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Q&A for How to Look Good for Your Passport Photo
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QuestionShould I wear my hair up or down?Crystal Bear is a Professional Photographer and the Owner of Summer Bear Photography. Crystal specializes in weddings and portraits for women. She holds a BS in Interior Design and Consumer Science from San Francisco State University. Coming from a design background, Crystal brings a sense of style and artistry to her work that brings out her client’s inner confidence, showcases their beauty both inside and out, and puts them at ease. She also specializes in using the correct lighting and branding for women entrepreneurs.If you have a rounder face, wearing your hair down can make your face look slimmer in your passport photo.
QuestionCan I leave my hair loose or do I have to pull it back?Community AnswerYou can pretty much style your hair however you want. It might be a good idea to style it the way you usually expect to have it, so you match up better with your picture when traveling.
QuestionWhat color is best to wear so it stands out a little but not exploding color on the picture?Community AnswerChoose a colour that compliments your skin tone or hair, but make sure that you do not wear very bright colours, as it may look distracting. Go for a colour you would normally wear or a vibrant scarf.
QuestionCan I wear red lipstick with fake eyelashes?Community AnswerYou could, but you should only do that if it's close to your regular look.
QuestionDo I have to show my eyebrows in a passport photo?Community AnswerThere are no rules from the Dept. of State regarding eyebrows, so whatever makes you feel comfortable. Is not having eyebrows usual for you? If so, then that is the look that needs to be presented. If you do have them, then include them.
QuestionIs it okay to wear eyeliner in my passport photo?Community AnswerAs long as you wear eyeliner in your daily life, yes. You just need to make sure your passport photo looks like you.
QuestionI usually wear a full face of makeup, would this be allowed for my passport photo?Community AnswerAs long as that is what you normally look like, yes, that's fine.
QuestionCan I have eyelash extensions for my photo?Community AnswerSince they don't alter the appearance of your face, they are perfectly acceptable to wear for a passport photo.
QuestionDo I have to put my hair behind my ears if I have long hair?Community AnswerYes, I believe you do have to tuck your hair behind your ears.
QuestionIs full fringe hair okay for my passport photograph?Community AnswerYou'll have to pin it back, so that your forehead is visible in the picture.
QuestionCan I wear spectacles in my passport photo?Community AnswerYes, but only if they are not tinted, there's no glare from the flash, and the frames do not cover your eyes at all.
QuestionWhat should I do if I have bangs?Community AnswerWear a headband or pin it back with bobby pins. If you want a little extra style, use colored pins that match your outfit.
QuestionCan I wear my hair in a ponytail?Community AnswerYes, you should be allowed to wear your hair in a ponytail in your passport photo, as long as your hair is pulled back from your face.
QuestionWill dark areas under my eyes be a problem for passport photo? It's not a shadow, it's just how I look. I have deep-set eyes with dark circles under them.Community AnswerThere is no legal issue with dark circles, as they are not shadows. Since they are part of your ordinary appearance, your deep-set eyes should not pose any problems.
QuestionCan I wear my hair in braids for my passport photo?Community AnswerYes, as long as you have your hair pulled behind your face so your features can be seen.
QuestionI'm taking my photo today, and I am sick with a cold, what do I do?Community AnswerYou’ll want to make yourself look as fresh as possible. If you’re female, makeup does wonders. A little highlighter at the inner corners of your eyes and under your arch in your eyebrow will make you look awake, and you can dab some concealer under your eyes if you have circles. A bit of blush will put some color in your cheeks. If you’re male, use a good facial scrub, and put a bit of lotion on your face. It will brighten up your complexion a little bit, and make you look a little bit healthier. And hydrate. Dehydration makes your skin look worse.
QuestionCan I take a passport photograph if I have a bruise on my face?Community AnswerIf this bruise were part of greater facial trauma, then your passport photos would have many other complications. If your bruise is not large and/or does not significantly alter your appearance (you still look like your ordinary self), then you could take that picture. However, it would be ideal to wait for it to heal, as this bruise is temporary and should not reflect your facial appearance for as long as you will have this passport.
QuestionCan I wear a hoodie (with the hood down) in my passport photo?Community AnswerAs long as it's not the same color as the background, yes, you should be fine.
QuestionCan I wear turtle neck shirts in my passport photo?Community AnswerAs long as your face is not obscured or overshadowed, you can wear turtle necks.
QuestionAre there specific colors to wear that are best for a passport photo?Community AnswerAny color is fine, but steer clear of white, as you may blend into the background and look like a floating head!
QuestionAre earrings okay to wear for my passport photo?do you know chong jojun balsa?Community AnswerJewelry is perfectly fine to wear, as long as it does not cover your face. If you are unsure, however, do check with the photo requirements in your state or country to see what they require or prohibit.
QuestionWhat is the best way to hide eye bags in a passport photo?Community Answer
QuestionCan I wear a wig in my passport photo if I've lost all of my hair because of chemotherapy?Community AnswerIf it is your daily look, yes. You just need to look exactly the same as you would every day.
QuestionCan I have my hair up in a messy bun?Community AnswerYes if you’re forehead is visible and there are no shadows over your face.
QuestionCan I wear a braid in my passport photo?Community AnswerYes, you can wear a braid in your passport photo, a side braid could look pretty and your hair might also look neater in a braid.
QuestionCan I wear colored contacts for my passport photo?Community AnswerAs long as you usually wear them, otherwise you might not be recognisable. If it is a one time thing that you are not likely to do again, then don’t.
QuestionCan I wear red lipstick?Community AnswerYes, lipstick does not alter the appearance of your face. Always aim to look like yourself in your passport photograph.
QuestionCan I wear earrings for my passport photo?Community AnswerIt depends on the size of the earrings. You should be allowed to wear studs but not if they cover some of your features. Ask the photographer for advice.
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