Q&A for How to Get a Girl's Attention if You Are a Girl

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    This girl at work keeps on staring at me, but whenever I look at her she looks away. We always make eye contact and she gives me a smile and blushes, but she has a long-distance relationship with a boyfriend. I am confused; why is she staring at me, could she be bi? Or just friendly?
    Top Answerer
    Either answer's possible. She could have a crush on you. She could also simply be shy, or friendly, as you said. She may want to be your friend, but is unsure how to approach you. The behavior you've noted does sound like the typical signs of a crush, but that doesn't mean you can be certain. Since she has a boyfriend and you're uncertain of her orientation, even if you do have some feelings for her, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to act on them. With a few obvious exceptions, for example, if she tells you she's in an open and/or polyamorous relationship.
  • Question
    What if the girl I like just thinks I'm being friendly and doesn't fully understand I'm a lesbian?
    Community Answer
    Hint at it: make a joke about gays or recommend a gay movie or book.
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    Is it morally wrong to cause my friend to like me (she does but, feels guilty doing so) because we are in a religious institution where homosexuality isn't allowed?
    Community Answer
    No, love is never morally wrong. The institution is in the wrong for establishing rules about who people can love and who they can be. You and your friend have nothing to feel guilty about.
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    I asked a girl I like out and she said no. Can I change her mind?
    Community Answer
    Ask her why she said no. If she simply isn't interested in having a romantic relationship with you, there isn't much you can do. Continue being her friend. She may change her mind, or she may not, but value her friendship.
  • Question
    What if I am scared?
    Community Answer
    Work on your own self-confidence before approaching a girl. If you love yourself and are proud of who you are, that will translate. Take your time to be comfortable with yourself.
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    When do I ask her to have sex?
    Community Answer
    When you are ready. Sex is a special thing, so do it with the right person.
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    What if she has a boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    If she has a boyfriend then she may be straight, but she's definitely taken, so you should respect that. Try becoming her friend. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
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    Why does the girl I like use dirty pickup lines?
    Andrew Serrano
    Top Answerer
    Probably because sometimes people say things just to be funny, so don't read too much into it.
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    I'm terrified of coming out. What can I do? How do I know if it's safe?
    Community Answer
    You have to find the right person to come out to. Get someone you fully trust. When you are ready to tell him/her, meet at the park, or take a walk and talk about it.
  • Question
    What if I'm just figuring myself out?
    Community Answer
    That's totally okay. Most teens are, which is why it's a good idea not to rush to any definite conclusions about your sexuality. There's a tremendous amount of pressure to identify one way or another during a period in your life when there are lots of intense feelings and physical changes taking place and a lot of confusion about what to do with all the messages being sent in our sex-saturated media. Relax, get an education, make good friends, and wait.
  • Question
    What if she is dating someone right now? What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Back off and wait until the relationship is over. Don't get involved.
  • Question
    What's a good topic of conversation?
    Community Answer
    Something that you have heard or seen her be enthusiastic about before. For example, if she has a certain book or movie that she's talked about or you've seen her with, bring it up in the conversation. This will show her that you're interested in her and her interests.
  • Question
    How can I make a girl a lesbian?
    Community Answer
    There is no way to make a girl a lesbian. Either she is interested in girls, or she isn't. You can't change her sexuality.
  • Question
    Is it possible for a girl to cheat on her boyfriend if the other person is a girl?
    Community Answer
    Cheating is cheating regardless of gender identity. If you have a male partner and sleep with a female partner, that is cheating unless discussed with both partners prior.
  • Question
    My friend drops a lot of these hints, but I don't know if she knows they're hints or if she's just being friendly. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Pay attention to how she behaves with others. Does she flirt with everyone, or does she single you out? Other than that, the only way to really know is to ask her.
  • Question
    How can I make a girl know I love her?
    Molly Solecki
    Community Answer
    Just tell her. It will be good to get the weight off your chest, and maybe she'll like you back.
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    What if I don't think she's interested?
    Community Answer
    Be persistent with the subtle flirtation, but don't nag. If she doesn't respond, find someone else.
  • Question
    I need a girlfriend and I don't have any friends. I know I should start by getting friends, but i don't even know how to find people where i live. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try using other people, like your family, to help you through this difficult time. Tell them about your struggles and don't be shy about it. Let the lid off loose, and they will eat it up. After all, they're your family, and they'll always love you.
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    I am homeschooled and somewhat sheltered. I am also socially awkward, and I haven't come out yet. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Wait until you aren't as sheltered and go out to meet new people. Social awkwardness fades with age as you become more confident in yourself. Coming out shouldn't be rushed -- wait until you're 100% sure and ready.
  • Question
    There is a single girl who I have a crush on, but she says she doesn't know if she likes me yet. She always texts me and gives me hearts when she says goodnight. Does she like me?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You're in so much luck - please don't rush it now that you're so close. She has already said she doesn't know if she likes you... yet. That is just about the best answer you could possibly get. She's thinking about it, feelings may be growing, so you must give it time. There are no guarantees, but as long as you don't spoil it now, you have a good chance. Keep it cool, stay in her view, don't push things, don't rush anything, give her a few opportunities to make a move towards you, to take some initiative. Hang out, have fun, and above all, keep being you so she can get to know you.
  • Question
    I have a crush on a friend I have had since kindergarten, and I don't know how to ask her out. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    This is the article for you: how to ask a girl out .
  • Question
    Do I have a chance if the girl I'm interested in is not only straight but religious as well?
    Community Answer
    Your changes are lower, but you can always still confess your feelings to her. Be careful not to get too attached in case she rejects you, and if she does, make sure you don't harass her about it or you'll drive her away.
  • Question
    I ran into an old friend, and she wanted to hang out with me, she complimented me a lot, and was staring at me. I think I like her. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like your friend might be interested in you too! Spend more time with her, return her compliments, be bold, and flirt with her if you'd like. Go out of your way to see her, and use her name in conversation. Hint that you might like her and see how she reacts, and if she seems to react well, don't be afraid to tell her how you feel directly. Don't be afraid to make the first move.
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    I'm very feminine and I'm almost never noticed as a lesbian. What do I do?
    Phoebe Levitsky
    Community Answer
    Looks like we're in the same boat. Being a femme lesbian can be hard sometimes, because people assume you're straight, but the way I handle it is by wearing lots of pride stuff, and mentioning both to my friends and to girls I'm interested in that I'm a lesbian.
  • Question
    What does it mean if she always wants to walk with me and always helps me out at P.E.? She also pets my head and calls me an idiot (playfully). She has a girlfriend, though.
    Community Answer
    It's tough to say, because all of that could be flirting, but it could also just be friendly behavior. It doesn't really matter right now because she has a girlfriend, and you definitely shouldn't try to come between them. If you really want to know, though, there's no harm in asking her how she feels about you.
  • Question
    How can I ask her out?
    Community Answer
    Simply ask her if she'd like to hang out and do something you both like to do.
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    I have a crush on one of my best friends, but another one of my best friends likes her, too. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You should talk about this with your friend, and if you're lucky, she may stop having a crush on the girl you like. If you both still have a crush on the girl, then maybe you should let your crush decide who, if either of you, she likes as a girlfriend.
  • Question
    What if I'm really shy and awkward? Every time I talk to her, it turns to awkward silence.
    Community Answer
    Learn about her interests or bring up interesting topics -- she might enjoy talking about something she enjoys doing. Avoid asking really personal questions until you get to know her better, though, and avoid awkward compliments.
  • Question
    What are the signs that a girl is a lesbian?
    Community Answer
    The only sign that a girl is a lesbian is if she likes other women.
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