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Q&A for How to Get a Boyfriend in Middle School
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QuestionHow do you know when you are ready to have a boyfriend?Supatra Tovar, PsyD, RDDr. Supatra Tovar is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY #31949), Registered Dietitian, Fitness Expert, and the Owner of Dr. Supatra Tovar and Associates. Dr. Tovar has worked in the fields of health education, clinical dietetics, and psychology. With over 25 years of holistic wellness experience, she practices Holistic Health Psychotherapy. She combines her psychology, diet, and fitness knowledge to help those struggling with depression, weight gain, eating disorders, life transitions, and relationships. Dr. Tovar holds a BA in Environmental Biology from The University of Colorado Boulder, an MS in Nutrition Science from California State University, Los Angeles, and a PsyD in Clinical Health Psychology from Alliant International University, Los Angeles.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY #31949), Registered Dietitian, & Fitness ExpertLicensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY #31949), Registered Dietitian, & Fitness ExpertExpert AnswerBeing ready to embark on a relationship requires a variety of life skills. There are a few ways to know when you are ready to accept a boyfriend into your life. The first is respecting and treating yourself with kindness. If you don’t know how to treat yourself well, you certainly won’t be able to be discerning enough to find someone who will do the same. Secondly, you should know how to set boundaries. Being very clear about what kind of behavior you will and won’t accept, as well as how to assert your boundaries is essential to a healthy relationship. You are educated about sex, sexual assault, and healthy relationships. -
QuestionThis boy and I both like each other, but he won't ask me out. What should I do?Community AnswerTake matters into your own hands and ask him out! He's probably nervous, just like you are, and he'll be glad that you took control. If you don't want to ask him on a date right away, you can ask him to hang out in a group first.
QuestionWhat do I do if he has a girlfriend?Community AnswerFocus your energy on single guys for now. You can still be friends with this guy, but you shouldn't pursue him.
QuestionIf my crush likes someone else, what should I do?Community AnswerIf you've shown him you're interested and he's still focused on someone else, you should probably set your sights elsewhere for now. Maybe in the future the two of you can get together.
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