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Q&A for How to Install a Modem
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QuestionHow can you setup a router with your phone?Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years.Download the appropriate app and follow the on-screen instructions. After the app is loaded, it will ask you to connect to the network that's being broadcast out of it. A lot of times, the routers have their own name and network password—it's already set up, so you just follow the instructions that the app gives you. At that point, as soon as you're logged in with that unit, it automatically detects the unit and sets up all the protocols for the type of internet you're using, and it'll ask if you want to change your broadcast ID and password. You should now be online and ready to go!
QuestionWhere do I change the settings in my computer?Community AnswerYou should first consult your user manual for the computer and modem. Generally, all the settings will be in "control panel" for windows and "settings" for a Mac. You may also need to enter some settings in a web browser.
QuestionDo I need to go through the same process if I replace my modem with the same brand?Community AnswerIt depends on how many models up that modem is compared to the last one. It should be generally the same if it is the same brand and not too newer or older than the one you had. Most of the steps should carry over.
QuestionHow can I tell whether the modem is wireless or cable?Community AnswerLocate the label on the modem that tells you the brand and model number. Do a google search for it and check the features. Strictly speaking, a modem does not have wireless capability, however these days most modems also contain a wireless "router." Together, the modem + router is known as a "gateway." This is what your internet provider usually supplies if you rent the modem from them - a wireless gateway. If you bought a separate modem it may or may not be a wireless gateway.
QuestionI have a leased modem from Centrylink. Can I return it and buy my own?Community AnswerYes, you just need to call your ISP and tell them that you have bought a new modem and do not need the leased one anymore. They will tell you how to return it.
QuestionWe have telephone, cable, and internet with Time Warner. We replaced the modem and now do not have telephone service. Why is this?Community AnswerYour modem may not support internet phone service (called VOIP). Only certain modems can handle Time Warner's phone service. Double-check the specifications and features of your modem to be sure. Since the modem is brand new, you can call the modem maker's toll-free tech support number and ask them for guidance. If yours definitely does support VOIP, then call Time Warner's tech support and explain the problem.
QuestionCan a modem be turned off when not in use?Community AnswerYes. If you don't need to use your internet connection, there is no problem in turning it off. But most people just leave it on.
QuestionI have a wireless modem and laptop in my house, can my roommate use their laptop and my services?Community AnswerYes, your roommate can use their laptop with your internet service. To prevent your laptop and/or your personal home network from possible malware or outside hacking, it's a good idea to use your modem's safest security settings. There are at least two ways to enhance the security settings. First, make sure your modem's wireless settings have WPA-2 security enabled. Be sure to create a complex password for this (upper & lower case letters plus numbers & special characters). Example: g00d53Cur1ty. Also, check your modem's instructions to see if it offers a "Guest" network in addition to the regular one which you are already using. Allow roommate to use only the Guest network.
QuestionHow do I connect my modem to my tablet?Community AnswerConsult your manual or the back of your modem for a wifi name and password. You then go to the "settings" app on your tablet, then to the "wifi" tab and tap on the name that you found on the back of your modem or manual. You can then enter the password given by your ISP or on the back of you router or modem.
QuestionHow can I personalize my modem's name?Community AnswerYou can personalize your modem by going to the admin hub. Be sure to google your IP address so you know what to add when prompted for this. Then, there should be an option under Wireless to add your personalized name. If not, you'll need to contact the company who manufactured it for precise details on adding the name.
QuestionDo I need both a router and a modem to get my internet working?Community AnswerMost cablemodems have built-in routers, but check your model for specifics.
QuestionHow do I know what the password is on my modem when there's multiple strings of letters and numbers?Community AnswerCheck bottom of the modem or router for default password and try it. If it does not work reset with the reset button then try.
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