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Q&A for How to Install a Torrent Game
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QuestionHow can I torrent safely?Luigi Oppido is the Owner and Operator of Pleasure Point Computers in Santa Cruz, California. Luigi has over 25 years of experience in general computer repair, data recovery, virus removal, and upgrades. He is also the host of the Computer Man Show! broadcasted on KSQD covering central California for over two years.You want to only get your torrent files from a trusted source, meaning a website or a person you know can be trusted. Make sure you have a good, solid antivirus and anti-spyware program, something that will scan and make sure the file is okay before it actually gets put into your file system.
QuestionHow do I know there's no virus?Community AnswerCheck for customer reviews, and download from websites that don't redirect to another unrelated website.
QuestionWhat do I do if the readme note sends me to "password.text" and then freezes?Community AnswerYou probably stumbled upon a fake "torrent". Fake torrents usually need some kind of a password to work.
QuestionCan I still get updates and patches on a torrented game?Community AnswerNo. Once you download a torrent, it's just there. No updates and no patches, unless you download a new torrent for the same game.
QuestionI have an Intel Mac core I5 with 8gb of DDR3 1600mhz. It uses an Intel Iris Pro 1536mb onboard graphics on an OS X El Capitan, 10.11.5. Star Wars, KOTR, and Silent Hill will not run. Is there anything I can do?Community AnswerEl Capitan blocks any program that doesn't have a known source, such as torrent games, from being run.
QuestionWhat is the difference between mounting and extracting an ISO file?Community AnswerMounting is making the .iso like a virtual CD; extracting it is copying the contents into a separate folder.
QuestionHow do I install it on a Macintosh?Community AnswerIt's the same, except you only download games that are for Mac, not for Windows. You can always use Winebottler to run exe files on a Mac.
QuestionNone of the games will start, and there are no instructions included. I'm receiving a message that says I'm missing d3dx9_dll from my computer. How do I fix this?Community AnswerDownload DirectX from Microsoft's website and re-install, it seems that one of the files has become corrupted.
QuestionCan modifications be added to the game?Community AnswerYes. The cracked games will not support online features like updates and multiplayer use, but you are able to put mods into them.
QuestionHow do I install a file that has no setup and only consists of part files?Community AnswerThe files are part of an archive, and must first be extracted. They are typically in .RAR format; download and install WinRAR to extract them into a usable format.
QuestionCan I download PS3 games?Community AnswerYes, but you won't be able to play them on your PC. However, you can use these torrents with Homebrew PS3 applications that will allow you to play these torrents.
QuestionWhat do I do if a game I downloaded says it requires a password for installation? I have tried following the instructions to download the password, but it isn't working.Community AnswerIt's more than likely fake. Run. Keep looking and try different torrents. Don't forget to run regular virus scans, though.
QuestionWhat should I do if I download a torrent game and I am asked for "disc 2" when I try to install it?Community AnswerMount the ISO again in another disk drive. This has solved a similar issue for me in the past.
QuestionWhich website do I go to get a torrent game?Community AnswerI recommend The Pirate Bay. There are proxies available if it's blocked in your country.
QuestionIf I have downloaded a torrent game on my android tablet, will I be able to copy it onto a USB and install it on my PC?Community AnswerNo. You can't transfer a game from your Android to your PC, as both have different requirements to run.
QuestionHow do I search for the games?Community AnswerUse PirateBay and UTorrent to download. Or you can use to download games more "safely". You can also use other torrent sites.
QuestionHow do I tell if I'm being scammed when installing a torrent game?Community AnswerIf the file is small, it's a scam. If it has viruses, it also is a scam. Be safe and have fun!
QuestionHow do I install a torrent game?Community AnswerFollow the instructions listed in the article above.
QuestionWhat should I do if I can't install my torrent download file?Community AnswerFind a different torrent. You can probably find one with a quick web search.
QuestionWhat is a crack program? Where do I find it and how do I use it?Community AnswerA crack program is a program used to crack a game's copy-protection. It usually comes with the downloaded Torrent.
QuestionI downloaded it and it gave me a file named EuroTruckSimulator2 which is correct, but the format is FILE. What do I open it with?Community AnswerTry to download it again. It doesn't sound right and it could be a virus.
QuestionWhat do I do if I install a game and it says "Insert disc"?Community AnswerYou have to crack the game in order to be able to play it. Google the name of the game and "crack" after it, you should be able to find a cracked executable (.exe) of the game. Download it, then go to the folder where the game is installed, backup the original executable and replace it with the new cracked one that you just downloaded. Now that the game is cracked, you should be able to play it (using the cracked executable).
QuestionHow would I go about installing a game (Oblivion) if my torrent file is an .mdf?Community AnswerYou need to extract it before installing it since .mdf is a different kind of .iso. I would use DeamonTools, IsoBuster, or something similar.
QuestionIs downloading a PC game onto a tablet and transferring it to a PC safe?Community AnswerYes, it is, as long as you are able to unzip said files prior to transferring.
QuestionWhat do I do if I have downloaded pop from torrent but it has no exe or iso extension file?Community AnswerOpen whatever file it does include.
QuestionWhat if the torrent doesn't come with a product key?Community AnswerLook for one or search for another torrent. It usually comes with one.
QuestionHow do I speed up downloading a torrent?Community AnswerIf it's slow, wait for a while. If it does not download fast, do it later when there is less strain on your internet connection.
QuestionWhy is my downloaded game in .bin format?Community AnswerIt is most likely setup.bin. There are likely several parts: run the first part, and it will start installing and automatically install the second, third, fourth part, etc. Just be patient and wait for the game to install. Of course, make sure to choose your preferred installation path.
QuestionWhen I open the game, it says that I have to put in the original CD. What should I do?Community AnswerDelete the CD file by right clicking the file. After that, scroll down until you find the option “Burn Disc”. Once you find it, click it and follow the instructions. Done!
QuestionI installed a game but when I want to launch it, it goes to Steam and asks me if I want to buy it. What do I do?Ber BerCommunity AnswerDelete Steam. And once you've had enough of the game, reinstall Steam. Maybe you installed a game that is on Steam. If you don't want to delete Steam, open Steam, press add a game, then press add non-Steam game, then select the games that appear on the list, then press add selected programs. If your game isn't on the list, click the browse button.
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