Q&A for How to Is 0 a Positive Integer

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    Why is 0 times x equals to 0?
    Community Answer
    The reason this is true is that, according to the "zero property of multiplication," anything multiplied by zero equals zero.
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    Why can't 0 be both positive and negative?
    Community Answer
    In one sense, that is a meaningless and inconceivable condition. In another sense, however, it could be considered true: zero is "more positive" than negative numbers and at the same time "more negative" than positive numbers. (This is a rather trivial notion, however, in that something similar could be said of any number.)
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    What is the absolute value of negative zero?
    Community Answer
    There is no such thing as “negative zero”. Zero is neither positive nor negative. Zero is just zero, with an absolute value of zero.
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    When is 0 positive and when is it negative?
    Community Answer
    Never. Zero is neutral.
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