Q&A for How to Host a Housewarming Party

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    Should a time limit be placed on a housewarming invitation?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is helpful to set a time limit so people do not stay too late.
  • Question
    I'm getting an international roommate into my first apartment. How will a housewarming party work?
    Community Answer
    Try to do some research on the person's culture and use that research to influence how you decorate, the food you serve, etc. Add some touches from your own culture as well so they can experience something new while also feeling at home. Welcome them warmly and tell them you're excited to be sharing an apartment with them.
  • Question
    If this is my second home, is a housewarming party appropriate?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's appropriate to host a housewarming party in any new home you move into, regardless of how many prior residences in which you've lived.
  • Question
    What would make good "thank you" gifts when hosting a housewarming party?
    Community Answer
    Candles are nice, and pretty affordable. You could also go with magnets or stationary or mason jars filled with candy and nuts. If it's winter you could give out ornaments.
  • Question
    Should I send notes to my neighbors asking them to please bear with the noise on the day of my housewarming party?
    Community Answer
    That's a good idea. Let them know what's happening and when you expect the party to wind down. You might also write something like, "If you have any concerns, feel free to contact us at [your phone number]."
  • Question
    Can I invite my guests to a house that's still missing some things, like certain pieces of furniture?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but the best thing to do would probably be to wait until your furniture arrives, mainly so your guests have somewhere to sit and relax.
  • Question
    Would it be appropriate to serve milkshakes at a housewarming party?
    Community Answer
    Sure! Just make sure you don't have any lactose intolerant guests, or stock up on lactose-free ingredients just in case.
  • Question
    Should parents be invited to their son's housewarming party if he just wants to have his co-workers?
    Community Answer
    There's no right answer for who should be on the guest list, but it's generally nice when guests have some shared experiences to keep the conversation flowing. You certainly don't want some guests to feel ill at ease because of other guests in attendance. If the co-workers are all familiar with one another and are of a different age and stage than the host's parents, it might be best to invite the parents to a separate event so everyone feels comfortable and gets to engage more with the host.
  • Question
    Is it too late to have a housewarming party if I've lived in my home for one year?
    Community Answer
    No, you can still have a housewarming party if you decide that is what you would like to do.
  • Question
    I am giving a housewarming for my niece, and she needs everything! Is it inappropriate to send a list of things she needs with the invitations?
    Community Answer
    Let people know on the invitation that it is your niece's first home, and that she looks forward to filling it. That subtly lets people know that she needs stuff, and then when they RSVP, they may ask you for ideas, which you will of course have on hand!
  • Question
    Why are thank you notes necessary?
    Community Answer
    This forms an important part of good etiquette. Even in a day and age of fast everything, a handwritten thank you note is a form of acknowledgment of the kindness of your guests in bringing gifts and in giving you their time to come to an event that isn't really essential in anyone's life but is a form of kindness.
  • Question
    Can I include a gift registry on the invites?
    Community Answer
    You can do anything you want, but I would not put it on the invite. If you want a gift registry, tell a few friends and let them spread the word.
  • Question
    How will I know which neighbors to invite?
    Community Answer
    Invite those close to you, those who have shown you kindness and those you'd like to get to know better. And while it may seem odd, it can do wonders to invite those you don't much like, as it's better to make friends than maintain enmities.
  • Question
    Should we get into the pool?
    Community Answer
    Did the invitation specifically mention that it was a pool party? If so, feel free to get into the pool. If not, save it for another time, or at least wait and see what other people do first.
  • Question
    When is a good time to open the housewarming gifts?
    Community Answer
    You should open gifts after the guests leave, unless they specifically ask you to open it. It's polite to keep gifts to the side and open after guests leave.
  • Question
    Can a cuckoo clock from the Black Forest Mountains of Germany work as a housewarming gift?
    Community Answer
    If it fits with the recipient's decor, this would be a wonderful gift, especially if the host is of German descent!
  • Question
    Am I expected to stay the entire five hours if only finger foods are being offered?
    Community Answer
    Anything over two hours without a sit down meal should be considered a come-and-go event.
  • Question
    Can I include a gift registry in my invites?
    Community Answer
    You could. That way guests will know what you are looking for for your house. .
  • Question
    Do I have to invite the neighbors to my housewarming party?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to. However, it would be a great way to meet your new neighbors and have some new friends close by.
  • Question
    When sending out the invitations, is it proper to include a housewarming gift registry?
    Community Answer
    A housewarming gift registry is not an old tradition and it's not a good idea to try to turn it into a modern one. People already feel pressured enough to give things without forcing them to make a choice of what to bring along to what is essentially a goodwill and get-to-know-your-new-place event. It's not supposed to be an event that carries an obligation to buy things. Be glad people are coming with warm hearts and happiness for you.
  • Question
    Can I have catering for a housewarming party?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Reference Method 1, Part 5.
  • Question
    What are some good foods for a housewarming party? Can pizza be a good choice ?
    Community Answer
    Pizza is a good choice for a housewarming party, definitely, as it can be shared around and feeds many people at once. Other foods include dips and chips, crackers and cheese, peanuts/other nuts, small baked savories and fruit pieces. Some candies and cake would also be enjoyable.
  • Question
    Can a housewarming party be a sleepover? What are the essentials of making it a sleepover?
    Amanda Cousins
    Community Answer
    Adding dinner, breakfast and guest rooms to the party makes it a sleepover.
  • Question
    My godfather’s family moved into my previous city of seven years, I attended the housewarming party and can they host thanksgiving dinner?
    Amanda Cousins
    Community Answer
    They can do both. They let me spend the night and they hosted thanksgiving dinner. They’ll be the host/hostess this year
  • Question
    Can you RSVP to a housewarming party invitation by calling the host/hostess?
    Community Answer
  • Question
    Do you have to RSVP to a housewarming party invitation? Can there be details about spending the night?
    Amanda Cousins
    Community Answer
    Yes, and if they specify that you are spending the night, they will add dinner, breakfast and guest room information.
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