheless, he is obligated to respect your privacy and must ask for your permission before entering your room. If he breaks stuff on purpose, it's time to find new living arrangements. If it's by accident, work out rules that you both agree with.
  • Question
    I go to bed and find my sister has touched everything I own. She is in here now and almost ruined a book of mine. I told her to get out, but she broke everything she could before she went out, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Tell a parent so they can handle it. If you can, get a video of your sister doing it so you have proof.
  • Question
    How can I get my enemy to stop taking my stationery?
    Megan Dellenbaugh
    Community Answer
    I would be upfront and tell them that you cannot give them any more stationery. You could also hide your stationery or lie and say you ran out.
  • Question
    My sister keeps touching my laptop and making my keyboard dirty. Any advice?
    Community Answer
    Buy a cover sheet for your keyboard. You can get them anywhere they sell electronics supplies.
  • Question
    I moved in with my boyfriend a while ago, and his brother/roommate. My towels and bedding keep ending up in his bedroom. Plus the family maid moves my things. Help!
    Community Answer
    This is not that serious of a problem. You just need to confront your boyfriend's brother and tell him that you do not appreciate him stealing your stuff. If the maids are moving your things, let them know that you would appreciate it if they would just leave it where it is.
  • Question
    I work in a spa and share a hallway with 3 other people. I have a personal ottoman next to my door and a new girl has her clients sit there or she does in between her appointments. How do I tell her to please discontinue using it because my clients and I are being inconvenienced?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If she's new, she might not be fully aware of the situation. It's a professional situation, so stricter rules apply than would in a social situation. First, simply tell her in person, being kind, polite and professional, that it is for your clients only. Perhaps help her find a solution for her clients. Consider putting up a sign to alert visitors what the chair is there for.
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