Q&A for How to Get a Tattoo Without Your Parents Knowing

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  • Question
    Would it be easy to hide a tattoo on the side of my foot?
    Community Answer
    It's one of the easiest places to hide a tattoo. When going outside, wear sneakers. You can also try wearing socks or using make-up concealer when wearing sandals.
  • Question
    How do I hide a tattoo when I have to go to the doctor for checkups?
    Community Answer
    Try heavy foundation or powder that matches your skin tone. Don't use bandaids to cover up the tattoo, though, because the doctor will think it's an abrasion and may want to take the bandaid off to check it out. You probably don't need to worry unless your parents are present for the examination, though. A doctor isn't likely to say, "Hey, did you know your daughter has a tattoo?"
  • Question
    Can a tattoo be erased?
    Community Answer
    You can get it removed either with a laser, or with a special cream. The cream is quite expensive, but the laser hurts more than getting the actual tattoo done.
  • Question
    If I ever get a tattoo on my back, shoulder, or arm, could I still wear tank tops during the healing process?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as it isn't too tight fitting. Make sure it's cotton so your tattoo can breathe.
  • Question
    How can I hide my back tattoo while wearing a swimsuit?
    Community Answer
    Wear a swimsuit that covers more of your back, such as a one piece or tankini.
  • Question
    Can I get a tattoo on my private parts, such as my butt or breast?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. These places might be a bit more painful.
  • Question
    Can I get a tattoo as a child?
    Community Answer
    No. You cannot legally get a tattoo until you are at least 16 or 18, depending on where you live.
  • Question
    Can I get in the shower 2-3 weeks after getting my tattoo?
    Community Answer
    You can shower the day you get a tattoo. However, you should avoid very hot water, long showers, and submerging your tattoo for at least a month. (Make sure to clean the tattoo to avoid infection though.)
  • Question
    What place will allow me to get a tattoo if I'm only 14?
    Community Answer
    Many tattoo places will let you get a tattoo. However, you will need a parent or guardian's signature.
  • Question
    Would I be able to get someone to pretend to be my parents so that I'll have permission?
    Eliza Weinberger
    Community Answer
    You could, but if they find out, there could, in theory, be impersonation or fraud charges. Do so at your own risk.
  • Question
    Would it be easy to see a tattoo if I get it on the side of my breast?
    Community Answer
    Not unless you're frequently naked in front of other people. The side boob is generally a good hiding place, but it's also a painful spot to get a tattoo so be advised.
  • Question
    I live in a place that is really hot, so I don't wear long sleeves. I'm getting a tattoo on my wrist. If I go outside with long sleeve my parents will be suspicious. How do I hide it?
    ThatPleb 101
    Community Answer
    Full-coverage foundation is the best option; go to the closest makeup store and ask what they recommend.
  • Question
    How do I go to a shop without my parent's permission when under 18?
    Community Answer
    You don't. It is that simple. Doing it without permission will not only get you into trouble but will also get your parents and tattoo artist into trouble. Keep asking for permission until you wear them down with the realization that you are not going to stop asking as you really want a tattoo.
  • Question
    So I want to do a stick-and-poke tattoo when I'm 16. I don't know if I should do it on my birthday in the spring, or wait until fall because of weather. I'm outside a lot in the warm weather in tanks.
    Mark Gray
    Community Answer
    This is inadvisable. If you want a tattoo, go to a professional tattoo artist. The stick-and-poke tattoo can easily get infected, and it hurts more than if it is done by a real tattoo artist.
  • Question
    If I wear long-sleeve t-shirts after getting the tattoo, will it still heal properly?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you should cover the tattoo with a bandage before putting on your shirt.
  • Question
    I got a tattoo, and I'm a bit young. My parents will kill me if they find out. Help please?
    Community Answer
    What you did is not good. You should know that. But since you can't just undo it, you have to take care of the tattoo until it heals. Try to stay out of the sun, and keep the area clean and moisturized so it doesn't get infected. If you don't want your parents to see it, you'll just have to keep that part of your body covered when you're around them.
  • Question
    Can I get a tattoo at the age of 16 in South Africa?
    Community Answer
    You will have to look at your local laws.
  • Question
    I want to get a tattoo of my boyfriend's name on my chest. We've been dating for 3 months now. I'm 12 and I don't want to get caught. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Do NOT do it. You are only 12, and you and your boyfriend have only been dating for three months. What if he breaks up with you next week? You absolutely will regret this. Don't do it.
  • Question
    What are the best places to hide a tattoo from parents?
    Skylar van Voorst
    Community Answer
    Somewhere that can be easily covered by clothes: stomach, high on your thighs, ankles, or even shoulders.
  • Question
    I am 18 and my parents say I can’t get one because I am too ignorant. They say it is for my own good, but they are fine with me smoking. I am am getting sick and tired of it. What do I say or do?
    Community Answer
    You're 18; your parent's don't have to "allow" you to do anything. If you want a tattoo and are able to afford it, then get one. There's no reason to be sick and tired of something for which the solution is completely within your control; it's time to claim your independence, start acting like the adult that you now are and stop letting others control your life.
  • Question
    Can I have a tattoo if I am 20?
    Community Answer
    You can get one at 16 with parental permission (if you can find a studio willing to tattoo someone so young) and without anyone's permission when you turn 18.
  • Question
    Does white ink fade sooner than colored ink?
    Raphy Hong
    Community Answer
    No. They are both similar. Because they are both tattoo inks, the only difference is the color.
  • Question
    I’m 20 years old and I want to get a small tattoo above the inside of my elbow. I’m still in school and don’t finish for four months and still live at home. How should I hide it?
    Community Answer
    Try using a water-resistant, foundation or eyeshadow that matches your skin color. If it is small enough, that should cover it up. You could also just wear along sleeved shirt or sweatshirt.
  • Question
    How can I get a stick and poke tattoo with as little risk as possible?
    Top Answerer
    Ideally, you should get a stick and poke in a properly registered tattoo parlour as these are required to adhere to effective sterile practices to reduce the risk of infection. If this is not an option, make sure that all equipment used is sterilised (often achieved by passing your needle through a flame and/or using strong alcohol), your/the person doing the stick-and-poke's hands are thoroughly cleaned, and that you use non-toxic ink (ideally proper tattoo ink). It's important to make sure that needles and ink are not shared, regardless of the sterilisation that you're doing, to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Question
    In the state of Washington, how old do I have to be to get a tattoo?
    Top Answerer
    In Washington state you must be 18 to get a tattoo. It is a misdemeanour for anyone in Washington to tattoo a person under the age of 18 - with or without parental consent. (Wash. Code §26.28.085, Wash. Code § 18.300, Wash. Code § 246-145-001 to 060, Wash. Code §70.54).
  • Question
    Is it a good idea for a guy to get a small tattoo behind the ear? Can I hide it or is it easily noticeable?
    Ashlynn V
    Community Answer
    Dependent on how long your hair is, the tattoo is either hardly noticeable or easily seen.
  • Question
    I’m planning to get a small tattoo done on my upper forearm. How do I hide it from my parents? (I’m over 18 but still live at home.)
    Community Answer
    You're old enough to be able to get a tattoo, so you don't need to hide it from your parents. If they don't allow you though, let them know this.
  • Question
    How mad do you think my mother would be about a small stick and poke on my hand that has sentimental meaning to the both of us?
    Community Answer
    Don't use the stick-and-poke method. It can cause serious infections. If you want a tattoo, either ask your mum or do it through an older sibling.
  • Question
    My family is extremely religious, so their reaction may be extreme to me getting a tattoo. I wanna get it either next to my breasts or high up where my underwear is to the side. Which is better?
    Community Answer
    If the reaction could be as severe as you think it might be, then it probably isn't worth it. Wait until you turn 18.
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