Q&A for How to Lead Worship

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    When I'm worshiping, what image should be on my mind?
    Community Answer
    You should keep the image of God on your mind.
  • Question
    How should I show emotion while leading a worship service?
    Community Answer
    Don't be afraid to shed tears of joy and gratitude. Thank God for giving his Son so that we can live and freely worship. Praise the Lord for everything, encourage the congregants to be joyful and show gratitude for all that they have.
  • Question
    What if I'm not good at singing?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't matter. You're worshiping God, not trying out for American Idol. God doesn't care if you don't sing well.
  • Question
    Are very slow worship songs good for big congregation?
    Community Answer
    It is good to have a mix of slower/more traditional songs and faster more upbeat songs during a service.
  • Question
    Which scriptures can I use when leading worship?
    Community Answer
    Any of them. Typically, you would base the scriptures around the teachings of the preacher/pastor/etc. (They generally follow a larger, overall theme.)
  • Question
    Can I set up songs in advance when worshiping each Sunday?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can definitely set up songs in advance.
  • Question
    How to know the songs I choose are the will of the Holy Spirit?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes you'll be able to tell by how they are received by the congregation, whether yokes are broken and spirits are lifted.
  • Question
    Which scripture should I use when leading worship?
    Community Answer
    Psalms 23, The Lord is My Sheppard and the Our Father prayer are great scriptures to use for leading worship.
  • Question
    Is an opening prayer before the start of praise and worship necessary in today's generation of praise and worship?
    Community Answer
    It's your call. If you feel that a prayer would be an appropriate way to open your service and connect with your audience, then go for it. If you feel that it would be better to replace an opening prayer with something else, that is fine too.
  • Question
    Do I need to learn new songs for each service?
    Top Answerer
    Only your worship pastor or worship team leader can answer that question for you.
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    How do I lead worship if I'm shy?
    Community Answer
    Practice with people you trust first. Concentrate on honesty, humility, kindness and simplicity.
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    What should I do if I forget what to sing next while I am leading worship?
    Community Answer
    1. Rely on sheet music as a back-up so it doesn't happen. 2. If you make an obvious mistake, and things go bad, be humble and acknowledge it quickly and light-heartedly. You'll usually get a little laugh, then you can collect yourself and move forward.
  • Question
    How can a first time worship leader ad lib songs?
    Community Answer
    It's probably not a great idea: if people are following words or slides and you go off into a song they aren't expecting, it's usually pretty distracting from worship. If you are going to do it, a lot of times a chorus from a well known song is good to interject in the middle of a set, and try to stick to improvising with slow songs. To prepare, get in the spirit and improvise during a session where you worship alone. Get used to it with just you and God.
  • Question
    How do I make a life out of worship?
    Community Answer
    A heart of worship comes from a relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. When you live with Christ at your center, you go through trials and tribulations that build up your trust and hope as you learn more and see things the way Christ sees them. During these trials, you stand on His promises and have faith, which is tested, and ultimately you persevere. The more Christ is realized as your strength, the deeper your state of worship becomes as you give God a full measure of glory and honor in your worship. Learning more about Christ, talking with him in prayer, allowing him to transform you, serving in your Church and giving tithes and offerings all add to a worshipful life.
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    What are the lively hymns for praise and worship?
    Community Answer
    Here are some super ones to use: Morning Has Broken; Rock of Ages; How Great Thou Art; Guide Me, O Thou Great Redeemer; Make Me A Channel of Your Peace; Jerusalem; Amazing Grace; What A Friend We Have in Jesus; Give Me Joy in my Heart; and All Things Bright and Beautiful.
  • Question
    I am always afraid when asked to lead a song, advice?
    Community Answer
    There is no wrong way to do it! Just worship Jesus, and you will be doing it right! Don't worry about what people think, this is your time with God!
  • Question
    What do I do if the instrumentalist is not going well when leading worship?
    Community Answer
    Just concentrate on your worship leading. It will get corrected eventually and people will be understanding. You can talk to them after the event, to straighten it out for next time.
  • Question
    What are the songs that are good for starting a praise and worship session?
    Irene Ubanan II
    Community Answer
    A song that refers to the Holy Spirit. Welcome Him in your place so that He can manifest in the hearts of the congregation.
  • Question
    How can I build my confidence when leading a church in worship and opening programs?
    Community Answer
    Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and ask the Holy Spirit to give you strength and courage.
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    Should I take feedback from my congregation when singing worship?
    Community Answer
    You can take any feedback received and use it for your improvement, but keep in mind that each piece of feedback you receive is but one person's opinion and should be taken as such. Always remember that you are worshiping God, not the people around you.
  • Question
    Should we not close our eyes during worship?
    Sage Hallock
    Community Answer
    If you feel the music then go do so! Nothing wrong with how you look as long as it is for Him. He definitely loves you!
  • Question
    How do I carry musicians along when taking worship?
    Top Answerer
    Practice with the musicians playing the songs and picking up your cues. In practice, show them how you will lead. Pray together at your rehearsal for unity and harmony. Practice until you can play skillfully unto the Lord.
  • Question
    Is it appropriate to announce that a pre-mass hymn is dedicated to an event like the victims of a plane crash?
    Top Answerer
    It is appropriate to ask worshipers to remember victims of a tragedy if the congregational leader or priest in authority approves of the dedication.
  • Question
    Do I start with slow songs first or fast choruses?
    Top Answerer
    Don't start too fast, allow people to warm up their voices and begin to familiar with others in the room.
  • Question
    How many hymns of praise should be taken before going into worship? Also, how many worship hymns should be taken for worship?
    Top Answerer
    Hymns of praise and hymns of worship are the same thing. Sing as many as your fellowship is accustomed. Do not sing too many so that the congregation feels tedious. Do not sing too few that they are rushed.
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