Q&A for How to Make Clay from Indigenous Soil

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    How long do you let the sludge sit to separate?
    Community Answer
    24 hours usually works, unless you see a distinct layer on top of cloudy water.
  • Question
    How much soil do I need to make 0.5 pounds of clay?
    Community Answer
    That will depend on how rich in clay your soil is. Try it with 1 pound of soil and see how much clay you end up with. Adjust accordingly.
  • Question
    How can I make clay soil?
    Community Answer
    You should follow the instructions in the article that is listed above.
  • Question
    How do I get the stones out of clay?
    Community Answer
    Sift through the clay using some water to get the clay to move through the sifter. The smaller the sifter, the fewer rocks will remain.
  • Question
    I have a piece of natural clay rock how do I make clay with it
    Community Answer
    The most important step is to remove contaminants. If the clay rock is full of other smaller rocks or debris, you can break it up and follow the same process as purifying clay from soil. This will give you a more pure clay.
  • Question
    Which type of soil contains more clay?
    Community Answer
    Soil near streams often has a lot of clay. To test soil, wet it, roll it into a snake and see if you can wrap it around your finger. If the snake cracks, it's not very good for clay.
  • Question
    Is this clay fine for making pendants or beads for jewelry?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can make clay for jewelry from soil.
  • Question
    Can I use this clay to make a type of waterproof concrete if I mix in wood ash and quicklime to build a foundation?
    Community Answer
    No. The clay still contains a capillary system which would allow the water to seep through the foundation.
  • Question
    How do I make a clay pot?
    Community Answer
    That's a really good question. Making a clay pot is one of the easiest projects to make with your new clay. Starting with a shape in mind, you can use your hands to shape the design and thickness of your pot. This article can give you a few ways to get started: How to Make a Clay Pot .
  • Question
    At what temperature do I fire clay in the kiln?
    Community Answer
    1800 degrees to 2400 degrees Fahrenheit is the normal amount for firing clay in a kiln.
  • Question
    Can this clay be used for cooking?
    Community Answer
    This is not recommended. While it isn't toxic, the clay could possibly crack and break.
  • Question
    Where can I find clay in soil?
    Community Answer
    Clay is most easily found by streams or other moving bodies of water like rivers.
  • Question
    Can this clay be air dried?
    Community Answer
    No, not really. This type of clay needs to be fired in a kiln for it to be permanent.
  • Question
    How can I separate clay from soil without soaking it in water?
    Community Answer
    If it’s pure enough clay, you might be able to use it without processing, but this is the best way to make usable clay. Contaminated clay will probably develop cracks if you try to fire it, though.
  • Question
    Can this clay be used to make bricks?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it can be.
  • Question
    Does this clay dry? Are there any methods to dry it?
    Community Answer
    You can fire it in a kiln just like normal commercial clay. However, backyard clay usually cracks if heated past 1900 degrees F, so heat it at about 1800 degrees F.
  • Question
    Is there a way to make this in under 24 hours?
    Community Answer
    No, because you have to let the clay sit for 24 hours or more for one of the steps.
  • Question
    What can I make with indigenous clay?
    Community Answer
    You can make many things such as pottery, bowls or even plates. Mold into what you want and just make sure to let the clay dry up a little bit then fire it up In the oven to really harden it and get the shape you want.
  • Question
    How do I purify the clay if it is in big chunks that don't easily break apart?
    Community Answer
    Try adding hot water; it softens the compressed dirt into little particles and makes the dirt very easy to work with when making clay.
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