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Q&A for How to Get to Celadon City in Pokémon FireRed
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QuestionHow do I get past the Team Rocket hideout in Pokemon Fire Red?Community AnswerBeat the grunts to get to Giovanni, then beat him to get the silph scope and go and save Mr Fuji.
QuestionWill my level 100 Tyranitar be good against her?Bun bunTop AnswererIt likely won't obey you a lot, but yes, it can be used.
QuestionHow do I get into the Celadon City Hotel in Leaf Green?Community AnswerWhen you enter the city, go up and you will find an entrance.Go to the entrance, go left, and enter the building from back. Go to the top floor. Go south and enter the room. You will find a Pokeball, take it.
QuestionHow do I get to the fourth gym in Pokemon Red?Community AnswerThe gym is located to the south of Celadon City; however, it is blocked by a tree. Use Cut to remove the tree, then go left and then up.
QuestionWhere is the game corner?Community AnswerGo right and a little down, then go right until you see the place that looks like an arcade. That's the game corner.
QuestionHow do I kill the ghost?Community AnswerIt is not a ghost, it is a haunter. And then you can battle it and run away/kill/capture it.
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