How to Dance: Smooth and Simple Moves for Any Occasion
Q&A for How to High Five
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QuestionHow do I respond to someone who doesn't want to high five me?Community AnswerIf the high fivee rejects your offer, move your hand down to your hip in the "down low" variation, and then say, "Too slow." This gives the appearance you are rejecting the person instead.
QuestionHow to I recruit someone to practice my high fives?Community AnswerAsk one of your closest buddies or a family member. These people will not judge you if your high fives need some work.
QuestionHow long should I wait for someone to high five me before lowering my hand?Community AnswerI'd say around 3-5 seconds. If you don't want to lower your hand, you can raise both hands above yourself and say, "Self-five!"
QuestionWhen going for the high five do we need to be standing in an upright position or can we be sitting down?Community AnswerIt generally doesn't matter what position you and your partner are in, you can be in either.
QuestionWhat should I do if they think I'm going to slap them?Community AnswerEnthusiastically say "high five" and they should quickly realize your intention!
QuestionWhy would someone need this article?Community AnswerYou never know; maybe someone has heard of a high five but doesn't know what one looks like.
QuestionHow do I pronounce "whoopish," and do I need to say it every time a high-five is given?Community AnswerPronounce it like "puhshhhh" - and no, you do not need to say anything after a high-five.
QuestionWhen should I use a bro-fist over a high five?Community AnswerThe bro-fist is only popular in bro-circles. Among girls, only bro-chicks can use it. A bro-fist is more casual and charming. It's very good for acquiring bros.
QuestionIs it possible to high five two people at once?Community AnswerYes, if you use one hand for each high five.
QuestionDo I really have to smile?Community AnswerIt would be a good idea to do so. High fives are generally happy gestures, often associated with friendliness and victory. A frown, glare, or fierce expression may send mixed messages and create confusion.
QuestionHow do I make contact when doing a high five?Community AnswerYou make contact when your hands meet between the two of you. Stay calm and be natural about it.
QuestionWhat do I do if I miss?PoofCommunity AnswerTry to laugh it off, or lower your hand to your waist and say, "too slow." This way, it seems like you were trying to miss.
QuestionWhat if someone initiates the "down low," but I am too slow?Community AnswerTake it in stride as a good sport, with the reassurance that you will one day offer the down low to someone and be faster than them.
QuestionIs a high-five a good way to end a date?Community AnswerProbably not, as giving a high-five after a date with someone could send them the message that you only think of them as a friend and not a potential romantic partner. Dates more commonly end with a hug or a kiss.
QuestionWhat do I do if half of my hand hits the other person's hand?Community AnswerYou can either ask them for a "do-over," or just pretend like nothing happened.
QuestionHow do I high five people if they get scared and don't follow through with it?Community AnswerGrab their arms and make sure their hands are straight and go through with the classic.
QuestionShould I high five someone to help them cope with the loss of someone dear to them?Community AnswerNo. A high five is not appropriate for that scenario. Try placing a hand on their back and telling them you're very sorry for their loss instead.
QuestionHow much force is needed for a high five without it being too painful?AnotheronebitesthesoilCommunity AnswerIt depends on the person. If you don’t know someone well or know they don’t take well to pain, don’t slap too hard. With good friends who are okay with it, you can slap harder. Be extra cautious with people who have hand injuries.
QuestionWhat do I do if I miss the hand when doing a high five?Community AnswerIf you miss the hand when high-fiving, then you try again. You'll get it the next time, or the next after that.
QuestionHow can I high five if my partner doesn't have hands?Community AnswerDon’t try. Instead, find a different form of celebratory movement. Try making a cheer, movement with other body parts or, a shared signal.
QuestionWhat if I don't have any friends to practice high fiving with?Garfield SouthgateCommunity AnswerPut your left elbow at a 90-degree angle and look at your elbow as you high-five yourself with your right hand. (If you are left-handed, put your right elbow at a 90-degree angle instead.)
QuestionHow can I practice high-fiving if I don't have any family members or friends?Community AnswerHigh-five yourself, or buy a plush toy to high-five.
QuestionWhich hand should I use?Gravity_CipherCommunity AnswerYou can use either hand to high five. There's no rule saying you have to use only one hand for high fiving.
QuestionWhat do you do if you have a prosthetic arm?Gravity_CipherCommunity AnswerYou can still high five with a prosthetic arm! Just don't use too much force.
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