Q&A for How to Get an Older Guy to Like You (Teen Girls)

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    What if he is way out of my league? We have common friends, but I haven't talked to them in a while.
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    Don't worry about whether or not a guy is "in your league." Instead, focus on building your confidence and being your best self. This will help you attract people to you. In the meantime, reconnect with the friends you have in common so you can be around this guy more. Then, see if there's a connection between you two.
  • Question
    I am a sophomore in high school and I really like this senior who is friends with my older brother. I have never talked to him before, but sometimes I feel like he looks at me. How can I approach him?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    Try asking him to help you with something for school, such as an assignment. This way you can spend time with him without making it obvious that you like him. When he comes to your house to see your brother, try to talk to him or show off that you're doing something cool.
  • Question
    How do you tell him about something you like about him?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    Be direct with him. Say something like, "I really like your hair," or "You did a great job in last week's game." He'll likely say "thank you."
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    What if he says he likes you back?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    If he likes you back, it's possible that you two can start dating. Ask him to hang out sometime soon so you can get to know each other better.
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    How do I get a guy that is 6 years older than me? I am 16 and he is 22.
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    With this big of an age gap, it's best for you to wait for this crush to fizzle out. He's in a different place in life than you right now, but that's okay! Focus your attention on finding another great guy who's closer to your age.
  • Question
    What if an older girl is flirting with him?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    There's nothing you can do about someone else flirting with him. Just be yourself and see where things go. It might not work out with this guy, but you'll find someone else who's even better for you.
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    I like a guy in my school and tried to ask him out, but he wont answer me. What do I do?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    If he's not answering, he's probably not interested in a date right now. It's possible that he just needs time for himself right now, but he may just not feel that way about you. While this is a painful experience, you'll get over this guy very soon. Focus your attention on finding a guy who's a better match for you.
  • Question
    I told a guy at a local hangout place that I like him, but he wanted to get to know me. Now he's too old to go back to the hangout place. What do I do?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    First, make sure he's not too old for you to legally date him. If there's a big age gap, it might be best to date someone who's closer to your age. If you want to pursue the relationship, ask him to hang out with you at a place where you can both go. For instance, meet him at a local cafe.
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