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Q&A for How to Learn Arabic
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QuestionWhat is the meaning of the words: ana anta anti huma?Community AnswerThe words are as follows: ana- I; anta - you (for males); anti - you (for females); huma - they (for two people); and hum - they (for more than two people).
QuestionWhat are some good books I can read to learn Arabic?Community AnswerTry reading children's books at first to grow your vocabulary and get used to the characters.
QuestionWill it be easier for me to learn if I know how to read Arabic fluently but don't understand it?Community AnswerKnowing the different alphabet and word pronunciations should make it easier to learn Arabic.
QuestionHow long will it take me to have a conversation in Arabic?Community AnswerFor a basic conversation it would take a few weeks to a month, but for fluent conversations it will take at least a year, if not more.
QuestionHow do I learn to recite the Qur'an with fluency?Community AnswerListen frequently to native Arabic speakers who read the Qur'an very well.
QuestionHow do I learn Quranic Arabic meaningfully?Community AnswerYou first need to learn basic Arabic, then study the Quran. After that, you'll learn along the way.
QuestionHow do I say, "How are you?" in Arabic?Community Answer"Keef halak?" (halkom for a group of people) or "sho akhbarak?" (akhbarkom for a group).
QuestionHow do I say "hello" in Arabic?Community AnswerThe most commonly used is "salaam aleikum" - "peace be upon you," that greeting comes from Islam. Other greetings are: "marhhaba," "ahlan," and "salam" - all mean hello; the last one means peace, but Arabs still greet with it.
QuestionHow do I learn Arabic quickly?Community AnswerYou can learn Arabic quickly by learning the letters and talking to a person who knows how to speak Arabic very well.
QuestionHow can I learn to write a letter in Arabic?Community AnswerFind the letter that you want to learn and practise it continually, much like a signature. If you write the letters out enough times, then it will become easier to do so.
QuestionWhat language is spoken in Dubai and Abu Dhabi?Community AnswerArabic is the official language but English is broadly spoken by foreigners. English is the business language.
QuestionWhat is the meaning of "habibi"?Community AnswerHabibi (for males) and habibti (for females) could be compared to "my love," "sweetheart," or something along those lines. It's meant to be used with someone you deeply care about, like a significant other or close family member.
QuestionDo I need an Arabic accent to speak Arabic?Community AnswerNo, you do not need an Arabic accent to speak Arabic. Just make sure you pronounce you words correctly and you will be fine.
QuestionHow do I learn to read the Quran?Community AnswerLearn a few words at a time, and then put together surahs.
QuestionI can read and write Arabic and even speak if I learn some words, but after some time I tend to forget. How do I stop my forgetfulness, and how do I learn without forgetting?Community AnswerYou can practice writing and speaking the words/phrases that you've forgotten more often, record these words/phrases and compile them into a playlist to listen to, or hang said words/phrases in a place that you frequently visit, like your office or bedroom. Practice them more often with others who speak Arabic.
QuestionHow do I say "I'm fine," and "See you," in Arabic?Community AnswerTo say, "I'm fine," you can say "ana bekher," or "انا بخير," and to say "See you," you can say, "aruk lahikan" or "اراق لاحقا."
QuestionHow do I learn Arabic when I'm Turkish?Community AnswerFind an Arabic friend in your town or on the internet and speak with him daily. Take online or in-person language lessons.
QuestionWhat does "Hal 'indaka awlaad?" mean?Community AnswerIt means "Do you have children?" or "Do you have any children?"
QuestionHow can I learn the Arabic alphabet more quickly?Community AnswerPractice a lot, and find someone who can check your mistakes. Pay attention to letters with similar shapes, like ن ت ث ب or س ش or ص ض.
QuestionWhat does "Alif lam meem" mean?Community AnswerAlif is the first letter of the Arabic alphabet and the other two are also letters at the end of the Arabic alphabet.
QuestionCan I learn Arabic if I'm not a Muslim?Community AnswerOf course. Even though the majority of Muslims are Arabic speakers, there is no religious requirement when it comes to learning the language.
QuestionHow can I learn the Arabic alphabet?Community AnswerListen to an alphabet song. Practice writing the alphabet, using a trace board to do so. Once you think you have obtained fluency in it, test yourself. Flashcards would be helpful in this endeavor.
QuestionHow can I learn Arabic in 2 weeks?Community AnswerYou can't. To get any kind of understanding of the language at all will take a few months, and it will take years for you to become fluent.
QuestionWhat does "Ana bahebak" mean?Shadow LoveCommunity AnswerThis is an Arabic term meaning "I Love You". Females use the term "Ana Bihubbika" and males use the term "Ana Bahebak" to say "I Love You" in the Arabic language.
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