Q&A for How to Get a Guy to Be Your Friend

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    What do I do if he thinks I'm annoying?
    Community Answer
    Try ignoring him for a short while. You don't want to be too clingy. If he likes you, he'll start talking to you again. Sometimes guys get a little scared if they feel like you aren't giving them space.
  • Question
    How can I get a shy guy to like me if we are just acquaintances?
    Community Answer
    Don't be too pushy, but slowly nudge your way into his life. Ask him to sit with you at lunch, and if you see him in the hall, say hello. Just be friendly, and see what happens.
  • Question
    How can I win a guy friend back?
    Community Answer
    If it's something that he thinks that you did that made him not want to be friends anymore, apologize, even if it was a misunderstanding. And if you just grew apart, ask him to make plans sometime -- maybe with other mutual friends, so it won't seem as awkward.
  • Question
    How can I tell if a guy is my friend?
    Community Answer
    You can ask him directly!
  • Question
    How can I get my crush to like me?
    Community Answer
    You cannot force someone to do anything. If you try to force things, you might end up pushing your crush away. Instead, be yourself, and remember, it is not the end of the world if your crush does not like you back. You will find someone else who will like you for who you are.
  • Question
    What does it mean if my friend always says he likes me?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like your friend likes you. Believe what he says.
  • Question
    What if I want to be his friend but he doesn't really know me?
    Community Answer
    Find out who your mutual friends are and ask one of them to arrange something where you'll all be hanging out together. This will give him a chance to get to know you better without any pressure.
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    How can I tell if my crush likes me?
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    I have a guy friend, and I think he likes me, but I want us to stay as friends. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you want to stay as friends, you can either give small hints of trying to get him to like another person (maybe a best friend who's single), or say things that will ultimately friend zone him (no one likes the friend zone, but it's sometimes needed). Say things like "You're like a brother to me'" and treat him like family (or friend, whichever you want.). If he doesn't take the hints, then just say flat out that you "aren't looking for a relationship". It might be rude, but he will understand.
  • Question
    What if he ignores you?
    Community Answer
    If he ignores you, he might sort of like you, or he's missing out on what a wonderful person you are. Just be nice and be yourself, and you will find plenty of friends. Do not force friendship on anyone who does not wish it, as this will only push the other person further away.
  • Question
    How can I deal with my best friend dating my crush?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your friend and tell him/her how you feel. Do not let this crush ruin your friendship.
  • Question
    What if the guy I'm trying to befriend always hangs out with his friends and walks home after school, but I take the bus?
    Community Answer
    Ask him to hang out at school, after school, or on the weekends. Walk home with him or invite him to take the bus. Tell him you want to be friends. Being honest/truthful is the best way to gain friendships and relationships.
  • Question
    How can a celebrity become friends with a random guy?
    Community Answer
    For starters, the celebrity may want to choose a random dude who is not a diehard fan so that they will not be freaking out about said celebrity talking to them. The celebrity may also want to show this random guy that he/she is down to earth, likable, and easy to get along with.
  • Question
    My friends talk to so many guys. I guess I don't really flirt with guys or generally make the first move because I'm scared of rejection. How do I overcome this?
    Charlotte Berry
    Community Answer
    Start small. Practicing on girls may help. If you don't feel sexually attracted to them, it could be easier. I'm not saying flirt, but starting up conversations with a female stranger could be easier than a male stranger. Take baby steps and work your way out of your comfort zone.
  • Question
    A while back, maybe a year, my friend and her family cane over to our house. Her brother and I got along pretty well and had a fun time. However, the past few times I've seen him, he's been ignoring me. And it stinks because I thought we were friends. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask him what's going on. Tell him you're confused and thought you were friends. Give him space and be happy with his decision.
  • Question
    How do I ask a boy if he wants to hang out more and be best friends?
    Community Answer
    Just ask him! If you don't want to ask, just start calling or texting him more frequently, and ask him to hang out. The more you talk and spend time together, the closer you'll become.
  • Question
    What do I do if my crush likes another girl but she is my BFF and hates him?
    Community Answer
    There is no telling where the heart may go. In this case, you could inform your crush that your BFF isn't interested in him and won't be changing her mind. Do it nicely and gently and avoid saying anything about your interest in him at this stage. Let him accept that your BFF isn't for him and stay friendly with him. In time he might just come to regard you as his new interest, especially if you've been supportive and not pushy or obvious.
  • Question
    Every time I try to talk to my only guy friend online on social media, he never responds to me, but he will always talk to me in school. How do I get him to respond to me?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes people just don't care for social media, texting, or PM, they prefer face-to-face contact. If he's talking to you in-person, it's clear that he likes you; you might consider asking what social media apps he uses most, if any.
  • Question
    There's this boy in my class who looks sweet and nice, how do I talk to him without being awkward? I'm a shy girl.
    Community Answer
    Just say hi. Introduce yourself if you don't really know each other. Ask him if he likes the class/teacher, or ask him a question about the homework (even if you already know the answer).
  • Question
    What if the boy I want to be my friend is quiet and doesn't like talking?
    Community Answer
    Maybe he needs more time and you just need to wait. There are a lot of people who can trust only to close friends. If you really want to be his friend, be friendly and patient with him.
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