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Q&A for How to Live Life As a Kid
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QuestionI am 11 years old I really want hair extensions I feel ugly with short hair I'm scared of everything I'm shy and I can't do math what should I do and I really wanna be a dancer but can't take classes cause I feel it makes me pathetic and I'm not good at anythingJJSTYLECommunity AnswerThis sounds a lot like how I was at 11, and a few years later I was diagnosed with depression. You should probably tell an adult (like your parents) about how you feel bad about yourself and they can get you help.
QuestionI'm 10 years old and I find life tough with everything in the way. I don't have any friends. Is there any way that I can study hard and not focus so much on video games? I try, but I can't resist them.Community AnswerSet a time limit on how long you can play video games in a day. Don't do your studying in the same room as your video games. Don't start playing video games after school until you've finished your homework and/or feel confident for any tests you have coming up. Remember why you want to do well in school when it seems hard to stay focused. Try to step out of your comfort zone at school and talk to some new people. Just say hi and see where it goes. You never know who could be a good friend.
QuestionI'm eleven years old. I want to start a diary, but I'm scared that people will make fun of me and will stop being my friend. What can I do?Community AnswerIf it's that bad, try to keep it hidden. If you have siblings, try to hide it really well. Oh, and anyone who would stop being your friend just because you keep a diary isn't worth having as a friend!
QuestionI'm 10-years-old and I get embarrassed really easily. I feel like I'm really dumb and ugly and I can't even speak up in class because I'm afraid I'm going to say something stupid, what do I do?Zelda StriderCommunity AnswerDon't worry you're not alone. When I was younger I was the same way. In class when you have to speak up, just go over what you're going to say in your mind so when you finally speak you'll know what to say. It'll be hard at first but over time it'll be easier. I felt like I was dumb and ugly but I managed to kind of get over it by thinking about what I liked about myself. Whenever I felt like my body looked bad I would think about how good my hair was. Just remember that you aren't the only person feeling like that and there are plenty of people who are willing to help you.
QuestionHow do I deal with stress, no friends, annoying siblings, wanting private space, and school? I'm 10 years old.Community AnswerTry to think positive thoughts and remember that it gets better. I went through similar things when I was 11, and only a year and a half later I am very happy. What worked for me was meditation and finding friends who complemented me. It helps to talk to someone too, maybe let your parents know how you're feeling or talk to a guidance counselor at school.
QuestionWhy do children like playing pranks and telling jokes?Hannah MaddenCommunity AnswerIt's fun to be a kid, and pranks and jokes are all part of having fun. However, pranks and jokes should never be at the expense of someone else. If a kid ever takes a prank or a joke too far, you can tell a trusted adult about it.
QuestionI am homeschooled, and I really want to make friends but every time I am in a social setting I freeze and don't talk to anyone. How can I make friends?Hannah MaddenCommunity AnswerIt can be tough to talk to new people. When you're at home, try thinking of stuff you could say to break the ice, like, "Who's your favorite video game character?" or, "Have you guys been to the new skate park?" After you introduce yourself, you can ask one of your pre-planned questions to get a fun conversation going.
QuestionI'm really shy. I have one friend. I get embarrassed very easily. I'm in third grade. How can I ignore embarrassment?Hannah MaddenCommunity AnswerIt's tough to ignore embarrassment, even as an adult. If you feel yourself getting embarrassed, try to remember that everyone else's opinion doesn't matter. What matters is that you like yourself and that you're having fun with your life. If you can repeat that to yourself enough, you'll slowly but surely feel less embarrassed over time.
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